PopBob Sex Dupe Association/Meeting Minutes

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This page contains the meeting minutes and transcripts of several of the meetings of the PopBob Sex Dupe Association.

First Meeting, Part 1

Can a motion ever be truly unopposed?
 <jriver_15> As Chairman of the Pop Bob Sex Dupe Association, I call this initial meeting to order
 <jriver_15> At 11pm GMT January 12 2021
 <jriver_15> At present are initial members a8g, epoxyglue, and myself
 <jriver_15> Current business pertains to the implementation of new members and their voting rights
 <epoxyglue> [May I intervene] with a question?
 <jriver_15> The floor recognizes epoxy, you may ask your question
 <epoxyglue> my question is as follows; being a new member to this server and to this group/association, may [I] [recieve] a [brief] summary of the club?
 <jriver_15> Question noted. Epoxy this is actually our first meeting, we [don't] really have an agenda
 <jrvier_15> that is current business that we theoretically need to decide in this [initial] meeting
 <jriver_15> However, I invite my peers to look upon the member board
 <jriver_15> as we can see, many of the reserved members are not present at this time
 <jriver_15> I move that we [reschedule] this meeting until 12:00 am GMT jan 13, in approx. 1 hour
 <jriver_15> Does anyone second that motion?
 <epoxyglue> we could conclude that we might possibly need to alter the meeting time to be [convenient] for as many members as possible.
 <a8g> I'm fine with that!
 <jriver_15> All opposed to the motion?
 <jriver_15> With none opposed, Chairman jriver_15 moves to reschedule the meeting for 12 am GMT Jan 13, a8g seconds this [motion]
 <jriver_15> Meeting adjourned
 *Meeting adjourned at 11:08 pm GMT on January 12th, 2021.*

Initial Meeting, Part 2

The sequence of some messages has been altered from their original order. This has been done to improve the cohesiveness of the meeting and is never much of a change in any case:

 <jriver_15> I, as Chairman of the PBSDA, call this Initial meeting to order on Jan 13th at 12:00 am GMT
 <jriver_15> Now, we have a very good turnout tonight, I am very pleased
 <jriver_15> for the first important act of business, we must decide how we shall treat future membership
 *A poison potion is thrown in the ingame meeting room. After a call for order, the meeting settles back down*
 <jriver_15> Alright all members state your presence
 <TurtleCobra> (from discord) The Representative, TurtleCobra, has called into the meeting to confirm his attendance within the session
 <George_Mann> George_Mann is present
 <a8g> a8g is here!
 <epoxyglue> epoxyglue "is present"
 <DarthDan_42069> DarthDan_42069 is present on the meeting of PBSDA
 <BlakeM27> BlakeM27 is present
 <jriver_15> Very good
 <jriver_15> Since this is our first meeting, we have no old business
 <jriver_15> I will introduce our first motion of new business
 <jriver_15> Will we allow future members into the group, and if so, will it be regulated?
 <jriver_15> would anyone like to comment?
 <George_Mann> what will the regulations be?
 <TurtleCobra> I will speak to the floor
 <epoxyglue> the group appears to already be large enough
 <a8g> I feel like we should allow new members, but regulated.
 <jriver_15> Turtle you are recognized..., you now have the floor
 <TurtleCobra> My notion is that we should continue to open membership up freely
 <jriver_15> [I] second that motion, all opposed?  
 <George_Mann> I oppose that motion, I believe there shall [be] some level of regulation
 <epoxyglue> I oppose
 <a8g> I agree with George, we need some form of regulation to make sure we don't have too many people
 <a8g> and that the people that are here are Quality [picks]
 <BlakeM27> maybe something like having the existing members have to approve new ones
 <BlakeM27> and maybe other methods that can be proposed
 <George_Mann> at the most basic level a signing of a book to ensure loyalty to the association
 <jriver_15> Ok it is decided, membership will be regulated, with a vote of 2 yay 3 nay to turtle's motion
 <jriver_15> george would you like to make the motion that members must sign a book?
 <George_Mann> yes
 <jriver_15> would you like to further elaborate?
 <George_Mann> Motion to require members to sign a book (possibly with some rules) to ensure their loyalty
 <jriver_15> Any seconds?
 <a8g> I second that, George_Mann
 <George_Mann> this book could also elaborate on basic procedure and the chain of command
 <epoxyglue> now, who shall be assigned to create this book?
 <a8g> If we all agree to it, I can make the book
 <George_Mann> I can help [the] publication of it
 <jriver_15> a8g do [you] accept the edit to your proposal by george?
 <BlakeM27> was a8g's motion that he write the book?
 <jriver_15> a8g's proposal was for him to write the book
 <a8g> By publication, what exactly do you mean?
 <George_Mann> a8 can author the book and I can make multiple copies of it
 <George_Mann> and help him author it possibly
 <a8g> ah, [I] see. Are we sure we need copies?
 <George_Mann> not many, but a few for new members that we might accrue
 <a8g> Alright, makes sense. I second George's edit
 <epoxyglue> I support this motion and offer my services in any way possible
 <jriver_15> all opposed to the combined motion?
 *none opposed*
 <jriver_15> It is settled, George and a8g shall make a book for all future members to sign!
 <TurtleCobra> I would like to bring forward legislation, to change the group's official time to CST, 
 <TurtleCobra> and as a subsection, declare any use of military time considered unauthorized and shall be met with swift punishment.
 <jriver_15> Does anyone second this motion?
 <george_Mann> I oppose this motion, 1 yay, 1 nay
 <TurtleCobra> I recommend different votes be held for changing of time, and also military time usage punishment.
 <jriver_15> Alright, does anyone second the motion to convert from GMT to CST?
 <BlakeM27> I'm not really sure, but it will make it easier for me to know the times
 <a8g> Im neutral on this motion.
 <George_Mann> BlakeM27 yay, nay, or neutral?
 <BlakeM27> I am probably neutral as [well]
 *1 yay, 1 nay, 2 present; 4 voted thus far on the motion in question*
 <jriver_15> We will put that motion on hold
 <George_Mann> ok
 <TurtleCobra> and for the punishment for military time usage
 <jriver_15> Anyone to second the motion that turtle has said above just then?
 <BlakeM27> I second
 <jriver_15> all [opposed]?
 <George_Mann> I oppose the motion
 <a8g> What exactly do you mean about punishment?
 <TurtleCobra> Punishment will be determined later on
 <George_Mann> if I am not correct, turtle means to ban usage of the 24 hour system
 <a8g> I don't think we should exactly ban it, but I'm also split on this
 <jriver_15> Ok, all In favor of Turtle's motion to punish the use of military time?
 <jriver_15> Please restate your stance
 <jriver_15> All opposed to Turtle's motion to punish military time?
 <George_Mann> me
 <jriver_15> Since we cannot come to a conclusion on these two motions, [I] will resolve them by introducing an [alternative motion]
 <jriver_15> I move to keep the de facto system in place which is in 12 hour system and GMT centered
 <jriver_15> Any seconds?
 <a8g> Sure, I second
 <jriver_15> Any opposed?
 <George_Mann> does this ban the use of the 24 hour system, or [simply] puts preference towards the 12 hour system?
 <jriver_15> This motion will just use a 12 hour system to name the meetings
 <DarthDan_42069> Sure, I second
 <TurtleCobra> I oppose
 <George_Mann> jriver_15 but it will not ban the use of the 24 hour system?
 <TurtleCobra> I oppose to the 24 hour system and GMT
 <jriver_15> Very well, turtle would you like to elaborate on your opposition?
 <TurtleCobra> 12 hour time is much easier to use and understand
 <TurtleCobra> and Central Time is used by most members of the group ... which will efficiently coordinate meetings as such
 <jriver_15> All those in favor of using a 12 hour system say yay
 <epoxyglue> yay
 <DarthDan_42069> yay
 <George_Mann> yay
 <TurtleCobra> yay
 <a8g> yay
 <jriver_15> yay
 <jriver_15> [This motion passes by an overwhelming amount]
 <TurtleCobra> what about favoring CST over GMT?
 <George_Mann> I oppose
 <jriver_15> [I] oppose
 <DarthDan_42069> I oppose
 <Blake27> personally it would make it easier for me to know the time so yay
 <a8g> While [I] am cst, it's whatever is best for most
 <a8g> [I'm] neutral
 *at this point in time, the vote on the motion of favoring CST over GMT is 3 yay, 3 nay, and 1 present, with all members having voted.* 
 *At the time, it was believed DarthDan was the tie-breaking vote, but, as we can see, he has already voted. However, a simple solution is to say that the chairman gets to decide the tie*
 *Since the chairman intoduced this motion an the vote is otherwise tied, he can therefore pass it*
 <jriver_15> It is settled, the defacto time config [will] stay in place
 <epoxyglue> we should create [an] official private meeting place for this association, [I] propose "Discord"
 <DarthDan_42069> let jriver to create it, [he's] chairman
 <a8g> I agree with epoxy, we should probably make a discord.
 <epoxyglue> may [I] create this discord?
 <jriver_15> I move for myself to create a discord for this organization
 <George_Mann> I second this
 <TurtleCobra> I second the creation of a discord
 <a8g> I second
 <jriver_15> [epoxyglue] do you agree to let me make [the discod]?
 <epoxyglue> ok. [How] shall we join?
 <jriver_15> [I am going to make the discord server] with an overwhelming majority [appoval].
 <jriver_15> I will make it now, but only fit it out later
 <jriver_15> until we move to move the meeting to there, [let's] keep the meeting ingame
 <George_Mann> Motion to whitelist the discord server to members only
 <jriver_15> [I] second
 <BlakeM27> sure or maybe make a section to introduce new players
 <jriver_15> any opposed?
 <jriver_15> Actually, I [oppose]
 *with this restatement, the vote on the motion is 2 yay, 1 nay, with three members having voted*
 <jriver_15> I think that others should view official meeting records, but not type
 <George_Mann> ok
 <George_Mann> All in [favor] of the Amended motion of having non-viewers have limited access to the server
 <BlakeM27> sure
 <TurtleCobra> I oppose said proposition
 *It seems this motion was hung, although it could be interpreted later that Turtle revoked his opposition*
 <TurtleCobra> Continue the meeting!
 <epoxyglue> may [I] assist in the set-up/completion of the discord server?
 <George_Mann> I can assist in structuring too
 <jriver_15> So are you guys moving to get the role of [administrator] on the server? 
 <George_Mann> yes... or something of the sort
 <BlakeM27> yes [try roles]
 *with none opposed*
 <jriver_15> Alright, discord sorted
 <jriver_15> Now, does anyone else have any new business?
 <TurtleCobra> The legislative conference will now resume. jriver, I would like to bring up another legislation
 <jriver_15> you have the floor, turtle
 <TurtleCobra> This legislation will be to change our official sponsor to progressive
 <jriver_15> [any] seconds?
 <George_Mann> I oppose
 <BlakeM27> What was our previous sponsor?
 <jriver_15> My glass shop
 <jriver_15> I also oppose turtle's motion
 <epoxyglue> I oppose changing the sponsor
 <BlakeM27> progressive the insurance company?
 <TurtleCobra> yes BlakeM27
 <BlakeM27> oppose if it's irl progressive
 <a8g> [oppose if it's irl progressive]
 <DarthDan_42069> [I] oppose
 <jriver_15> this motion does not pass by a large margin
 <DarthDan_42069> smh we should have Finland as [our] sponsor
 <BlakeM27> that sounds good
 <jriver_15> any opposed to the motion of DarthDan?
 <George_Mann> Motion for Finland to be PBSDA's Sponsor?
 <jriver_15> of adding Finland as a sponsor
 <George_Mann I oppose
 <TurtleCobra> I oppose
 <epoxyglue> I am fine with any sponsor with the exemption of disney and nestle
 <BlakeM27> Finland can join at a later date
 <TurtleCobra> I would like to elaborate on my opposition to this proposition
 <jriver_15> you have the floor turtle
 <TurtleCobra> currently our association shall no have interests or connections to civilizations until we can establish agreements
 <DarthDan_42069> so we [won't] have Finland as [a sponsor]
 <BlakeM27> ok sounds good
 <George_Mann> I agree with turtle
 <jriver_15> yes [I] also agree
 <George_Mann> terms should be established in this or future meetings
 <epoxy> (in discord relay) [I] [thought] we would continue to have jriver's glass shop as our sponsor?
 <BlakeM27> sure... I like glass
 <George_Mann> Yes jriver's glass shop remains the sponsor
 <jriver_15> Alright quick [any more] new business?
 <jriver_15> I move that we conduct the next meeting on [the] discord server
 <DarthDan_42069> ok
 <TurtleCobra> I agree with said proposition 
 <George_Mann chat or vc?
 <TurtleCobra> chat
 <BlakeM27> chat
 <George_Mann> I second this
 <jriver_15> in a specific text channel is what I say
 <DarthDan_42069> chat
 <epoxyglue> yes, not everyone has a microphone
 <George_Mann> 5 yay 0 nay. This motion clearly passes
 <BlakeM27> we should also have a way to archive meeting transcripts in an organized fassion
 <George_Mann> BlakeM27 I can do that... [that's] easy
 <BlakeM27> ok sounds good
 <jriver_15> I move that we create a wiki page to archive these transcripts
 <BlakeM27> second
 <George_Mann> I oppose that motion
 <George_Mann> The current motion is to publicly archive meeting transcripts
 <a8g> I second
 <TurtleCobra> I agree the the proposition to publicly archive meeting transcripts
 <jriver_15> Alright that means the motion to make a wiki page passes with the archive
 <TurtleCobra> I propose our next meeting should be on 6 PM CST/7 PM EST/12 AM BST on Friday, January 15/Saturday, January 16.
 <George_Mann> gmt?
 <TurtleCobra> yes 12 AM GMT Jan 16th
 <George_Mann> I second this motion, although I may or may not show up
 <jriver_15> Oke what about 11:00 pm GMT Friday the 15th
 <George_Mann> ok
 <BlakeM27> I will probably be on vacation at that time
 <TurtleCobra> accept
 <DarthDan_42069> [I] agree with conclusion.
 <epoxyglue> [I] agree
 <BlakeM27> that would work
 *6 yay*
 <jriver_15> Alright it is settled, meet again on the discord on Friday the 15th of [January]
 <jriver_15> at 11:00 pm GMT
 <jriver_15> I move to end the meeting a final time
 <jriver_15> any opposed to ending the meeting?
 *none opposed*
 <jriver_15> The initial meeting of PBSDA is adjourned!
 *Initial Meeting of the PBSDA adjourned at 12:44 am GMT on January 13th, 2020*

Second Meeting

1. Minutes: Chairman jriver_15 initiates meeting on January 15th, 2021, at 11:18 pm GMT, 18 minutes off schedule. George_Mann and BlakeM27 are also present.

Old Business

After its review, jriver_15 moved to approve the previous meeting's transcript (above). Blake seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed.

jriver_15 moved to document the minutes of meetings on this wiki as opposed to documenting a transcript. In the same motion, he also moved to assign himself the task of doing so for this meeting. George_Mann seconded the motion, and BlakeM27 opposed it. After discussion, the same motion was taken to a vote where it received 2 yays, 0 nays, and 0 presents. The motion passed.

jriver_15 moved to retroactively approve procedural rules. BlakeM27 seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed.

5. jriver_15 moved to retroactively approve the structure of the PBSDA discord. In the same motion, he moved to conduct all further meetings in that channel. George_Mann seconded the motion, but BlakeM27 opposed it. After discussion, jriver_15 amends the second part of his motion to instead move to conduct only the next meeting in the discord. In the same amended motion, he moved to require that the chairman be sitting in his seat at the PBSDA HQ while a meeting is in session. Additionally, he moved to pass the responsibility on where meetings are held to the meeting held prior to the one in question. George_Mann seconded the amended motion, and none opposed it. The motion passes.

jriver_15 moved to bestow membership to players who are endorsed by at least two current members in a written (signed) book. BlakeM27 seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passes.

New Business

jriver_15 moved to schedule the next meeting for 11:00 pm GMT on January 19th, 2021. BlakeM7 seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passes.

jriver_15 moved to adjourn the meeting. BlakeM27 seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passes and the meeting is adjourned at 12:00 am GMT on January the 16th, 2021.

Third Meeting

1. Minutes: Chairman jriver_15 initiates meeting on January 19th, 2021 at 11:06 pm GMT, 6 minutes off schedule. BlakeM27, TurtleCobra, and George_Mann are also present.

Old Business

After its review, jriver_15 moved to approve the previous meeting's minutes (above). George_Mann seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed.

BlakeM27 was recognized to take the floor and made brought attention to the fact that this wiki links to Cafi's Spawn Market, but no such page exists. His floor time expires.

TurtleCobra was recognized to take the floor and summed up the last meeting's business. He returns the floor.

New Business

5. BlakeM27 was recognized to take the floor and moved to create a wiki page for Cafi's spawn market. After discussion, jriver_15 built upon this motion and moved to delegate himself the task of creating such a wiki page and doing an appropriate edits to the PBSDA page. George_Mann seconded this motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed.

jriver_15 moved to make a new member, supserv, and his Pop Bob skin the mascot of the Association. George_Mann seconded the motion, but TurtleCobra opposed. After discussion, jriver_15 clarifies that a motion to remove the mascot can be made in the future, and the clarified motion was taken to a vote where it received 4 yays, 0 nays, and 0 presents. The motion passed.

BlakeM27 is recognized to take the floor and asks a question regarding the Association's goals. The floor is then opened for discussion. TurtleCobra is recognized to make a solo statement to the floor.

jriver_15 moved to endow the Pop Bob Sex Dupe Association, as a self organized collective pursuant to the discussion above, with the ability to hold perms to ingame builds, principal ownership to these builds, and to transfer such ownership and endow such perms as the motions duly passed by itself should proclaim. jriver_15 later clarified that the motion extends to any builds and that the original owners of such builds would have to give the organization these securities. BlakeM27 seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed.

After discussion, George_Mann moved to schedule the next meeting on January 26th, 2021, at 12:00 am GMT. TurtleCobra seconds the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed.

10. George_Mann moved to make/acquire land in various establishments across Freedonia, for possible usage in the future for any means that may come up. TurtleCobra seconded the motion, and none opposed. The motion passed.

jriver_15 moved to adjourn the meeting. George_Mann seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed and the third meeting of the PBSDA was adjourned at 12:03 am GMT on January 20th, 2021.

Fourth Meeting

1. Minutes: jriver_15 initiated the meeting on January 26th, 2021, at 12:02 am GMT, 2 minutes off schedule. George_Mann, DarthDan_42069, TurtleCobra, and Ertum_ were also present.

Old Business

After its review, jriver_15 moved to approve the previous meeting's minutes (above). Ertum_ seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed.

New Business

jriver_15 moved to proactively accept the transfer of ownership of Selwara from getplayerhead.sh?HY_Turkic&16.png HY_Turkic to the PBSDA upon that original owner's consensual bestowment of such property to the organization through a signed book to be submitted to the records. DarthDan_42069 seconded the motion, but TurtleCobra opposed it. After discussion, the motion was put to a vote where it received 3 yay, 0 nay, and 2 present. The motion passed.

jriver_15 moved to schedule the next meeting for January 30th, 2021, at 11:00 pm GMT. Ertum_ seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed.

5. DarthDan_42069 stated his leave which was recognized.

jriver_15 moved to adjourn the meeting. Ertum_ seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed and the fourth meeting of the PBSDA was adjourned at 12:28 am GMT on January 26th, 2021.

Fifth Meeting

1. Minutes: jriver_15 initiated the meeting on January 30th, 2021, at 11:00 pm GMT. George_Mann, DarthDan_42069, and TurtleCobra were also present.

Old Business

After its review, jriver_15 moved to approve the previous meeting's minutes (above). George_Mann seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed.

New Business

jriver_15 moved to introduce a new procedural rules section titled "Overturning a Motion" (above). DarthDan_42069 seconded the motion, but George_Mann opposed it. After discussion, the motion went to a vote where it received a vote of 4 yay, 0 nay, 0 present. The motion passed.

jriver_15 moved to schedule the next meeting for 11:00 pm GMT on February the 8th, 2021. TurtleCobra seconded the motion, and none opposed it.

5. jriver_15 moved to adjourn the meeting. George_Mann seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed and the fifth meeting of the PBSDA was adjourned at 11:38 pm GMT on January the 30th, 2021.

Sixth Meeting

1. Minutes: jriver_15 initiated the meeting on February 8th, 2021, at 11:57 GMT, 57 minutes off-schedule. Ertum_ was also present.

Old Business

After its review, jriver_15 moved to approve the previous meeting's minutes (above). Ertum_ seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed.

New Business

jriver_15 moved to sponsor the creation and organization of the Southern Rail Commission under the Pop Bob Sex Dupe Association following these articles: 1: The Commission's mission will be to connect the towns in the Newport area by rail to the FRS main line, ideally to the FRS Southern Hub upon its completion. 2:The initial meeting of the Commission should be held on February 13th, 2021, at 10:00 pm GMT. 3:The proceedings of the meeting should abide by PBSDA rules and be held in a specific channel to be created by myself on this discord. 4:The meeting shall also be accompanied by a gathering in the PBSDA meeting room at the Spawn Market where at least the Chairman shall sit during proceedings. 5: I shall act as Chairman of the Commission. 6: Membership to the Commission shall be extended to all PBSDA members and to anyone interested who reserves through a sign on a specific board in the PBSDA meeting room at the Spawn Market. 7: Upon the passing of this motion, the Commission, logically, can be dissolved by the PBSDA if a motion overrules this motion or any motion upholding this motion as per the procedural rule "Overturning a Motion". 8: If during the Commission's proceedings a motion for independence from the PBSDA is passed with a net yay vote that may overrule this motion or any motion upholding this motion passed by the PBSDA as per the procedural rule "Overturning a Motion", the Commission should then possess full autonomy and may restructure itself freely. Ertum_ seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passes.

jriver_15 moved to schedule the next meeting of the PBSDA for February the 15th at 11:00 pm GMT. Ertum_ seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed.

5. jriver_15 moved to adjourn the meeting. Ertum_ seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed and the sixth meeting of the PBSDA was adjourned at 12:32 pm GMT on February 9th, 2021.

Seventh Meeting

1. Minutes: jriver_15 initiated the meeting on February 16th, 2021, at 2:28 am GMT, 3 hours and 28 minutes off-schedule. Ertum_ and George_Mann were also present.

Old Business

After its review, jriver_15 moved to approve the previous meeting's minutes (above). Ertum_ seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed.

jriver_15 moved to overrule the motion from the previous meeting that introduced and organized the SRC, and to suspend that organizations meetings and operations. As per procedure, the motion to overrule went to a vote where it received 2 yay, 1 present, 0 nay (net yay 2). This vote was not sufficient and the motion to overrule was laid upon the table.

After open discussion, members decided to settle the business pertaining to the SRC in that body's specific meeting.

New Business

5. jriver_15 moved to schedule the next PBSDA meeting for February 22nd, 2021 at 10:00 pm GMT. George_Mann seconded the motion and none opposed. The motion passed.

jriver_15 moved to adjourn the meeting. George_Mann seconded the motion and none opposed. The motion passes and the seventh PBSDA meeting is adjourned at 2:47 pm GMT on February 16th, 2021.

Eighth Meeting

1. Minutes: jriver_15 initiated the meeting on February 23rd, 2021, at 2:33 am GMT, 4 hours and 33 minutes off-schedule. George_Mann and TurtleCobra were also present.

Old Business

After its review, jriver_15 moved to approve the previous meeting's minutes (above). George_Mann seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed.

jriver_15 moved to implement the citation system explained above. TurtleCobra seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed.

jriver_15 moved to overrule a scheduling from the FRC to instead schedule the meeting for that meeting for February 27th, 2021 at 10:00 pm GMT. George_Mann seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed.

5. jriver_15 moved to extend citation and for minutes to be recorded for the FRC on this wiki. George_Mann seconded the motion, and none opposed it. The motion passed.

jriver_15 moved to schedule the next meeting of the PBSDA for February 28th, 2021 at 10:00 pm GMT. George_Mann proposed to amend to motion to instead meet at 11:00 pm. The original sponsor consented, and none opposed the amended motion. The motion passed.

jriver_15 moved to adjourn the meeting. George_Mann seconded and none opposed. The motion passed and the eighth meeting of the PBSDA is adjourned at 3:01 am GMT on February 23rd, 2021.