Grief Alerts

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A Grief Prevention Plugin

Plugin Information
Lead Dev 14mRh4X0r
Programmers bastetfurry, PietElite, darkdiplomat, MrSlimeDiamond
Bugtracker Bugtracker

Grief Alerts

Several types of player activities generate Grief Alerts: breaking or placing logged blocks, placing signs, using buckets of water or lava, and placing Mob spawners.

Grief Alerts are assigned numbers in a rotating sequence from 0 to 999. Only Moderators and Admins see Grief Alerts, and both can use the /gcheck command in conjunction with the alert number (e.g. /gcheck 123) to rapidly teleport to (and, using /greturn, later return from) the scene of the crime.

The vast majority of Grief Alerts are generated by legitimate and normal player activity. Moderators and Admins look for unfamiliar names, certain types of block alerts, and certain patterns of alerts to identify suspicious activity. Regardless of whether or not a Moderator/Admin appears to investigate, each Grief Alert generates a log record to assist the Admins in tracking grief.

Block alerts

Block Alerts appear in the chat window to staff in the following format:

   Player broke a Block (###) in the WorldType world.

Sign alerts

Sign alerts appear in the chat window to staff in the following format:

   Player placed a sign at X Y Z in the WorldType world.
   Line 1:
   Line 2:
   Line 3:
   Line 4:

Note: Players should not be worried about Moderators using any information gleaned from Sign Alerts in an untoward fashion, for this is considered an abuse of staff powers.

Bucket/Mob Spawner Alerts

Buckets, Mob Spawners and other block placement alerts appear in the chat window to staff in the following format:

   Player used a Block (###) in the WorldType world.

Regular Expression

Below is a regex that can be used to search for grief alerts in chat. This is useful for mods such as TabbyChat that can filter chat messages to specific tabs.

   (^.+? (broke|used) an? .+? \([0-9]+?\) in the (normal|nether|end) world\.)

Sign placement version:

   (^Sign placed by .+? at -?[0-9]+? [0-9]+? -?[0-9]+? in the (normal|nether|end) world)
   ^Line [1-4] :