Snow Golem Route Data/RMS Titanic Branch

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Map link to first buoy listed in data

One level up: Snow Golem Route Data



Route Name Primary Colour Secondary Colour
Snow Golem Route - RMS Titanic Branch #a12722 #a12722

-7773 65 5030 -7748 65 5047 -7723 65 5077 -7681 65 5110 -7642 65 5136 -7605 65 5159 -7573 65 5194 -7525 64 5224 -7497 64 5228 -7486 64 5225 -7460 64 5226 -7457 64 5214 -7444 64 5215 -7434 64 5221 -7431 64 5229 -7430 64 5244 -7430 64 5253 -7417 64 5262 -7376 64 5254 -7339 65 5240 -7316 65 5252 -7306 65 5273 -7287 65 5296 -7264 65 5298 -7247 64 5295 -7207 64 5297 -7161 64 5307 -7140 64 5313 -7104 65 5337 -7079 65 5354 -7039 64 5381 -7025 64 5383 -7019 65 5390 -7021 64 5397 -7021 64 5418 -7000 64 5463 -6959 65 5472 -6910 65 5472 -6866 65 5472 -6815 65 5481 -6786 65 5502 -6743 64 5542 -6743 64 5601 -6741 64 5623 -6730 64 5623 -6704 65 5628