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User antikeppi2

Charlie Chaplin

Known as Egitto, Eggito, Egg
Gender Male
Location Europe
Nationality Italian
Occupation Student
In Freedonia
First joined July 4th 2020
Donor level **** Donor IV
Kit level ***** Obsidian
View profile and statistics

First Days

Antikeppi2 (Today well known as Egitto) is a player; joined for the first time on July 2020. He liked the server so much,

but didn't spend so much hours in the first months. He said; "Couldn't play so much because of the lag that there was back

in the days" Egitto

Year 2022

He started playing much more when the server updated to 1.12.2, His project is to build Albourg, a Kingdom.

He made friends during his journey in MCO, and still making, he really loves his City and loves greetings new players, and usual players.

Year 2023

He made new friends, one of his friends is Revulose. He still busy with his town. He built the Egg Tower near spawn. He also met other people…


  • His City
  • New Players (If they're not griefers)
  • His Friends
  • Good Reputation


  • Griefers
  • Bad Reputation

Funny People I Met During My Journeys Luwolf_222