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/jumpto is a movement command available with diamond kit, and to moderators.


Typing /jumpto or /j in chat instantly takes you to the first two-block space above the block targeted by your cursor.

Like other movement commands, players and staff frequently use AutoHotkeys to bind this command to a mouse button or keyboard key for easy usage.


  • You do not have to target the side of a block - you can target the underside of an overhang or ceiling to jump to the first space above it.
  • You may jump into lava because the command ignores whether you will jump into it or into safe air or water.
  • Thus, placing lava below the floor prevents players from safely accessing overhanging structures from below.
  • However, you can still jump to the tops of walls by targeting them. You can defend against this by covering exterior walls with lava, or burning netherrack.

See also