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User _daata

Skin outdated

Known as Daata
Gender Male
Location Nova Scotia
Nationality Canadian
DOB 2005-05-16
In Freedonia
First joined 07 July 2020
First building FX Compound
Donor level **** Donor IV
Kit level **** Gold
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Before Minecraft Online _Daata first discovered in March 2020, via a YouTube video uploaded by YouTuber Mines. He logged on for the first time, where he received his first warning from WaffleNomster and settled in a half-finished hut outside EastAustania. However, at the time, he refused to play on the PC version of the game permanently and preferred to stick to his 'roots', playing on Legacy Console versions of the game, (XBOX360/ONE). In the time he played on console edition, he became known in the small remaining redstone communities for his outrageously large creations and contributions to the Redstone Computing on the platform. Finally, fed up with the lack of command blocks, and not wanting to use the abomination that is Bedrock Edition, he began playing on the Java Edition of the game. There, he mostly played single-player. Online play at this time was something only done when playing with friends. Fortunately, Daata was prescribed a healthy dose of the YouTube algorithm with a re-recommendation of the MinecraftOnline video by Mines. He logged on and restarted his adventures.

Leadership Roles

Projects and Creations



  • Austania Nova