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Computer-readable source code format for boat routes data.

Template Format

|routename    = (optional - defaults to page name)
|colour1      = (required)
|colour2      = (optional)
|coords       = (required)

Empty Template

|routename    = 
|colour1      = 
|colour2      = 
|coords       = 
  • routename is the display name of the route and must be unique if provided (i.e. not the same as routenames of other routes).
  • colour1 is a hex colour code (e.g. #bb7520 - note the presence of the # symbol), which determines the colour of the boat route when displayed on the map.
  • If another colour is also useful for representing the route, colour2 (another hex colour code) can also be used to create a dashed line with alternating colour1 and colour2.
    • If you would like an alternating coloured/white dashed line, colour2 should be set to white (hex: #ffffff).
    • If more than 2 colours represent the route, the most distinct two colours should be selected.
  • coords is a list of coordinates in format x y z or x z (with y being defaulted to 64), separated by newlines, that defines the path taken by the boat route. These are usually the coordinates of sequential buoys going from the route's start to end, but extra coordinates may also be recorded where the route changes direction in the absence of buoys.

Recording Boat Route Coordinates

getplayerhead.sh?Microcosms&16.png Microcosms wrote a small macro to simplify the recording of coordinates for various boat routes, which may be of use:

$${LOG("coords added");LOGTO("coord_log_%DATE%.txt","%XPOS% %YPOS% %ZPOS%");}$$.

Please note that the author is not claiming this macro will work as expected, or work at all, and is not providing any warranty for this code. This macro is expected to create and write to a file - be aware of the risks of this before using the macro, and in general please ensure you are aware and comfortable with what each part of this macro is doing before using it. This macro can also only be used with Mumfreys Macro mod, which can be found here: Macro / Keybind Mod.

If you choose to use this macro, one possible process is as follows:

  1. Bind the macro to a key (let this be <KEY>). Let the date of recording be <DATE>.
  2. Go to the start of a boat route.
    1. Stand on top of a buoy and press <KEY>.
    2. Travel to the next buoy (e.g. with /jumpto) and repeat the previous step. Repeat until the end of the boat route is reached.
  3. Navigate to
    (note the slash directions may be different depending on your operating system, and there's a possibility of the path being different as well).
  4. The coordinates for the boat route should be in that file. This file can either be renamed so another route can be recorded on the same day without writing into this (now completed) file, or the data copied elsewhere. This is the data that should go into the coords field.


|routename    = Boaty McBoatRoute
|colour1      = #ffffff
|colour2      = #000000
|coords       = -900 65 -10000
-910 65 -10005
-930 65 -10010
-930 65 -10000
-1000 65 -10100

Produces the formatted page (assuming there are no subpages/branches and the page itself is not a branch):

Map link to first buoy listed in data



Route Name Primary Colour Secondary Colour
Boaty McBoatRoute #ffffff #000000

-900 65 -10000 -910 65 -10005 -930 65 -10010 -930 65 -10000 -1000 65 -10100

For a list of pages using this template, see Category:Boat route data.