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FlyingJellyfish praying to the lawd. Please read the logs below and pray with all of us.
<FlyingJellyfish> you need the lawd winx <winx51> yeah jelly <winx51> i know <winx51> i need a saviorrr <FlyingJellyfish> confeyas your sins and be bawn agaiyn <winx51> oh lawd <winx51> please relieve me of mah sinsss <winx51> eatch me as i fall into this pool of water and damn near drown <winx51> all for you mah lawwdddd <winx51> HALLELUJAH <winx51> i am bawn agayn! <FlyingJellyfish> done been washed clean of aaalll a yall's sins <FlyingJellyfish> AMEN BROTHA <winx51> praise the lawd! <FlyingJellyfish> and bin promised entrance into da pearly gates <FlyingJellyfish> father gawd we praise ya <winx51> i am washed in da blood lawdd * winx51 sings a hymnn <winx51> praise be unto you lawd! <winx51> my life has taken new direction! <FlyingJellyfish> lawd I give you all my sins lawd <winx51> lawd, cleanse me of my evil TO-DAY <winx51> AMEN <winx51> deliver me from evil lawd! <FlyingJellyfish> I call on your holey name <FlyingJellyfish> AMEN <FlyingJellyfish> preach sista! <winx51> Imma' preachin sistah! <winx51> THE LORD IS GOOD <winx51> hallelujah! HALLELUJAH! <FlyingJellyfish> I got the LAWD <winx51> the lord is with us to-day <winx51> and fo'eva <winx51> amen <FlyingJellyfish> ah will not listen to the temptations of the evil one no more <FlyingJellyfish> amen <winx51> them steets are painted gold in heaven sista