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green_towns.png 44town

A small forgotten town.

Founder getplayerhead.sh?44trent3&16.png 44trent3
Contributors getplayerhead.sh?Kalirad&16.png Kalirad
Category Towns
Underground? No
Fortified? No
Public access? Yes
Public build? No
Size north to south 196m
Size west to east 118m
Road link? Yes
Nexus link? No
Rail link? No
Boat link? No
Portal? Yes
Coordinates X=-13614
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

44town is a town started by getplayerhead.sh?44trent3&16.png 44trent3 on February 24th, 2019, located in western Freednia. It has become a mostly forgotten settlement. It is comprised of many stone square plots on the ocean, presumably for its citizens to build homes on. The town is deserted, never seeing much real development aside from a handful of plots and a couple of buildings. It is infamous for being the site where wool was mass-farmed by the banned player getplayerhead.sh?Kalirad&16.png Kalirad in the construction of the Nazi Bambi map art.

Loss of Ownership

In July of 2023, word was passed to the MinecraftOnline community that getplayerhead.sh?44trent3&16.png 44trent3 had passed away. The details were kept private, but the community still mourned the loss of such a long-time and beloved player. In his absence, the ownership is presumed to have passed on to the Admins. It is likely that the town will permanently remain in its current state, a somber reminder to its creator.
