The Periodic Table of MinecraftOnline

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green_pixel+art.png Periodic Table
Image 2024-06-26 101239273.png
Owner SuchDarkness
Contributors Ertum
Category Pixel Art
Underground? No
Public? Yes
Started February 16, 2024
Completed June 1, 2024
Size north to south 320m
Size west to east 576m
Height 1m
Coordinates X=-17100
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

Stretching 576 blocks in length and 320 blocks in width, the periodic table is one of the largest 2-D builds on the server, with only a handful of builds, such as the Andromeda Mapart, being bigger at 640x384. Each element on the table is represented by a 32x32 block square, with the color of the square referring to the periodic group of the elements. The colors are based on the periodic table at, where Alkali Metals are orange, Alkaline Earth Metals are yellow, Transition Metals are red, Metalloids are cyan, Nonmetals are lime, Noble Gasses are purple, Lanthanides are brown, and Actinides are pink.

Every element is individually presented by 3 things: Its atomic number, its atomic symbol, and its atomic weight, which are displayed from the top to the bottom respectively.

At the time of writing, the build itself is not 100% complete, as 10 of the elements are currently missing from the bottom-right corner, but they will be filled in eventually, and the table completed.

The table was built by SuchDarkness with assistance from Ertum.

Started on February 16, 2024, and completed on June 1, 2024, with on and off building.


Materials Used

  • Orange Concrete: 6144
  • Yellow Concrete: 6144
  • Red Concrete: 45056
  • Cyan Concrete: 7168
  • Lime Concrete: 11264
  • Purple Concrete: 6144
  • Brown Concrete: 14336
  • Pink Concrete: 14336
  • Gray Concrete: 10240 (or at least it will when the last 10 elements are added)
  • A significant amount of White Wool (at least 2 shulker boxes)

Why it was built

The creator of the build, SuchDarkness, has recently been obsessed with chemistry. What better way to express it, he thought, than on his favorite Minecraft server? And so he did.