Assassination of Snakyman
Time: 12:32AM EST Date: February 3rd, 2024 Place: Newport
On February 3rd, 2024, snakyman was assassinated by
FuzbolMC and
Java64Bit using strength 255 (for 1000 seconds), provided by
Krenath. Below are the following logs and order of events that led to the double assassination, as well as the reason why such a high level of strength was given to the two players (spoiler alert, snaky was being obnoxious).
Initial Confrontation by OutboardBag and Java64Bit
Around 12:18 AM (EST), OutboardBag and
Java64Bit coordinate a surprise attack on
snakyman, with the intent of fighting (and killing) snakyman.
The following logs are taken from right before that moment, and continue on until the first death of snakyman. (For context, unrelated chat comments have been removed for clarity)
Chat (logged in CST): [23:17:13] <SiOtter> we got building materials in town ;D [23:17:22] <SiOtter> wanna see where they are? [23:17:27] <motomandd> sure [23:17:28] <*****snakyman> are you still recruiting kanal town [23:17:30] <SiOtter> over here [23:17:30] <***Ken_the_Foxxo> ah shit i need 3k quartz *snakyman is hit by two damage potions by OutboardBag* [23:17:31] <*****snakyman> woah there [23:17:37] <*****snakyman> who is trying to fuck me [23:17:42] <*****snakyman> i do not take kindly to that [23:17:47] <***Ken_the_Foxxo> ill fuck you snaky [23:18:01] <*****snakyman> lol u think you can get me? [23:18:14] <*****snakyman> you think youre different? [23:18:25] [IRC] <Krenath> I do [23:18:33] <****Java64Bit> WARRRRRRRRRRRRR [23:18:37] <*****snakyman> im seeing some assassination attempts here [23:18:47] <*****snakyman> this mf thinks he can beat me lol [23:18:55] <***Ken_the_Foxxo> yawn i can [23:19:15] <*****snakyman> lil bitch thinks he the shit [23:19:21] <*****snakyman> lol [23:19:23] snakyman started a fight with OutboardBag! [23:19:29] <*****snakyman> you think you can beat me? [23:19:35] <*****snakyman> i see we got a whole squad here For context: Webchat427 joined in to attack snakyman [23:19:41] <*****OutboardBag> bro thinks hes in an anime [23:19:41] Krenath joined the game [23:19:44] <SiOtter> snaky I can solo you lol [23:19:45] <*****AdoreKitten> meow kren [23:19:50] <***polyonymy> wb kren [23:19:51] <!!Krenath> hiss [23:19:52] <*****snakyman> so why havent you solod me in fucking 7 years [23:19:53] <SiOtter> bag will fucking demolish you [23:19:53] <bawest> hi ingame krenath. [23:19:58] <SiOtter> because you combat log [23:19:59] <****Webchat427> hello krenth [23:20:05] <*****snakyman> i do not? [23:20:10] <*****FuzbolMC> snaky what are you yapping about? [23:20:21] <*****snakyman> we got a whole squad of assholes tryna kill me rn lmao [23:20:24] <SiOtter> snaky, why dont we fight in the KTS? [23:20:27] <*****FuzbolMC> oh lmao [23:20:30] <SiOtter> no commands [23:20:34] <*****snakyman> because you can suck my dick [23:20:47] <*****FuzbolMC> I thought you were beefing with someone in chat lmao [23:21:05] <***polyonymy> no armour, no weapons... just do a mass brawl... :] [23:21:06] <****Java64Bit> nobody cares [23:21:11] snakyman started a fight with Java64Bit! [23:21:15] <****Webchat427> fuck my keyboard is being stupid bitch [23:21:19] <****Java64Bit> what a pussy [23:21:20] <****Java64Bit> fite us [23:21:23] <*****OutboardBag> smh smh [23:21:27] <****Java64Bit> we are not using jumpto [23:21:29] <***Ken_the_Foxxo> ohai outboard [23:21:32] <*****OutboardBag> Hi [23:21:35] <*****snakyman> so why arent u dead when i hit u off [23:21:38] [IRC] <Clomik> fight in kts [23:21:49] <****Java64Bit> u didnt hit me off [23:22:03] <*****snakyman> you think you the shit? [23:22:05] <*****snakyman> u aint even the fart [23:22:13] <****Java64Bit> the autism is real [23:22:18] <*****snakyman> witawwy [23:22:48] <*****snakyman> seems as if you think im the shit [23:22:52] <*****snakyman> so why do you wnat to kill me? [23:22:59] <****Java64Bit> i want ur head It should be noted, at that this moment Java64Bit has confirmed that this is an attempt to get snakyman's head [23:23:04] <*****snakyman> that seems too bad for you [23:23:10] <****Java64Bit> i will get it [23:23:18] <*****snakyman> buy it from someone [23:23:20] <!!Krenath> All the mouthing off in chat, by now half the server does, Snaky [23:23:45] <****Java64Bit> buy these nuts [23:23:47] <*****snakyman> krenath im sure people have the same feelings towards you however you are an admin [23:24:04] <!!Krenath> Probably. If not, I'm not trying hard enough. [23:24:11] <*****snakyman> respect [23:24:18] <!!Krenath> But if I really want a player dead, they'd spend more time dead than not dead. [23:24:27] <*****snakyman> same [23:24:45] <SiOtter> snaky your talking a lot of shit rn [23:24:49] <!!Krenath> ANd I'd probably get some flack from the other admins for the deadh messages spamming chat [23:25:23] <*****snakyman> yall want me sooo bad [23:25:27] <*****snakyman> come get it motherfucker [23:25:35] <****Java64Bit> WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR [23:25:44] <*****snakyman> i see this as a declaration of war [23:25:53] <*****AdoreKitten> i do not want war with newport[;; [23:25:53] <*****snakyman> and i assure you the squad will not take kindly to this [23:25:54] <!!Krenath> I mean, I could just set up a repeating commandblock to execute /kill snakyman and kill you once a game tic... [23:25:56] <****kornIssues> did someone say withers For context, the wither threat is against Newport, which has a history of being withered [23:26:01] <*****OutboardBag> withers??! [23:26:05] <*****AdoreKitten> if you wish kren [23:26:05] <****Java64Bit> WITHERS??? [23:26:06] <*****FuzbolMC> krenath that would be funny ngl [23:26:07] <****kornIssues> withers???!!!?!?? [23:26:08] <****Java64Bit> like bill withers [23:26:09] <SiOtter> kanal reserve withers coming into play????? [23:26:10] <*****AdoreKitten> nah it wont be wither [23:26:14] <***Ken_the_Foxxo> guys nuke newshart? [23:26:14] <SiOtter> all 900 of them? [23:26:15] <*****snakyman> yes you could krenath but that seems like [23:26:23] <*****snakyman> counterproductive [23:26:27] <****Java64Bit> snaky careful now... withers and newport have a history [23:26:32] <*****AdoreKitten> yea [23:26:33] <!!Krenath> Doesn't matter what you think it seems like. It is what it is. [23:26:40] <*****snakyman> java i would make a quippy remark to you but [23:26:43] <***Ken_the_Foxxo> withers love to immigrate to newport [23:26:47] <*****OutboardBag> bats in the xp farm??? [23:26:48] <*****snakyman> i dont even know who you are so i could give less of a shit [23:26:49] <!!Krenath> THe fact that I don't is my generositytoward you [23:26:52] <****Java64Bit> do it [23:26:57] <*****OutboardBag> Npcs missing??? [23:27:01] <*****snakyman> thank you krenath i appreciate it [23:27:05] <*****AdoreKitten> idk why you guys target my xp farm snaky dont run it lol [23:27:09] <****Java64Bit> are you mommas bitch boy? [23:27:11] <****Java64Bit> say it [23:27:13] <*****snakyman> so you guys think youre more stubborn than me? [23:27:15] <*****AdoreKitten> you make me 3x harder work [23:27:21] <****kornIssues> were did newports npcs go???!!!!!??? [23:28:29] <*****OutboardBag> why hasnt this lag machine been removed yet [23:28:34] <*****snakyman> you bitch boys think u can kill me? youre on the list of several hundred [23:28:38] <*****AdoreKitten> what machine? [23:28:53] <*****OutboardBag> youre not that guy [23:29:05] <*****snakyman> motherfucker i am all of those guys [23:29:30] <*****snakyman> little guys think they can kill me eh [23:29:45] <****Java64Bit> bro snaky [23:29:49] <****Java64Bit> you are hiding [23:29:55] <****kornIssues> mco anime rp??!!!???? im in [23:29:59] <****Java64Bit> hiding and yapping [23:30:02] <*****OutboardBag> you aint the main character [23:30:06] <*****snakyman> prob better time spend grinding some stacks of dbs to buy it off of one of the 2 ppl who have it [23:30:37] <*****snakyman> seem like you are just salty [23:30:43] <*****snakyman> i am spying on you you think im hiding? [23:31:00] <****Java64Bit> hey snaky why dont you fight, [23:31:02] <*****snakyman> im on a fucking trackpad so ofc im not going face to face rn [23:31:14] <*****snakyman> all i want to do is make you feel insignificant [23:31:18] <***Ken_the_Foxxo> dudes trackpading hahahaha [23:31:31] <*****snakyman> beacuse i have a life and am not at my desktop
First Death of snakyman
At some point, during the end of the previous logs, Krenath gave
FuzbolMC and
Java64Bit strength 255, giving them the opportunity to kill
snakyman. The reason for doing so was because snakyman was talking so much shit in chat, who (as shown above) had somewhat of a big ego. It should be noted that snakyman was not sober at this time; however, he does frequently join MCO while drunk despite the consequences his drunken actions can have.
The following logs account the first death of snakyman, who was killed by FuzbolMC. For further context, FuzbolMC had started to look for snakyman after being given strength 255, and eventually found him on a building in Newport.
Chat (logged in CST): [23:31:31] <****Java64Bit> you are acting like a anime character on a minecraft server [23:31:37] <****Java64Bit> you are insignificant At this point, FuzbolMC is searching Newport for snakyman [23:31:44] <SiOtter> so why talk so much shit then? [23:31:49] <*****snakyman> why do i not know who you are [23:31:55] <*****snakyman> siotter i did not start this *FuzbolMC finds and punches snakyman with 255 strength* [23:32:04] FuzbolMC started a fight with snakyman! [23:32:04] FuzbolMC senselessly butchered snakyman! [23:32:04] snakyman was murdered by FuzbolMC [23:32:04] <SiOtter> so why not end it [23:32:07] <SiOtter> LOLLLL [23:32:09] <*****snakyman> well fuck [23:32:10] <*****OutboardBag> its too easy [23:32:13] <****Java64Bit> HAAHAHAH [23:32:19] <*****FuzbolMC> LMAO [23:32:20] <*****OutboardBag> you think you the shit [23:32:25] <*****OutboardBag> you aint even the fart [23:32:29] <SiOtter> dude did fuzbol just kill you? [23:32:35] <*****snakyman> yeah i didnt know fuzbol was in on that [23:32:36] <****Ghostis_> damn fuz [23:32:37] <*****snakyman> dammit [23:32:40] <bawest> rip [23:32:40] <*****snakyman> fine you win
Second Death of snakyman
Following some minutes after the first death, Java64Bit finds
snakyman and kills him, taking some of his stuff as well.
The following logs account the second death of snakyman.
Chat (logged in CST): [23:37:47] <*****snakyman> kren did you [23:37:55] <*****snakyman> that is actually the only logical answer [23:38:13] <*****snakyman> just tell me [23:38:20] <*****snakyman> thats some gay shit *Java64Bit finds and hits snakyman with his sword* [23:38:24] Java64Bit started a fight with snakyman! [23:38:24] Java64Bit senselessly butchered snakyman! [23:38:24] snakyman was slain by Java64Bit using [no one cares SHUT THE FUCK UP] [23:38:30] <*****snakyman> bro what the fuck [23:38:31] <*****FuzbolMC> GG [23:38:34] <SiOtter> gg! [23:38:34] <*****snakyman> this is some gay shit [23:38:34] <*****AdoreKitten> bruh [23:38:35] <****kornIssues> gg [23:38:36] <*****OutboardBag> too easy [23:38:45] <*****snakyman> krenath what the fuck????
Following this, snakyman would go on a rant about how
Krenath had abused his admin powers by giving the two players strength 255, and that this was setting a new (and unfair) precedent of killing annoying players. The validity of this claim was argued against with the fact that God kits players have historically killed other annoying players in the past (by teleporting them to their deaths), and the fact that Krenath has supergod, which gave him extended non admin powers over potion effects. After some arguing, and after everyone had cooled down some, Krenath would return the lost gear to snakyman.
snakyman would officially declare war on Java64Bit and
FuzbolMC following this. Additionally, snakyman would place a 7 stack diamond block bounty on Java64Bit, FuzbolMC, and
OutboardBag each.