(MCS) <doublehelix457> Perlstone is f***ing stupid (MCS) <doublehelix457> I could write a better language with my dick while blindfolded [IRC] <Krenath> I'd love to do it with a book interface instead of signs. (MCS) <doublehelix457> omfg kren thats f***in brill Much Later after Ideas were tossed around... (MCS) <doublehelix457> There's no tutorials ANYWHERE that i can find on perlstone [IRC] <Krenath> Because it's crap and nobody wants to do it
![]() | |
About | |
ID | MC6000 |
Self Triggered | Up to you |
Clickable | Up to you |
Input | Up to you |
Output | Up to you |
Rail | Up to you |
Block | Up to you |
![]() | |
First line | KRENSCRIPT |
Second line | [MC6000] |
Third line | Book_Link_ID |
Fourth line | <blank> |
Craftbook Page |
Or Kraftbook REdesigned Notation. Named after Krenath by
doublehelix457 when he was inspired by Kren to write this language. Currently this page, the language and Craftbook IC are all under development and testing by
doublehelix457. This page is to make public the ideas, and then in the future, serve as a tutorial page in writing KRENScript.
Why the need for KRENScript?
Have you heard of Perlstone? If you haven't, you're lucky. Perlstone is a GOD AWFUL language inside craftbook for the purpose of making programmable IC's. This language is caveman-like, irritating to understand and use, and extremely hard to learn. It is written on signs for the Programmable Logic IC [MC5000] and [MC5001]. Because of limited sign space, the language has to be extremely short, Very abbreviated, Very annoying. Nobody has bothered making a tutorial on Perlstone, and those who know it don't care to share. KRENScript is designed to be written in a signed book, interpreted by the Craftbook plugin, and then executed on the sign that it represents. This eliminates the need to have abbreviated nonsensical garbage and allows a more user friendly way of writing your own custom IC's for craftbook!!!
Sounds great. When?
Working on that. The language itself is in development for readability and simplicity.
What features can I expect out of this IC?
- Endless custom IC's.
- private access for yourself and public access for those you want to share with.
- permissions for admins to make admin IC's
- permissions page to allow player's you choose to use your IC
- Easy readability and modification.
- Command /mc6000 edit to edit the signed book.
Can I suggest something?
Sure, send me an email at! Make sure the subject contains: MC6000 so I get back to you quicker.
Image Gallery of the Language in Development
- Accidentally screenshot a Typo. it is not MCX6000, just MC6000.
- The first page of KRENSCRIPT, used to define input types and output types expected.
- Input and output values will always be 0 or 1. True or false. On or Off. ETC (This doesn't mean that there will be only a redstone input. Notice the "~Redstone". Will allow for more types.
- Basically means that if Input A and Input B are both on or both off, then the output will be on.
- If Input A is greater than Input B, the output will be off. (This line is unnecessary but present for development.)
- The :GOTO: line is designed to carry on to page 4, where code on that page will be treated like the Main block.
- :GOTO: could be strung together from page to page.
- Still deciding if this page should be PAGE 3 and Permissions Page 2. Probably will end up that way.
- Where permissions are defined.
- The first (Definition) page will contain #private or #public.
- Note that just because the IC is public, doesn't mean that some things aren't restricted. Admins would have access to restricted inputs and restricted outputs. For Example:
- An output type could be ~Creeper or ~DiamondBlock. Obviously this cant happen unless the items were already placed in a chest.
- Any Output that involves removing a block could be grief or cheating, depending on the situation.
- Any Output that might affect the server as a whole would also be restricted. EX: time, weather, gamemodes, commands, etc
- If private, then the permissions page will be used.
- Groups could probably be added here as well.
- Still deciding if this page should be PAGE 2 and the First Code block should be Page 3. Probably will end up that way.
- The IC Name is not required, but placed automatically.
- The IC ID is red because It doesn't exist yet :)
- The third line will be what you name your book. Allows for editing on the fly.
- The Fourth Line is reserved for Errors in your code.
- A comprehensive list of errors will be created for easy troubleshooting.
- Levers may not always be required. When this IC is functional, I may perhaps add Redstone Comparator outputs.
- Sometimes, no redstone output is necessary, but for the code example to match the IC, a lever was placed for demonstration.