Port Buckminsterfullerton

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green_towns.png Port Buckminsterfullerton
Founder getplayerhead.sh?Atomica67&16.png Atomica67
Category Towns
Underground? No
Fortified? No
Public access? Yes
Public build? With Permission
Road link? Yes
Nexus link? No
Rail link? No
Boat link? No
Portal? No
Coordinates X=1346
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

Port Buckminsterfullerton is a town created by getplayerhead.sh?Atomica67&16.png Atomica67. It is named after the late architect R. Buckminster Fuller, the creator of the Geodesic Dome and the Fuller projection of the Dymaxion Map. It was founded on January 1st, 2023, at 14:40 EST. It is the capitol city of the Atomican Empire. It has many sensible rules, some of which are listed below.


Main Page: Port Buckminsterfullerton Rules

  • You cannot add onto a build without permission
  • You will need to acquire a permit from the Dept. of Health and Safety for running a shop or farm
  • Your building must have a mediæval styled exterior, and it must have a roof made of wood or Red Terracotta (ID: 159:14). Wood is only in the outskirts of the city.
  • Any city worker may remove your build if it does not follow the building guidelines, or if it is unsafe.

Getting There

To get to Port Buckminsterfullerton, follow the south highway at the Emerald Mall and look to your right. You should eventually find a small tunnel there. Follow that as it turns into a bridge. when it reaches the road on the mainland, you are there.

Building There

For permission to build, DM Atomica67 on Discord.


Here are some photos from the history of Port Buckminsterfullerton.

A view of Port Buckminsterfullerton from Route 126.
The corner of the Ironically named Lenin Avenue and Adam Smith street. (Adam Smith was the father of capitalism, and Lenin led the Bolshevik Revolution.)
A photo of Atomica67's house under construction. (Jan 9th, 2023)
A render of the posh district of Hillston, with Atomica67's house in the centre. (January 15th, 2023)
A view of getplayerhead.sh?Atomica67&16.png Atomica67's house from Leiden St.