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This page is about kits that a player can obtain with vote tokens. For in-game commerce, see Category:Commercial. For cosmetic perks bought with real money, see Donation System.
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Players earn Vote Tokens by voting for MinecraftOnline on Server Lists, which helps promote our server. The only ones which currently earn player tokens are:

A successful vote will also trigger a message in the in-game chat system.

For the history of voting tokens, see also the Donation System#Timeline.


  • Some votes may not be registered due to incorrectly capitalised names or service instability.
  • Voting using bots or VPN is illegal per voting sites’ terms of services. (see the FAQ for Minecraft Server Top List in the PMC voting page and MSL ToU) It creates unfair advantages over kit purchases and results in consequences of removal of tokens and kits that target users have obtained throughout.
    It risks ALL player’s rights to vote followed by delisting from their server lists.

Spending Tokens on Kits

Tokens can be spent to purchase Kits with the /store command.

At the time of this writing, the presently-available kits available to players through the Store are as follows:

Kit Price Voting Time*
Wood Kit 14 1 Week
Stone Kit 28 2 Weeks
Iron Kit 56 1 Month
Gold Kit 126 2.25 Months
Diamond Kit 546 9.75 Months
Obsidian Kit 728 1 Year
Nether Kit 910 1.25 Years
Aether Kit 1092 1.5 Years
Demigod Kit 2184 3 Years
God Kit 4368 6 Years
Supergod kit 22015 30 Years

*The voting time needed to obtain the tokens to buy the kit assuming a player votes at two sites daily. A month is 28 days in this case.

Please note that these prices are subject to change. Future upgrades to higher level kits will be available at a discounted price in proportion to the value of your existing kit rank.

Here is a more comprehensive list of prices, from each kit level to each kit level available, as described by a player using the /store command. This was as of mid-2022.

Wood Stone Iron Gold Diamond Obsidian Nether Aether Demigod God Supergod
(no kit) 14 28 56 126 546 728 910 1092 - - -
Wood 15 43 114 538 722 905 1089 - - -
Stone 29 99 524 707 891 1075 - - -
Iron 71 495 679 863 1047 - - -
Gold 425 609 792 976 - - -
Diamond 184 368 552 1655 3861 -
Obsidian 184 368 1471 3677 -
Nether 184 1287 3493 -
Aether 1103 3309 -
Demigod 2206 -
God 17647

The Demigod and God kits are only available to players with at least Diamond kit. Supergod is only available to players with God kit.

Kit Perks

Wood Kit

  • Full set of wood tools every hour (/kit woodtools)
  • Full set of leather armour every hour (/kit leatherarmour)
  • Plus /craftnote command to create note items with custom text(paper and ink required)!
  • Plus access to the old and new Donor Lounges (/warp donorlounge & /warp newdonorlounge)
  • Plus lock up to 3 chests with /lwc!
  • Plus a single gold star next to your name when you say something in chat (*)

Stone Kit

  • Everything that comes with the wood kit
  • Full set of stone tools every hour (/kit stonetools)
  • Full set of chainmail armour every hour (/kit chainmailarmour)
  • Plus /descend command to instantly travel down one level - great for mining!
  • Plus lock up to 4 chests with /lwc!
  • Plus two gold stars next to your name when you say something in chat (**)

Iron Kit

  • Everything from the above kits
  • Full set of iron tools every hour (/kit irontools)
  • Full set of iron armour every hour (/kit ironarmour)
  • Plus /thru command to instantly teleport through the wall in front of you!
  • Plus lock up to 5 chests with /lwc!
  • Plus three gold stars next to your name when you say something in chat (***)

Gold Kit

  • Everything from the above kits
  • Full set of gold tools every hour (/kit goldtools)
  • Full set of gold armor every hour (/kit goldarmour)
  • A collection of commonly used tools (/kit misctools) Contains a Clock, Compass, Bucket, Saddle, Bow, Fishing Rod & Shears (cooldown of 1h)
  • Plus /ascend command to instantly travel up one level - great for getting above ground in a hurry!
  • Plus lock up to 6 chests with /lwc!
  • Plus four gold stars next to your name when you say something in chat (****)

Diamond Kit

  • Everything from the above kits
  • Full set of diamond tools every hour (/kit diamondtools)
  • Full set of diamond armour every hour (/kit diamondarmour)
  • Plus /heal command to instantly replenish your health (cooldown of 5 seconds, it will hurt you if used before said cooldown)!
  • Plus /jumpto command to instantly teleport to wherever you're looking - great for exploring and building!
  • Plus lock up to 7 chests with /lwc!
  • Plus five gold stars next to your name when you say something in chat (*****)

Obsidian Kit

  • Everything from the above kits
  • Plus /teleport command to instantly teleport to any player, subject to their consent!
  • Plus /summon command to instantly summon any player to you, subject to their consent!
    • You can use /clearrequests to clear both (?) type of requests!
  • Plus /tpto command to teleport to your saved aliases or any coordinates directly! (Cooldown of 60s)
  • Plus /unstuck command to dig yourself out when you teleport inside walls or into the ground!
  • Plus /up and /ceil commands to raise you a certain height, and place a glass block under your feet, for working high up! (Both have a cooldown of 15s)
  • Plus lock up to 8 chests with /lwc!
  • Plus five purple stars next to your name when you say something in chat (*****)

Nether Kit

  • Everything from the above kits
  • Plus the teleport commands all work in the nether!
  • A kit to spawn flint & steel every 2 hours (/kit fire)
  • Plus the flint & steel and fire charges becomes usable, to light fires, kill mobs and open nether portals!
  • Plus lock up to 9 chests with /lwc!
  • Plus five red stars next to your name when you say something in chat (*****)

Aether Kit

  • Everything from the above kits
  • Plus the teleport commands all work in the End!
  • Plus /heal command can be used on other players!
  • Plus /feed command to fill your hunger bar, and can be used on other players! (Cooldown of 30s)
  • Plus ability to build healing seats using [Sit Heal] signs!
  • Plus /chill command to freeze nearby water! (Cooldown of 10s)
  • Plus /heatwave command to thaw nearby ice and snow! (Cooldown of 20s)
  • Plus /drought command to drain nearby water and lava! (Cooldown of 10s)
  • Plus /smoothwater command to flatten nearby water surfaces! (Cooldown of 20s)
  • Plus /slaughter command to kill all nearby mobs! (Cooldown of 30s) (keep in mind that the drop and experience in this case will not fall out of them)
  • Plus /grassify command to turn bare dirt in the area of ​​31x31 blocks around you into grass! (Cooldown of 30m)
  • Plus lock up to 10 chests with /lwc!
  • Plus five blue stars next to your name when you say something in chat (*****)

Demigod Kit

  • Everything from the above kits
  • Plus all of the above commands, as well as ordinary fast travel commands, with only half of the cooldown time!
  • Plus double the range on the /slaughter command!
  • A set of items for use with CraftBook, including a sign, a stack of redstone, and 4 levers (/kit craftbook) (30 minutes cooldown)
  • Plus /smoothlava command to fix lava surfaces!
  • Plus /mycelify command to turn nearby dirt into mycelium!
  • Plus /randomgift command to receive an item at random, from dirt to diamond!
  • Plus /pet command to instantly summon a tamed peaceful mob!
  • Plus /potions command to give yourself a random selection of positive potion effects!
  • Plus /milk command to remove all potion effects from either yourself or another player!
  • Plus /toast command to set another player on fire for one tick!
  • Plus /demigod command to become temporarily invulnerable to all damage for 20 seconds! 7 minute 30 second cooldown.
  • Plus lock up to 15 chests with /lwc!
  • Plus /craft, /anvil and /echest to open the crafting table/anvil/ender chest UI without the respective blocks
  • Plus five white stars next to your name when you say something in chat (*****)

God Kit

  • Everything from the above kits
  • Plus all of the above commands without cooldowns!
  • Plus the God stick - any ordinary stick is transformed into an instant block removing tool that never wears out!
  • Plus any golden sword can now create lightning strikes in the direction you look at!
  • Plus /wrathofthunder command to strike another player with lightning!
  • Plus /give command to instantly summon any number of any items in the game!
    • Note that players with this kit may not give items obtained with this command to other players.
  • Plus /clearinventory to quickly clear your inventory!
  • Plus /spawnmob command to instantly spawn any animal or monster as you want!
  • Plus /givexp command to instantly give experience!
  • Plus /time day and /time night commands to singlehandedly change the time!
  • Plus /god command to make yourself invulnerable!
  • Plus /tp command to teleport yourself to any player!
  • Plus /tphere command to teleport any player to yourself!
  • Plus // and /sp superpickaxe commands, to turn any pickaxe into a recursive or area-effect superpickaxe!
  • Plus lock up to 30 chests with /lwc!
  • Plus the default prefix (*GOD*) next to your name when you say something in chat!
  • Plus the ability to set your own prefix and name colour with the /setprefix command!
  • And much more!

Supergod Kit

  • Everything from the above kits
  • Plus all WorldEdit commands!
  • Plus creative mode!
  • Plus a Private World! (subject to availability)
  • Plus additional formatting codes for /setprefix to allow bold text, underscored text, strikethrough text, and obfuscated text!