Followers of Luna

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Organisations Followers of Luna

The last remnant of a bygone era.

Leadership Alexander
Headquarters Project MOON
Founded ???
Public? No
Status Deceased

A now defunct society, the Followers of Luna were a handful of families responsible for raising her son and helping prepare him to resolve The Dawn War.



In the months after The Fall of MOON, Alexander, son of Luna, found his way home. The handful of families amongst the survivors loyal to Luna before she passed promised to raise her son. This small circle took an oath and branded themselves the Followers of Luna. They believed Alexander would help reclaim control over the sky, and end the eternal day which had been brought forth. They were responsible for raising him, and the surviving archmages helped train him. Small parties from society were also responsible for retracing Alexander's steps and reclaiming his mother's body. Although unsuccessful, others also went to great lengths to track down Stargazer, aka the MOON Blade, to aid him in his future.


After The Dawn War reached its end, the Followers' numbers were too few to sustain a viable population in the newfound underground home, so the tough decision was made to dissolve the society the night before the great migration. With their purpose fulfilled, they buried their last relics in Luna's Tomb as a final tribute and set sail toward the east in search of a new civilization to integrate with. There are rumors of some remnants which would gather in secret over the years, but the rest of the families have either gone silent or faded away into obscurity. One of the families, a secret partner of Alexander's, moved into the quiet town of Winterthorn and continued to carry the Avatar bloodline for generations.


Throughout the construction of Project MOON, no families or relics were ever discovered pertaining back to the old society. The only mention of their existence was in books found in the Cerrulean Library. This was until Jessica was brought directly to Luna's tomb by ScarClaw72 after its grand opening. Upon reuniting her family's heirloom with the Tomb. various pillars opened to reveal a variety of artifacts. Dozens of robes worn by the Followers were kept neatly contained in the ancient vaults, and although missing from events relating to The Dawn War, there was an empty display rack for Stargazer.


The robes worn by the Followers of Luna