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Organisations Elderlands
Leadership getplayerhead.sh?Revcha&16.png Revcha
Headquarters Eldergate
Founded Around September 2023
Status Active

Elderlands Government


Elderlands Owner

Elderlands Owner has absolute power over all elderlands settlements with the primary goal of uplifting all settlements within the union.

Elderlands State Governors

Governors in Elderlands hold near-absolute control over their towns, making decisions independently and maintaining autonomy. However, the Elderlands government retains overarching authority and can override these decisions if necessary.

Areas of Elderlands

Kyron Area

Iceh Area

MCO International Affairs Management

The Elderlands firmly adheres to the principle of pacifism and peaceful coexistence. By default, all nations, settlements, and entities are regarded as friendly allies unless explicitly declared otherwise by the Elderlands government.

Elderlands strives for peace and friendship. if you want to add Elderlands as a ally, you can go ahead do so.

We have two "enemy" lists. Adversaries are Settlement/Organizations that Elderlands are wary of but are not enemies. Enemies are outright Enemies.

Organizations Allies
Settlement Allies
Settlement/Organization Adversaries
Settlement/Organization Enemies

Federal Land

Government Buildings:
Federal Infrastructure:

Elderlands Grand Station:

Lines linked:

Federal Land:

Elderlands Infomation

Organizations and Establishments

Organizations and Establishments based in Elderlands


Elderlands Farms

Elderlands Banners

Settlement Banners


Discord Server for all elderlands towns:



Map #1

8-9-24 Elderlands Map 2.0 by logantheonlylord


  • 8-9-24 Map was 1398 x 572 blocks

West to East = 1398 blocks long

North to South = 572 blocks long

Map 2


  • Map was 1704 x 1015 blocks

West to East = 1704 blocks long

North to South = 1015 blocks long