Mogg's Alpha 1.2 House

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green_houses.png Mogg's Alpha 1.2 House
Mogg's Alpha 1.2 House image 1.png

What da spider doin' doe?

Owner Mogg1001
Category Houses
Underground? Only a bit of lighting
Public? Yes, you can look around, but don't go griefing or stealing.
Completed 26 July 2021
Size north to south 12m
Size west to east 10m
Height 10m, if lighting is included then 12m
Coordinates X=-7400
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

This building is Mogg1001's first build on MinecraftOnline, as of 26/07/2021 it is his home, it is located at Charlietown.

Mogg's Alpha 1.2 House is a house built almost purely using materials and techniques available at Alpha version 1.2, this was going to be Alpha 1.0.14 as that is the version that MinecraftOnline was originally founded at but was later decided to be 1.2 because that is when glowstone was added.