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User DarkMatter3481

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Known as Dark, DarkM
Gender Male
Location The Milky way galaxy
In Freedonia
First joined 17 May 2020
First building underground mine/base thing
Donor level **** Donor IV
Kit level ***** Aether
View profile and statistics

Hello why are you here?

What is life?

Does free will exist?

Clay is made from 4 clay. If you cook clay it becomes a brick. If you combine 4 cooked clay it becomes bricks. But if you combine 4 clay and then cook it it becomes terracotta. Terracotta and Bricks are made from the same 4 clay. But they are different. Where does the concrete between the bricks come from? Exactly how much clay is needed for it to become terracotta and not bricks when cooked? Is terracotta just a giant brick? Are houses made from stacked terracotta become houses made of bricks?


Currently working on my first big project, Industria.

Other that that, I build strange craftbook/redstone doohickeys

I also built a Dirt farm quarry called F.A.D.E.

Alts DarkMatter3482