The Sparkler Corporation

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Organisations The Sparkler Corporation

Bringing a Sparkle to Freedonia

Leadership StardustSparkler
Headquarters One Sparkler Building
Founded 2 February 2025
Public? No
Status Active

The Sparkler Corporation, Sparkler Corporation, Sparkler Corp, etc. is a conglomerate organization founded, owned, and operated chiefly by StardustSparkler, and is the operator of its subsidiary companies. While it lists its founding date as the second of February 2025, when the map art of its logo was completed, it could be said that the founding of the company was on the twenty-eighth of January 2025, as that was when the first map art made with the future corporation in mind was completed.

The Sparkler Corporation will be based within the One Sparkler Building once the building is completed, with future numbered Sparkler Buildings handling outreach and activities in the regions in which they are constructed.

The Sparkler Corporation is the chief operator of the following subsidiaries:

  • Sparkler Commercial
  • Sparkler Developments
  • Sparkler Projects
  • Sparkler Publishing

This is a partial list, and more subsidiaries may be created if the reason for their existence presents itself.

Sparkler Corporation would like to thank Crafter_Keegan for his assistance in providing some of the black wool used in the organization's map art.

Sparkler Corporation is a privately run organization, and is not currently accepting new employees/contributors. Thank you.


Learn more about our subsidiaries by pressing the buttons below!
SparklerCorporationIcon.png SparklerCommercialIcon.png SparklerDevelopmentsIcon.png SparklerProjectsIcon.png SparklerPublishingIcon.png
Sparkler Corporation Sparkler Commercial Sparkler Developments Sparkler Projects Sparkler Publishing