Hispanic Union

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Organisations The Hispanic Union
Leadership getplayerhead.sh?Blacknightmon&16.png Blacknightmon(current President)
Headquarters Hispania
Founded November of 2024
Public? No
Status Active
Flag of the Hispanic Union


The Hispanic Union (HU) is an organization dedicated to protecting and uniting all Spanish-speaking players.


Blacknightmon, King of Tax Haven, with the help of other members from the Hispanic community of MCO (such as J4V2, Milanesa, and NadaCAT, among others), created a Discord server with the objective of assisting other Spanish-speaking players and working together to improve their settlements and projects. After a democratic election, they decided to establish the Hispanic Union to protect themselves from other players. To join this organization, you must be part of the Discord server, apply for membership, and have your application reviewed by the President in consultation with other members of the alliance.



The President of the Hispanic Union is elected through a democratic vote held on November 9th. All members of the Union have the right to participate. The role of the President is primarily administrative; the true power resides in the will of the members. All important issues are discussed and voted on within the Discord server. The President must be an active and regular player.


To become a member of the Hispanic Union, you must be a Spanish speaker.


If a settlement wishes to join the Union, its founder, President, or owner must speak Spanish. Each case will be evaluated individually. Additionally, the settlement must host a headquarters for the Union.


Join the Discord Server here.

If the link button does not work, you can use the link below:


Settlements of the Hispanic Union

  1. Hispania (Headquarter)
  2. Tax Haven
  3. NatureLand
  4. New Hyrule
  5. Fiumepolis
  6. Signak State


  1. getplayerhead.sh?Blacknightmon&16.png Blacknightmon
  2. getplayerhead.sh?J4V2&16.png J4V2
  3. getplayerhead.sh?NadaCAT&16.png NadaCAT
  4. getplayerhead.sh?Milanesa&16.png Milanesa
  5. getplayerhead.sh?Charmolino&16.png Charmolino
  6. getplayerhead.sh?JesusMRS&16.png JesusMRS
  7. getplayerhead.sh?pinguilin05&16.png pinguilin05
  8. getplayerhead.sh?Lipe20&16.png Lipe20
  9. getplayerhead.sh?nano_100&16.png nano_100
  10. getplayerhead.sh?Creeper_Power&16.png Creeper_Power
  11. getplayerhead.sh?MM3DChile&16.png MM3DChile
  12. getplayerhead.sh?Marcosprogamer_&16.png Marcosprogamer_
  13. getplayerhead.sh?FearCatReborn&16.png FearCatReborn
  14. getplayerhead.sh?IanThePlug&16.png IanThePlug