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nexus_towns.png Hispania
2024-05-18 12.35.48 2.png


Founder getplayerhead.sh?J4V2&16.png J4V2

getplayerhead.sh?nano_100&16.png nano_100

Contributors getplayerhead.sh?SiOtter&16.png SiOtter

getplayerhead.sh?JggufgJJhhhJJJng&16.png JggufgJJhhhJJJng getplayerhead.sh?Golumer67&16.png Golumer67 getplayerhead.sh?happy_guy&16.png happy_guy

Category Towns
Underground? No
Fortified? Yes
Public access? Yes
Public build? No
Road link? Yes
Nexus link? Yes
Rail link? Yes
Boat link? Yes
Portal? Yes
Coordinates X=-3888
Dimension Overworld
Map Link


Founded by getplayerhead.sh?J4V2&16.png J4V2 and getplayerhead.sh?nano_100&16.png nano_100 in May 2024, with the aim of being able to build without having to ask for permits or wait to have permits.

About Hispania

The city is not free build

The official sport of the city: fist fight on roof

The official religion of the city is the Doorism

Important: We do NOT have a public chest room (remember this when you visit the city).

Hispania flag

Discord: https://discord.gg/gQVJ67Kh2S

How to Get There

By road:

Pink 1 Nexus ===> road on the right ===> first exit on the right with a sign indicating "to Hispania".

By boat:

Deviate from the Enjoku Route at -3584 -2881 and continue straight.

By rail:

Hispania Station on the Iceh line.

City Rules

  • Don't grief
  • Hate Cisco Packet Tracer
  • Do not leave trees floating
  • Respect building regulations ↓

Build in the Town

Hispania is a town of non-public construction so an authorization is necessary to build, the town is made up of two neighborhoods with different requirements to build in them.

When building in the city it is stated that the following regulations have been read and accepted.

City staff reserves the right to demolish or modify buildings built by citizens to maintain the city's status.

All these terms are considered read and accepted if it is built in the city.

The Public Neighborhood

The public neighborhood is located south of the river. This neighborhood has predefined plots. To build in this neighborhood, a permit is necessary and that the building meets the town's standards. If these are not met, the town's public demolition company will notify the owner through media. a sign on the door that has a period of 3 days you can remove your things from the house after that period the structure will be demolished.

The Private Neighborhood

This is located north of the river to build it is necessary to have built in the public neighborhood and through the constructions of that neighborhood the city staff will assess whether the player is suitable or not to build in this neighborhood, the rules and limits of this will depend of the staff's assessment.


Hispania Museum

Hispania Station

town hall



Companies and Organizations


Hispanic constructions

hispania rails and trails


highway and road administration

agricultural administration

mining administration

transport administration

Embassies of Hispania

hispania embassy in newport

Embassies in Hispania

City Organization

City Staff:

getplayerhead.sh?J4V2&16.png J4V2: Mayor

getplayerhead.sh?nano_100&16.png nano_100: idk

getplayerhead.sh?happy_guy&16.png happy_guy: builder of the lighthouse district


getplayerhead.sh?nano_100&16.png nano_100

getplayerhead.sh?JggufgJJhhhJJJng&16.png JggufgJJhhhJJJng


getplayerhead.sh?gaalaxii&16.png gaalaxii

getplayerhead.sh?ShadowAuraI&16.png ShadowAuraI

getplayerhead.sh?Sery73&16.png Sery73

getplayerhead.sh?JggufgJJhhhJJJng&16.png JggufgJJhhhJJJng

getplayerhead.sh?HASANX23&16.png HASANX23 (banned)

getplayerhead.sh?KEK36789&16.png KEK36789

getplayerhead.sh?509jordi&16.png 509jordi

getplayerhead.sh?HAKTe&16.png HAKTe (I hope he gets banned soon)(He stole two shulkers from me)

getplayerhead.sh?Golumer67&16.png Golumer67

getplayerhead.sh?Makizm&16.png Makizm

getplayerhead.sh?itchyLlama&16.png itchyLlama

getplayerhead.sh?Croat1a&16.png Croat1a

getplayerhead.sh?E6V&16.png E6V

getplayerhead.sh?wintrysummit&16.png wintrysummit

getplayerhead.sh?Tile17&16.png Tile17

getplayerhead.sh?Xrck26&16.png Xrck26

getplayerhead.sh?Mega1000321&16.png Mega1000321

getplayerhead.sh?K_will990&16.png K_will990

getplayerhead.sh?Ghostis_&16.png Ghostis_

getplayerhead.sh?Spilore&16.png Spilore (banned)

getplayerhead.sh?froxx_248&16.png froxx_248

getplayerhead.sh?Formel9000&16.png Formel9000

getplayerhead.sh?GhostofGoblin&16.png GhostofGoblin

getplayerhead.sh?jesev&16.png jesev

getplayerhead.sh?Splashy_Wolf&16.png Splashy_Wolf

getplayerhead.sh?Rudyb&16.png Rudyb

getplayerhead.sh?IgnisDracones&16.png IgnisDracones

getplayerhead.sh?YoshiPro767&16.png YoshiPro767

getplayerhead.sh?stecklyashka&16.png stecklyashka

getplayerhead.sh?Toto1906XD&16.png Toto1906XD

getplayerhead.sh?_zverskiyZver_&16.png _zverskiyZver_

getplayerhead.sh?mzaxpo&16.png mzaxpo

getplayerhead.sh?Sebastianyt&16.png Sebastianyt

getplayerhead.sh?elNano15710&16.png elNano15710

getplayerhead.sh?xMauroSB&16.png xMauroSB

getplayerhead.sh?Mathixo6&16.png Mathixo6

getplayerhead.sh?Angelgtcraft&16.png Angelgtcraft

getplayerhead.sh?F40CARZ&16.png F40CARZ

getplayerhead.sh?9ba&16.png 9ba

getplayerhead.sh?xovial0&16.png xovial0

getplayerhead.sh?MrLuis_XD&16.png MrLuis_XD

getplayerhead.sh?huskiak&16.png huskiak

getplayerhead.sh?facundo7653&16.png facundo7653 (?)

getplayerhead.sh?franco1389&16.png franco1389

getplayerhead.sh?ItsBenjalur&16.png ItsBenjalur

getplayerhead.sh?Bastornez&16.png Bastornez

getplayerhead.sh?username_naem&16.png username_naem

and more

Material Suppliers

5/18/24 seconds before the first mayor of the city was murdered by an assailant, both died instantly

getplayerhead.sh?orchunter88&16.png orchunter88: 600 blocks of nether bricks