Doggy Style Town

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green_towns.png Doggy Style Town
Founder Revcha
Category Towns
Fortified? yes
Public access? yes
Public build? yes (Must add your sign to member board)
Road link? yes
Nexus link? no
Rail link? yes
Boat link? yes
Portal? yes
Coordinates X=-2569
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

Doggy Style Town is the great settlement on Kyron's Western Border.


The leader of the Elderlands has the ability to control anything (though rarely does).

The mayor controls everything in DST, and employs Government Workers to help run DST.

The people of DST can replace the mayor if they have a replacement and have a majority agreeing with them.

LoganTheOnlyLord is the current mayor of Doggy Style Town, with his chosen government building being St Spydog's Castle.

Town Relationships

Doggy Style town is part of the Elderlands under the Kyron Area.

Other than the members of the Elderlands and the allies of the elderlands, DST has no relationship with other towns.

Town hall

Spy Hall is the town hall of Doggy Style Town.

it uses a similar style to ? Dount Dome

Spy Hall.png

Prominent Buildings

  • DST Tree Farm - The large building housing DST's first automatic farm, created by AdoreKitten.
  • St Spydog's Castle - The small castle in the north named after the person DST is named after, Spydog.
  • God's Dildo - The giant tower in the centre of DST's economic centre.
  • Lord Port - The long port on the west of DST.
