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User AKSoapy29
Known as AKSoapy29, AK, Soapy
Gender Male
Location Minnesota, USA
DOB 1998-02-3rd
In Freedonia
First joined January 22nd 2012
Staff member Moderator
Donor level ** Donor II
View profile and statistics


AKSoapy29 is a moderator on MCO. He first joined the server on January 22nd, 2012. He played regularly up until blank blank, 2014. Soapy rejoined the server just days after the 10th birthday of MCO. One night shortly after, Soapy logged into the server after work. AlphaAlex115 ask if Soapy would like to be a moderator, completely surprising him. At the time, Soapy was just starting to make dinner.

Soapy has been helping MCO by performing moderator duties, as well as testing and fixing bugs for the 1.12 update, as well as writing and maintaining plugins.


  • UWC
  • New Haven Cake Factory
  • Spleef Arena
  • MCO360
  • Various plugins for 1.12 update

What else...


AKSoapy29 Skin.png


MCO360 is a prototype project that AKSoapy29 made. It will have a list of places on MCO that have been Google Streetview'ed.

2020 update: Project has been restarted and the system is being completely rewritten. This has introduced a ton of new features. Current preview link: [1]


MCO360 Preview.png