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About | |
Known as | Scar |
Gender | Female |
Location | United States |
Nationality | American |
DOB | 2000-02-25 |
Occupation | Freelance 3D Artist |
In Freedonia | |
First joined | 2 July 2016 |
Staff member | Moderator |
Donor level | ** Donor II |
Kit level | ***** Demigod |
Legacy donor level | ***** Aether |
View profile and statistics |

Originally joining the server in the summer of 2016, ScarClaw72 has dedicated thousands of hours to MinecraftOnline both in and out of game. She is a veteran of the server most well known for her years serving as a Moderator, her Exploring Freedonia series on his Minecraft YouTube channel, the annual Merry Christmas Freedonia music video animations, and the six year megaproject known as Project MOON
2016: Origins
ScarClaw72 first joined Freedonia on July 2nd, 2016. She was 16 years old at the time, and deep into his obsession with Minecraft. She discovered the server, like several at the time did, by the video which spawned the Rusherpocalypse. Unlike many of those players however, Scar was not a previous fan of Rusher's videos and simply stumbled across it by coincidence. She simply one day had the thought of "I wonder what the first server in Minecraft was?", and it was the first thing that popped up. She was surprised to find out was the true oldest SMP server as opposed to the claimed 2b2t, but also extremely welcome to the idea. Scar had always preferred to play Minecraft in a cooperative, friendly environment- one that anarchy was the antithesis of. Freedonia hit that sweet spot between no grief but still allowing competition with PVP, the economy, and other avenues.
Scar had previously mained a few different servers but each came to an end for one reason or another. Her local library at the time, the Chippewa River District Library, hosted their own server but eventually became a wasteland with all plugins gutted and community evaporated. The LAN parties, server events, contests- all of it went away and so did the players. The joke is that a mermaid killed the server. This is because the former admin, HunterGG, had left the library and was replaced by a woman named Ariel. Scar used to also play on GotPvP's creative plots world before it was reset then later lost interest when the server began it's death march. Lastly, a Factions and Creative server by the name of Crafting Madness was his last big hoorah until the owner
TheGuyWhoBuilds closed shop almost two years later. It had a similarly tight knit community to that of MinecraftOnline, although smaller in scope. It would later be reborn around the time of Covid by it's remaining community, but Scar was committed to MCO by that point.
A new arrival on Freedonia, Scar had no idea that this would become her new home in the world of Minecraft. After server upon server closing down or falling to pieces, MinecraftOnline filled the perfect niche she had always dreamt of but was unsure she'd actually find. After bearing witness to the rules and jaw-dropping spawn of 2016, Scar booted up his recording software and began a video that went through the original Tour. This was his first of many, many videos to come on her YouTube channel. It was the start of Season 1 of Exploring Freedonia, and the start of a new beginning for him in the block game.
2016: Project MOON
The day after joining, Scar was enamored by the Live Map and decided to travel out to the far fringes of civilization. He made it his goal to reach the exterior of the Rules Hall. She found it funny that it was a place almost everyone had at one point been to, but the exterior was inaccessible. Along the path, she came across multiple interesting locations for the first time including Delta City and Edessa's My Little Pony statues. Legend says after reaching her destination, Scar camped out waiting for new players to join. She would play peekaboo and watch them from the domed glass roof.
The following day, on July 4th 2016, she traveled north a short ways and was inspired to start building not only her home but a grand build. A small pocket was carved under the ocean and work began on an underground city that took inspiration from Fallout's vaults but with a far more city of ember tone and architecture to it. (It is also worth noting, Scar's building skills were relatively shit at the time compared to his later career in MCO). He enlisted the help of his best friend, Mr_Fudgy, who had endured both the CRDL and Crafting Madness servers alongside him. Together, the two of them began the foundations that evolved into the legendary Project MOON. Scar originally was settled on the name "The Lunar Star" but Mr_Fudgy was not sold. Project MOON became the temporary name while the two would find a more final title, which would later turn into The Lunar Vault. "But it's not a star," Fudgy was say, and Scar's pleas of it being "symbolically titled" went nowhere. As such, The Lunar Vault became the official name.
2017: The Longest Summer
In a post 1.12.2 era Freedonia, players have no reference point for how truly terrible lag was 1.7. Nowadays, many comforts such as villager trading halls and mending have made god tools both far more powerful and easy to obtain. For a new player in 1.7 though? Scar was too focused on wanting to progress the build than she was her own gear. Block lag at the time was horrific though- so horrific it literally inspired a mini-game later his in life on MCO. With any tools beneath Efficiency IV or V diamond pickaxe, blocks would routinely spawn back in place and demand to be mined again. The longer a block took to break, the far worse it was breaking properly. This is what made the Village Room of project moon so unbearably horrific to get through, and why it took over half a year. The pain was so bad, that Mr_Fudgy has taken up work on other towns in the mean time because it was killing his passion for the server. Scar suffered similarly, but eventually the second coming of christ was bestowed upon the two as a player named Bowbee (at the time Bowbyslag). Bowby managed to finish digging out the final 1/3 with the use of his Kit Diamond Tools and a Haste 2 beacon.
In the summer of 2017 though, things would not go smooth. An infamous player by the name of Dethsh0k began targetting Scar, Mr_Fudgy, and their other helpers whenever they were online. Repeatedly killing over and over, idling with invisibility potions to steal chests when unlocked, and looming over the back of their heads as they worked became an omnipresent reality. It hindered their progress so much, Scar eventually wrote a emotionally-heavy email to the admins demanding they ban Dethsh0k for Bullying. At the time, she was ignored. Things worsened as Dethsh0k incited
Billshields and
Pepsolman to begin construction on N-Town, properly called N***** Town. It was built directly above the Village Room, and slowly spread into the middle of the original Neighbor Luna of Project MOON and it's allied neighbors of
SkullBuilderX and
7_1. Unfortunately, the current administration at the time refused to do anything direct to curb or undo the blatant addition Grief. It was only after Mr_Fudgy directly reached out and spoke to
Krenath that he agreed to world edit copy-and-paste the entire build to elsewhere on the server. After a month of fighting both the Staff and Dethsh0k's crew, a glimmer of light finally shown through. N-Town's incident, which became simply known as "The Land Feud", had almost forced Scar and Fudgy to quit the server and abandon over a year of effort. Thankfully, it managed to be avoided. The transfer was planned in secret to avoid the attention of Billshields, but during it's planning Dethsh0k was banned. This created a civil feud between Pepsolman and Billshields over the rights of N-Town, with Pep trying to tear it all down to allow for the continuation of Project MOON. After a statemate was reached though, N-Town was left with roughly half it's construction still in-tact and Project MOON was relocated to the western ocean of what is now Veserva.
To her surprise after such a messy feud in which he had lost his cool directly to the face of all the admins via E-mail, Scar would be invited along with multiple other players to become a moderator. It was at the beginning of the Russianpocolypse, which led to a lot of bans and a lot of chaos to curb. Scar banned 100 players within her first day as mod because of the Invasion- a chaotic start compared to many other Moderators. It was a good time to be Scar. She had a fancy blue name, he was getting some donor ranks with swanky new abilities, and Project MOON had a bright future ahead of it.
2018: The Good Years
Highschool came and went. Scar graduated as an Honor's student and started her time at Ferris State University as an honors to get a degree in their Digital Animation/Game Design (DAGD) program. During this time, Project MOON flourished as did many other projects. Exploring Freedonia, Merry Christmas Freedonia, and many many builds and towns popped up. Scar also made it a goal to get involved with as many new towns as possible. Things were fun, people were chill, staff were laid back but effective, and overall the rose tinted goggles still stand pretty strong.
Of course there were the problems though. The lack of active Admins had garnered frustration and also the nickname of Server Mom for Anna_28. Invasions felt like a semi-frequent event. and the community was surviving but not exactly thriving. MinecraftOnline was stuck on Canary, and was bleeding itself through a slow death march. Were it not for people like
doublehelix457 who joined and some other developers, Freedonia would have never gotten off 1.7.10. It was a common belief at the time the server would never update. Talk of the 1.9 PVP changes was still big and many bargained to the void of at least getting to 1.8.9 before Freedonia stagnated forever. "Update Doomerism" was at an all time high. It was a shot in the arm of adrenaline when the new admin promotions of 2018 happened. It was the first time admins had been promoted in literal years, and it was a sign that things might finally change for the dedicated but fleeting community.
2019: Suffering, Actual Suffering
As the 2010's neared their closing, the server would be up-ended into an era of chaos. One of the most infamous and stressful time periods of MCO's history began. Lemonaid Town was the highest profile land feud since N-Town. It was the start of things to come with api448 and
AyeMB beginning a career of mass greifing the server. The task to fight what was essentially organized crime against a Minecraft server became a daunting and stressful task. The lack of active Admins also became an issue with how many rollbacks needed to occur on a regular basis. Places like Lava Town and Clubhouse and all over Spawn becames places where grief felt like a permanent fixture. Snaketown, the original victim of Lemonaid Town, became by far the most griefed location as it was torn apart over and over and over.
Githis went on to form the E Pluribus Unum, an "organization that is hellbent on destroying MCO." Api448 and AyeMB became proper members and two of the main forces within. Together, the group became a force of hell for every active moderator an admin to deal with. Grief attacks could happen any time staff was offline. Project MOON was hit twice, although most of Scar's other builds were spared. There was so many targets hit that she was lucky. Nonetheless, her duty as a Moderator demanded her attention on the situation. Emotions ranged from stress, genuine shock at how people this depraved and wicked could actually exist in the real world, anxiety, fear for the other staff and admins, hyperfocusing, paranoia, exhaustion, and many many many more things. Thankfully the group would eventually be disbandoned and become period of history that is highly taboo to discuss.
In the midst of the heinous shit, there was of course good stuff too. Project MOON was growing with it's new Archipelago zone. Tyhdefu became a recording partner for Exploring Freedonia Season 2 and team lead for Project MOON. Scar worked his ass off and built his first ever Desktop PC, leaving the hot trash of his Toshiba CS5 laptop behind in 2018. New Eden was cool as fuck and simply existed. Newport would begin to exist soon and would also be cool as fuck, even if Scar hated on it for years because of how much of a dick
Snakyman had turned into after being bullied by EPU so hard. MinecraftOnline had an exciting 8th birthday with a 11 day blacklist by Mojang. Rufas made the 10,000th vote. Tyhdefu became a blue penguin. Donor Ranks became Kits. The first contest in a very, very long time was held and Scar won 1st place with some nifty rewards. Kanal Town was founded and would wait 8 years to get a video done by Scar. Soviet parody towns came into existence like Soviet Eden and Inimir. Scar even became Aether rank which was pretty cool. She also pulled one too many server pranks that would get her into trouble.
2020: The Demotion Period (The REAL IRL Suffering)
2020 was the worst year of Scar's life. That sounds very melodramatic after being put directly beneath "Demotion", but trust us, it's warranted. It began after coming home from a rough semester of college and deciding to take the spring off to refocus and also earn some money. As it turns out, while he was away, the apartment had contracted a severe infestation of bed bugs. They had seeped onto our floor from the upstairs neighbors, and basically nested in everything we held dear. What was presumably fluids of their once bodies was also seeping down the wall in the bedroom beside Scar's. It was gross as hell, and it very quickly became unlivable in the months starting 2020. His mother's fiance had become a stone wall in the face of the crisis and began gaslighting the rest of their usually supportive and loving family into believing they were highly exaggerating how bad the issue was. Eventually they had to start staying in a hotel because things got so bad, which luckily had really cheap weekly rates due to it being the middle of winter in a Michigan tourist town. To make things even worse, unclear laws about responsibility in Michigan left the land lord trying to pin the bill to remove them on the residents. Forced to look for new housing, living out of a cramped hotel room that was bleeding savings, trying to also attend a semester at the local community college, it began to break. Work fired him because he missed a shift in the ensuing chaos. His mother's fiance, the only one owning a vehicle, was turning his back on both her and Scar meaning they had no reliable transportation anywhere. With the problems of their landlord, they were days away from living on the streets and had to scramble to find a new place to live in the middle of the snowiest time of year.
The fact of the matter is, the demotion was just the finale of Murphy's law. Scar decided to do something silly and stupid for his 20th birthday and spawned 20 withers at spawn. A bug with explosions caused one of them to blow up the spawn map which led to Ted1246 to ban him for about 24 hours. This was quickly reversed after an expedited appeal to undo the "false" ban. Not long after, Scar was demoted for "overall poor performance". She was presented with a a short list of alleged incidents of grief, addition grief, and generally lacking in active moderation of the server. Personally, Scar had a lot of dispute for the majority of given explanations, but was so overwhelmed by the utter shitstorm Losing Everything in 2 Weeks, which was a somewhat reference to his previous video called "Losing 4 Staff in 2 Days."
2020 continued to be the true utter shit storm as Scar would spend three months at their new place sleeping on a hardwood floor. It was rough as hell but it still was a godsend after the nightmares before. Taking a break from MCO, Scar participated in Build The Earth for ~12 weeks. The rough year had also heavily affected her video output and production of the Evergreen miniseries she was working on. As the end of the year came, Scar got into a bicycle accident in which she tore all of the ligaments in her left elbow. She spent the entire month of October recovering, before then contracting Covid in November. November was also a dull month as she and her mother tried to recover from the diseases that had so far eluded them while the world was on fire with lockdown. While her mother would fully recover in time, Scar became diagnosed and chronically disabled with Long Covid that continue to get worse as time went on. To date, it continues to worsen over time and has essentially derailed her entire life. Once an honors student in college, she barely scraped through with her degree but struggled to move forward in life going forward.
2021 - 2022: The 1.12.2 Era
2021 was a fresh start. Scar, although no longer mod, was invited to the test server to film a video showcasing the beta version of MinecraftOnline running on 1.12.2 It was a miracle, it was beautiful, and loud sounds of Euphoria escaped her lips while flying around Freedonia on elytra for the first time. As 2021 rolled around, hype for the potential update was squashing the Update Doomerism that had so long plagued MinecraftOnline. What no one expected was the massive ambitious Endsurrection event that kicked off a brand new era of Freedonia that would forever change the server. Although somewhat primitive compared to the future events of the Flippeh Fam and other server Dungeons, it was some of the most official interaction the community has recieved for an event in over half a decade. Following the event, Freedonia 1.12.2 was released and began the new era for Freedonia. Many new settlements were founded, the biggest expansion ever would come, and the average player count would almost double. Scar was also invited back to the mod team, which had gone a completely ground-up rework. Admins were more commited to transparency, mods started having meetings where they could openly discuss topics and offer feedback, repairing grief was now far more automated and didn't require manually visiting the Mod Vault.. Everything had changed. It was truly a brand new era for the server. Nothing was perfect, not even the new staff team changes. But it was a massive step in the right direction and finally set Freedonia on the upwards path after Scar had been watching it's death march for years.
The new land and new dedication to the server also brought many new opportunities. Scar got involved in many new projects and settlements across the server. Project MOON was back in full force and sights were set on completing the grand Megaproject once and for all. Purgatory was finally constructed after having been designed two full years earlier in preperation for the update. Exploring Freedonia was once again back with "The MOON Season," dedicated to finishing the project. Merry Christmas Freedonia started on it's new story arc, although circumstance would delay the first new entry until 2022.
2023 - 2024: Completion of Project MOON
After a pact was made with the United Texas Coalition, work was done around the clock alongside George_Mann to get the final buildings of Project MOON's Neighbor Luna completed. Towards the later months of 2022, Project MOON would win best settlement at the MCO Awards. As the new year came around, the megaproject that had so long been the pillar of Scar's time on the server officially opened it's doors. This was a turning point for Scar, as MOON had been the primary goal and motivator during her time on the server outside of just being a content creator. With a promise to never do a project that scale again for the rest of her life. It had taken 6 and a half years to finish, and she was interested in spreading his time into more numerous, smaller scale projects. The burnout of Project MOON had stung her in the past, even if it took multiple years longer than it did for her original Co-Founder. His interesting moving forward would be to do a variety of projects to help avoid creative burnout and project fatigue.
This new expansion included focusing more on Project Dusk, other towns, the collector's market for the new Collectible Items of MCO, and expanding the new Luna Bay region. Scar got involved in more out-of-game things too such as the event committee for server Events, the World Map project, the Freedonian Historical Society, and even the newer BanannaCam streams. Some ambitious projects such as the Ultimate Town Tier List and Archivist series were started but unfortunately dropped due to immense time requirements. The now defunct The Lunar Logs project stuck around for a few years, offering a journalistic outfit for the server. Overall, things did scale back a little bit with less time spent on the server and semi-frequent hiatuses. Between her declining health, newfound work as a freelance 3D artist, and periodical lack of interest- Scar became a bit more of a lurker for a bit. She wasn't obscure or forgotten, but she wasn't centrally tied into the server's social sphere as much as she had been prior to 2020. During this period, she also really began to feel her age as a player begin to creep up with the constant thoughts in the back of her head. By this point she wasn't just a server veteran, she was a server elder that had been with Freedonia for over 60% of it's life.
In 2024, a somewhat inactive year for her, she made some tough choices including abandoning her stake in the Collectibles market since it had become an unhealthy obsession. She also closed down a few projects that were in the planning phase, trying to still adjust her life to the slower pace of her ongoing health problems. Although it took time, she did manage to rekindle the fire she had for the server and set forth a better road by the end of the year. The production cycle for the 8th christmas animation may have been utterly brutal, but she turned toward the new year with a strong confidence.
2025: Road to God
2025 was one of the most steady starts to a year in a very long time. Even if life and health was not in the greatest of places, things were at least stable for once and Scar had a healthy and dedicated presence on the server. Season 5 of Exploring Freedonia continued, and many projects were being actively worked on again and completed. Scar even finally sat down and began voting daily with the new long-term goal of achieving the mythial God rank. With a total needed number of 1,654 tokens needed (accounting for the 25% staff discount), it would take roughly a year and a half of voting daily left to obtain it. As Project MOON had once been an impossible task to motivate her forward, now was the grind for God. Another motivator was that Scar had officially announced the final installment of Merry Christmas Freedonia in 2026 during 2024's premiere. This would mean she could achieve god rank by the time she starts production on the 10th release of his renown animation series. As of right now, she's not sure how the time between now and then will playout, or what lies in store for her after that point. What she does know is that being a God will enable her to perfectly continue engaging with her favorite parts of the server with no more roadblocks ever again. She will be able to build freely without materials being a concern, and she'll be able to protect other players and help foster cooperation as a benevolent addition to the roster of Ascended players.
Scar has been making videos on YouTube since late 2014. He began his Exploring Freedonia series the day he joined the server, and has been running ever since. Exploring Freedonia is exactly as the name entails, being a series where he explores and showcases different builds, towns, and projects from all across Freedonia. After the 2019 year, the series took up a season-based format.
Currently, each season can be found here:
- Season 1 Playlist (2016-17)
- Season 2 Playlist (2018-19)
- Season 3 Playlist (2020)
- Season 4 Playlist (2021-22)
- Season 5 Playlist (2023-Present)
Ever since 2016, he has also been doing annual Merry Christmas Freedonia animations. These are a server tradition, often featuring many players and always being set in Winterthorn, Scar’s favorite place on the server. The animated music videos alternate each year on whether they focus on the current-day server community, or the narrative Scar started with 2017’s One Hearths Warming Eve. During 2020, in the lead up to the 5th annual animation, a monthly and sometimes bimonthly short animated series called Evergreen was created to help build hype.
Currently, each animation can be found below:
- 2016 - Merry X-mas Freedonia (Not Quite Silence)
- 2017 – One Hearth’s Warming Eve
- 2018 – When Christmas Comes To Town
- 2019 – Old City Bar
- 2020 – Evergreen Miniseries
- 2020 - Cool In The Cold
- 2022 - Story
- 2023 - Christmas Lights
- 2024 - A New York Christmas
Starting in 2025, he began doing the BanannaCam streams that offer a live feed into MCO and often host many hunts.
- The playlist of archived streams can be found here
Scar has spearheaded many projects, and contributed to many others during his years spent on the server. From his most ambitious and famous, to his minute and lesser known, he has touched on many parts of Freedonia, and spent years making his ideas come to fruition.
Original Projects
Luna Projects
Project MOON (Ongoing)
Freedom's Progress (Completed)
Project SUN (Pending)
The Sol Tunnels (Defunct)
Scarlet Valley (Pending)
Project Dusk (Complete)
Purgatory (Complete)
Cascadia (Ongoing)
Starlight Valley (In Progress)
Aurora (In Progress)
Showertown (Ongoing)
Western Waters Projects
Western Waters Shipping Co. (Ongoing)
Western Waters HQ (Completed)
Western Waters Winery (Completed)
The Har-Bar (Completed)
Flanc Cabaret (Completed)
Verua Sawmill (Completed)
Jessica's Cafe (Completed)
Spawn Projects
Lag Monument (Deleted by Admins)
Scar's Spawn Platform (Completed)
Great Spawn Bell (Completed)
Scar's Silly Shack (Completed)
Scar's Spawn Home (Completed)
Anna's Birthday Capsule (Completed)
Standalone Projects
BirthdayCake (Completed)
Assimilated Atrocities (Completed)
Hexerade (Completed)
Scarts (Abandoned)
Three Pillars (Completed)
Witchy's Memorial (Completed)
Diamond Salami (Completed)
Challenger's Cache (Ongoing)
Great Cookie Coffer (Completed)
World Peace Sanctuary (Completed)
Great Eastern Garbage Patch (Ongoing)
Vestige of Memory (WIP)
Chakan Nation Projects
Chala Kii (Completed)
Brightwall (Completed)
Chala (Completed)
North Chakas (Completed)
South Chakas (Completed)
Cascadian Gateway (Completed)
World Peace Sanctuary (Pending)
Project MOON (Ongoing)
Pink Penthouse (Completed)
Aurora's Peak (Completed)
Diluvium (Abandoned)
Scar&Lala's Outpost (Completed)
Settlement Contributions
Bird City
Spring City
New Eden
Dragon River Peak City
Cat Town
Phoenix Isles
Gran Syre
The Freedonia Fiction Chronicles
- The FFC is a unified canon of lore developed and/or told through Scar's imagination. It mostly consists of lore connected to Project MOON, Merry Christmas Freedonia, and other original projects. However, it also includes fictional interpretations of MCO's meta elements and personal retellings of established lore as often expressed in The Archivist video series. It can also be found in snippets of lore around Project MOON and many of her builds.
In-game Books
- Gods Among Men (by Alexander)
- Legacy of MOON (by Alexander)
- The Great Eastern Garbage Patch (by ScarClaw72)
- MOON Charter (by ScarClaw72)
- Api & Lemons (by The Helping Hand)
- EPU (by The Helping Hand)
- MOON vs N-Town (by The Helping Hand)
- MOON vs Kali (by The Helping Hand)
- Agents of Chaos: The Blacklist of Project MOON (by The Caretakers)
Miscellaneous Bits
Alt Accounts
These are all of the (publicly known) alternate accounts of ScarClaw72.
Bananna_28 - A parody of
Anna_28 in a banana peel and used for the BanannaCam streams.
UncleRiot - A parody of
SlowRiot with a silly face referencing the (somewhat outdated) drinking culture of MCO.
ScarTheFur - An alt account that semi-frequently changes names but is currently named after Scar's furry alias.
Server Pranks
Whenever ScarClaw72 gets bored, he occasionally causes some shenanigans. Here is the list of such events.
August 17th, 2017 - The First Squid Heist
ScarClaw72 with the assistance and inspiration of
Zomon333 took the squid from spawn and carried it south. It was caged and kept by the The Monument until August 20th, when
Anna_28 returned Birthday Squid to the spawn lake.
August 17th, 2017 - The Boating of Spawn
ScarClaw72 was bored to hell and decided to spam boats all over the lake at spawn. It lasted less than a day - when
ScarClaw72 woke up the next morning to find all the boats missing. But he says it still was fun while it lasted.
August 20th, 2017 - The Second Squid Heist
ScarClaw72 gave a big sigh when the spawn squid, as well as its cage, disappeared from spawn.
Anna_28 admitted to returning it. She renamed it Julia and said don't do it again for poor Julia's sake. Well, less than an hour after "Julia" was reported missing. When
Anna_28 got online, she immediately questioned
ScarClaw72. After hiding for about half hour, he finally gave in and gave up the location.
Anna_28 was kind though and let Scar keep a clone of the squid, renamed "Spawn Squid". With a squid now in his possession, not only is
ScarClaw72 happy, he no longer plans future squid heists. This, however, does not mean he is done with his pranks.
April 8th, 2018 - Thundering Eardrums
Ever since his first visit to Forestberg, ScarClaw72 has often visited The Pointless Button to cause some mayhem into the ears of new players who keep their volume up loud. Thunder, when struck anywhere in the server, is heard by everyone. This is mostly either a natural event or donors/admins having some fun. Today was just one of the occasions. The first time was documented in his Exploring Freedonia Trolling video
January 4th, 2019 - Frozen Invaders
A risky move, after recording his Exploring Freedonia episode that aired on January 18th, ScarClaw72 acted as the ring leader, luring
Tyhdefu into helping him amass enough snow blocks to completely overrun spawn with snow golems. Scar after spawning in what ended up being a total of 90-120 snowmen then screamed into chat for everyone to come help because spawn was being invaded! When prompted who the invader was, Scar responded "Frosty". What Scar didn't count on was a bunch of players taking this literally and quickly decimating his army. Desperate attempts were made to spawn more as the numbers dwindled, but to no avail. In the end, spawn was completely covered in snow though. After leaving it for a few days, Scar decided it would be best to clean up his mess so he didn't get in trouble for grief and spent 2 hours making sure any snow outside the still frozen spawn lake at the time was removed. This prank was recorded and presented as Episode 8 in his Freedonia series.
January 26th, 2019 - RIP Iron Reef
The day of January 26th was a day that made many Freedonians, scared, confused, and some even angry. This was due to a hoax video of ScarClaw72 blowing up the The Iron Reef being released. A few people could point out some key mistakes though. These included the lever that was supposed to be (And was even labeled as) being placed on an iron block was instead still placed on a double smooth stone slab, and the fact that the jukebox being sideways since Scar accidentally built the room facing the wrong cardinal direction. After a few seconds of darkness in the video to throw off people by, it cut to a timelapse of Scar rebuilding the room in single player. The video can be found here. There was also a clever usage of extending the length of the image below in the video to hide the superflat world becoming visible during the explosion, and to make it appear as if it was big enough to lag Scar's computer to a halt. After that he jumped in a lavastream which he cut to so he could deliver his outro without giving away the secret.
April 19th, 2019 - The Egging of Spawn
Inside of ScarClaw72's vault, he set up a crude egg farm. Over the course of two months, he accumulated a collection of over 6000 eggs that he intended to pull a prank of epic proportions with. Early into the morning of the Friday before Easter, he got to work. He began to setup a classic redstone clock powered dispenser. This was of course large enough so that he would only have to load it once. He was only witnessed by one person who just looked then went on their merry way without saying a word. After a long loading process, Scar pulled the lever then let the eggs rain down on the poor spawn pond below. The spectacle of seeing the eggs rain was jaw-dropping, and Scar screamed for everyone to come to spawn. It gained quite a bit of attention, and after it ran out of eggs, Scar took down the dispensers. He recorded the entire event and posted it as [Episode 19] of his Exploring Freedonia Series.
October 12th, 2019 - The Great Dragon Chase
PIXELMASTER1523 was showing a client mod to
ScarClaw72 called More Player Models. An effect of this was being able to change the appearance of the player to any other mob in the game. ScarClaw72 used this to fake a screenshot of an ender dragon at spawn and posted it into the picture sharing channel. This blew up with the small player base that was on at 4 am EST, and some of the players chased down the supposed dragon that ScarClaw72 and Pixel had seen. They began chasing it east and didn't let up. After a restart happened though, murmurs of it potentially despawning arose until Scar took another screenshot and the whole thing started all over again. Apparently the mod was causing briefly an ender dragon health bar to appear for other players, which helped add to the effect. Eventually a group consisting of
mSup, and
MrSlimeDiamond chased down east all the way past the original Freedonia land disc and into the vast ocean. They chase stopped about 45 minutes after it began when Scar was too tired to go further, and the remaining few chasers created a bench on an island now known as Ender Dragon Island and sat down, gazing off at where they believed the dragon had flown off. Scar, of course, recorded the event, and a highlight reel can be seen here.
February 24th, 2020 - The 20 Birthday Withers
NOTICE: It is highly suggested to keep withers out of spawn going forward. Spawn at your own risk.
During a hand of MinecraftOnline Cards Against Humanity, ScarClaw72 seized the opportunity and began getting to work on something he had planned since late 2019. The idea was to amass a wither army at spawn, and lure it into the lake region where while it may not have been able to hurt other players, other players couldn't hurt it either. The idea frequently changed in scope during the months leading up to its execution, starting at 30 Withers, rising to 64, then 100, back down to 72, and eventually as far down as 20. 20 was decided upon in order to avoid a catastrophe (which would sort of happen anyway), to celebrate Scar's 20th birthday, and to make the new idea of name tagging them all feasible. While the CAH game was busy playing away, making many players laugh, Scar sneaked out by Anna's Birthday Capsule and got to work spawning the withers. What ensued after the CAH game ended was a massive panic for the 30ish players on the server. With the only real casualty being
Limewire, and an unexpected 2 parts of the spawn map popping out of their item frames, it lasted more or less as a silly sight for over half an hour. Eventually,
WaffleNomster logged on and killed them all in one crushing blow. After putting up the towel for the night, Scar was, to everyone's surprise, banned by
Ted1246 for "abuse of hostile mob mechanics to grief spawn and repeatedly harass players." The ban was quickly reversed the next day by
TheDarkrai85, stating that the ban should not have been made in the first place.
Notable Facts
ScarClaw72 was the primary founder for Project_MOON ScarClaw72 once traded an ender chest for 4 stacks of dirt because he was too lazy to go dig it ScarClaw72 tends to be clumsy and dies a lot from falling during precarious construction projects ScarClaw72 was a leader in building the Freedonia Anniversary BirthdayCake ScarClaw72 makes videos and animations on Freedonia ScarClaw72 built an entire replica of Winterthorn in single player just so he could use it at a setting for his animations ScarClaw72 is known for his terrible jokes, specifically puns ScarClaw72 is one of the only few known Furries to join MinecraftOnline ScarClaw72 leads TheLunarGames ScarClaw72 once owned the longest page on the wiki at about 75 megabytes and it only shrunk after he separated Project MOON and it's construction.
Bans Nickname
ScarClaw72 was first made a mod right after the start of the Coming o' The Cryllics. Being the most active besides
Distase during this event, ScarClaw72 was very busy and banned a total of 100 people in his first 10 days of playing, and 20 in a single day shortly after. He doesn't know how to feel about it, but it has earned him the nickname "Spammer of le Hammer".
Chat Excerpts
Recieving His Donor Ranks
ScarClaw72 just donated £35.00 for the gold kit!
ethanplayz106: just wanted to talk about it, and this is what happened
not_what: nice scar
ScarClaw72 just donated £22.00 to upgrade from the gold kit to the diamond kit!
ScarClaw72: :O
ScarClaw72 just donated £45.00 to upgrade from the diamond kit to the obsidian kit!
Slime_tiger: nice
ScarClaw72: :O
ScarClaw72: BOWBY
ScarClaw72: That wasnt me
Joshlong56; Really?
ScarClaw72: Who gave me such a gift
NHC_THK: Congret
_deckard: whoa
ScarClaw72: Bowby?!?! Was dat you??
_deckard: nice
Joshlong56> Noice
<Telegram><B0WBY>: You Welcome
ScarClaw72: :O
<Telegram><B0WBY>: As Thank you for the intro
_deckard: good day to be Scar
ScarClaw72 bro-hugs Bowby
ScarClaw72: Boi :O
For the month of September 2019, an image contest was held based on screenshots and renders of the server. Much to his surprise, since he was a late entry, ScarClaw72 won giving him some special items, and the rank of aether. Of course in true Scar fashion, he slept through the awards ceremony. Without approval from anyone,
jossps stood up to take his place.
Scar attained demigod through the use of vote tokens in 2024.
Promotion of Scar
Surprised on Thursday, July 13th, 2017, ScarClaw72,
TheCubester, and
Chewy27_ were promoted to mod. Scar initially thought it was a joke, but later realized it was really happening.
(Chewy27_ becomes a mod)
TurtleCobra: what happened to Chewy27_
maxercrafter: CONGRATS CHEWY
ScarClaw72: Chewy :O
Chewy27_: where is my stars?
ScarClaw72: Your a mod now?
maxercrafter: hes a mod now
Bloodybather: congras
(ScarClaw72 becomes a mod)
ScarClaw72: Wait what
(TheCubester becomes a mod)
TheCubester: WHOA WHAT
ScarClaw72: What just happened O_O
sicroto: wait whaaaa
TurtleCobra: HOLY SHIT ScarClaw72
witchy1000: Chewy! Gratz!
maxercrafter: woooooah
ScarClaw72: WHAAAAA
Bloodybather: lol
TheCubester: WHATTTT
Anna_28: silly star went missing with chewy
maxercrafter: congrats guys
Demotion of Scar
After facing a long hiatus, partially due to a life-crisis, and a few incidents of going too far pushing of the rules, the decision was made to demote Scar on the 15th of February 2020 for "overall poor performance". After getting a grasp on it, Scar took it optimistically, stating that he hopes someday to prove himself worthy of returning to his former position. He released an Official Statement on the matter, after going public about his recent life-crisis in another video. This video addressed some of his thoughts and reactions, and some questions that were answered shortly after thanks to WaffleNomster.
After pulling the 20 wither birthday prank 10 days later, he was banned the night of his birthday by Ted1246. Thanks to some friends on the admin team, however, the ban was re-evaluated in a rather expedited manner. The following day on his birthday, Scar was unbanned following a record short appeal process conducted by
(In Discord)
Darkrai: Scar we begin the appeal process now
ScarClaw72: Alright
Darkrai: Do you understand that the withers while harmess was a stupid idea?
ScarClaw72: Yes
Darkrai: Fact is you shouldnt have been banned in the first place
Darkrai: Ill be unbanning you once Im off the toilet
ScarClaw72: Lol
Darkrai: But do keep withers out of spawn please
ScarClaw72: Yes sir
TheDarkrai85 joined the game.
ScarClaw72 has been unbanned.
Repromotion of Scar
13 months after his demotion, ScarClaw72 was reconsidered for a moderator position. He returned to his moderator promotion following the 1.12.2 update, and has remained with the team since.
(From actual in-game or skype/discord conversations)
Mr_Fudgy: The notch apple is the only thing that saved me from Deth's 1 hit kill sword. Its the only reason I lived when you said "Oh shit it's deth, run!"
Dethsh0k joined the game
ScarClaw72: Oh shit it's deth run!
Masterplayer203: hi guys!!
Mr_Fudgy: Hoi :3
ScarClaw72: Hi Master!
Mr_Fudgy: Scar you might not want to call him that
ScarClaw72: O////O FEUDGY Your dirty mind
ScarClaw72: Sic is like a nightlight, its easier to sleep when he is turned on and nearby
Wulf_359: rofl
witchy1000: Scar ya mean like tied up in your closet?
Wulf_359: scar, that was funny dood
(Days after the Russian youtuber Mauzer played on the server)
aggrievedCanine: we had the rusherpocalypse, now it's the russiapocalypse
ScarClaw72: You know why the call him slowriot?
macfullarton: because he riots slowly?
ScarClaw72: No because if he was FastRiot, he'd be Russian too much
ScarClaw72:Do you know the rules?
Pyrif: i guess so
ScarClaw72: Pyrif
ScarClaw72: You do? Then why grief the torches in that home?
Pyrif: `cause i`m stupid ; - ;
ScarClaw72: Why did you grief?
DiJowYT: No
ScarClaw72: Yes
DiJowYT: No
ScarClaw72: Yes
DiJowYT: No
ScarClaw72: Yes
DiJowYT: No
ScarClaw72: Search your feelings Jefafa
DiJowYT: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
DiJowYT was hit with the banhammer! (21570 bans)
ScarClaw72:How is that for no
ScarClaw72:This is your third warning
galazeek: please
galazeek:it wasnt me
galazeek:i wanted to test you anti cheat
galazeek:good job
galazeek:you pass
galazeek:now let me go
Jibletz: cool story dumbass
ScarClaw72: LOL
galazeek:i didnt do it
galazeek:i didnt do it
galazeek:i didnt do it
galazeek:i didnt do it
galazeek:i didnt do it
galazeek was hit by the banhammer!
Turn_Off: i quit, i' m lagging too much. See you later :D
MinecraftKing007: cya Turn_Off
Turn_Off left the game
ScarClaw72: I guess the lag is a real Turn_Off huh? *rim shot*
K4ik0_: yes it is
BenjaminBsuper: OMG Don't do that ever again ScarClaw XD
ScarClaw72: XD
ScarClaw72: Well to be fair the block lag doesnt affect all blocks, did you know that?
ScarClaw72: It doesnt affecte bedrock :P
YRNculture: bruhhh xD
Lancer_II: wow scar...
ScarClaw72: XD
Lancer_II: just wow...
I_BlakeBL_I: i am Russian
ScarClaw72: Do you know the rules?
I_BlakeBL_I: i've got no rules bitch
ScarClaw72: You broke a glass block and a torch
Slime_tiger: LOL
ScarClaw72: LOL
turtlecatXD: LOL
I_BlakeBL_I: i was a bad boy
xOpWarriorx: I recommend bleach
KL-E-0: Ramen is your friend
Hackaloken: buy it in bulk tho
ScarClaw72: Ramen noods?
Slime_tiger: LOL
Slime_tiger: ramen noods
ScarClaw72: Slime
Slime_tiger: scar
TurtleCobra: ramen nudes?
TurtleCobra: wtf
ScarClaw72: Are you trying to get noods out of Ramen? :O
ScarClaw72: Are you going to grief if I let you go? Yes or no?
domcicisk: yes
Witchy1000: lmao
ScarClaw72 Then you realize I have to ban you to protect the server?
domcicisk: noooooooo please
ScarClaw72:Then are you going to grief?
ScarClaw72:Yes means I have to ban you
ScarClaw72:So Dom? Yes or No?
ScarClaw72: ok
domcicisk was hit with the banhammer! (23090 bans)
F4K_Tibi_Ezz: Why did you grief?
F4K_Tibi_Ezz: I am retard
F4K_Tibi_Ezz: Very retard
F4K_Tibi_Ezz: please open
F4K_Tibi_Ezz: i am idiot
Maxplays4285: who r u
ScarClaw72: A moderator
ScarClaw72: Did you read the rules?
Maxplays4285: can u op me
Maxplays4285: ye
ScarClaw72: What I told you there was no op
Maxplays4285: right
alxxja: can i gamemode 1?
Maxplays4285: but can u give me gamemode 1
ScarClaw72: No
Maxplays4285: aww
alxxja: fak u
ScarClaw72: I am not opped
Maxplays4285: i thought u moderatot
ScarClaw72: Im not opped. Admins are not opped. No one is opped. There is no op
Maxplays4285: did u make this server
ScarClaw72: Why were you griefing?
FactionsClown: cause i was having fun
FactionsClown: wanna have fun with me??
ScarClaw72: By vandalising? Ill pass
FactionsClown: its fun
FactionsClown: you should try
FactionsClown: come one m8
FactionsClown: its great
FactionsClown: sooths tthe soul
ScarClaw72: Nah Im good
FactionsClown: makes you feel amazing
FactionsClownk: man
FactionsClown: its too great
ScarClaw72: Ahoy there :D
voreobama: hi
ScarClaw72: Why were you breaking that glass?
voreobama: i was voring it
Anna_28: pro, why did you now just break this glass?
progamer004M: kill me
Anna_28: why shouldn't I ban you?
progamer004M: im gay
New_Bii: who can tp to me
New_Bii: i made a story :)
Xxnormal2superx: NO
Xxnormal2superx: DO NOT
New_Bii: do pls
New_Bii: tp for free diamon
Xxnormal2superx: he is lienj
New_Bii: i am milonair
New_Bii: i gib diamon
New_Bii: like that song
New_Bii: Shine bright like a diamond. Shine bright like a diamond. Shine bright like a diamond. Beautiful like diamonds in the sky...
ScarClaw72: So alex
ScarClaw72:You drive into an drive thru
ScarClaw72:They prompt you with an AI to take your order
ScarClaw72:"I'll take 18,000 water cups"
ScarClaw72:Works every time
<cinnamonci:1 mod 18000 cup
ScarClaw72:CINN NO
ScarClaw72:Fuck thats going in the quotes on my page
Favorite quotes of all time
- "what a banhammer?" -
- "Can I eat a moderator" -
- "no grifing i am russian bich!" -
- "its not my fault that i dont read the rules" -
- "Scar? Iz ok I eat newbie?" -
- "plz be delicate with my noobish body" -
- "Scar's christmas video made me miss playing on MCO XD" -
- "in soviet russia, griefer ban yyou" -
- "Im not trying to grief anyone with the intent of destroying their stuff" -
- "Give resources administrator please." -
sh3lmar "can you give me owner??" -