The Elites

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Organisations The Elites

The Elites’ ore logo.

Leadership NickolasDiamond
Headquarters Heaven On Sea
Founded ?
Public? No
Status Unknown

The Elites is a secret organisation specialising in the protection of Heaven On Sea’s town residents & the protection of meetings of the League of Peaceful Towns. The Elites do make bulk trades and have an undisclosed networth of diamond blocks. The Elites operate as 1 & may donate to new players or builds materials or even wealth (diamond blocks, lapis etc.).

Public Agendas:

• Bounties on rule breakers of Heaven On Sea.

• Bounties on unfriendly players.

• Protection of meetings of L.P.T.

Hidden Agendas:

5 x (•)

Want protection for your town/city/organisation/yourself?

You may contact NickolasDiamond in game with /mail send <text>.


15 diamond blocks for yourself.

20 diamond blocks for towns.

35 diamond blocks for cities.

40 diamond blocks for organisations.

What do we mean with protection?

Protection includes:

Bankruptcy protection (we support you in housing or materials).

Bounty protection. We may revert bounties put on you by other none Elite members.

Guard protection. You will have guards protecting you at needed times.

If you get killed by someone we put a bounty on the killer & give you his head + loot.

Become an Elite!

Information can be found on the bottom of the Heaven On Sea’s wiki page. CLICK HERE.

Members: Undisclosed