Simmuel Route Data/Waterfall Branch

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Reminder: if you just created this, please remember to add your boat route on Boat Routes!
Map link to first buoy listed in data

One level up: Simmuel Route Data



Route Name Primary Colour Secondary Colour
Simmuel Route - Waterfall Branch #80C71F #F38BAA

3435 65 4997 3435 65 4997 3447 65 5005 3480 65 5005 3540 65 5005 3539 65 5005 3586 65 5005 3634 65 5005 3686 65 4995 3724 65 5022 3782 65 5022 3828 65 5022 3782 65 5022 3776 65 5062 3776 65 5114 3769 65 5175 3758 65 5251 3753 65 5273 3754 64 5295 3709 64 5305 3664 64 5338 3614 64 5385 3579 64 5424 3554 64 5455 3550 64 5474 3570 64 5497 3564 64 5549 3578 64 5661 3491 64 5765 3504 64 5822 3517 64 5880 3519 64 5925 3603 64 6010 3630 64 6071 3636 64 6101 3613 64 6133 3600 64 6157 3600 64 6190 3613 64 6276 3607 64 6323 3614 64 6368 3613 64 6384 3591 65 6392 3549 65 6410 3497 65 6412 3452 65 6413 3410 65 6435 3360 65 6409 3334 65 6373 3317 65 6355 3317 65 6287 3290 65 6287 3257 65 6272 3203 65 6264 3177 65 6236 3182 65 6183 3175 65 6133 3194 65 6094