Lag Comes to Blockshire

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Lag Comes to Blockshire is a book written exclusively in MCO, based loosely around the perpetual issue of Lag on the server, and how it would appear from the perspective of Villagers.

The book is composed of two volumes; due to the limitations of the name of a written_book, they are shortened to:

  • Blockshire Lag (Vol 1)
  • Blockshire Lag (Vol 2)

Each volume contains 6 chapters. Each chapter starts with a single illustration.


This book project was started by _author_ in February, 2024, and the main text was essentially completed by March, 2024. However, it would not fit inside a single 50-page Written_Book. Therefore, _author_ decided to split it into two volumes, adding several illustrations to make it an even better piece. It was also divided into Chapters at this time, so each chapter page would be the place of one of these images.

This turned into a major stalling of the project, since creating good graphic images within the limitations of Minecraft is extremely challenging. Then in January, 2025, there was a Writing Competition by _Daata to celebrate the opening of the Freedonia Public Library. The competition had a deadline of January 31st, which helped motivate _author_ to push this project over the finish-line, finally completing the book on January 30th, 2025.