Socorro Holy Church of Yan

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green_places+of+worship.png The Holy Church of Yan
2025-03-15 03.24.55-min.png
Owner CaptainIceman
Category Places of Worship
Underground? Yes
Public? Yes
Completed 03/13/2025
Coordinates X=-6010
Dimension Overworld
Settlement Socorro
Map Link

The Holy Church of Yan is a Church worshipping the all powerful God Yan. It is said that Yan's words were carved into a Mini-Disc found deep in Mistral Valley's mountains, and that it called to CaptainIceman to spread his teachings and found a Holy City in his honor. Several Churches of Yan have been constructed across several Freedonian towns. The Socorro Church was the tenth to be constructed and it was completed on March 13th 2025.

Yan inscribed his Holy Grievances on the Holy Minidisc and then his ancient disciples inscribed them on each Mini Disc. Each Holy Church has it's own respective disc, and Socorro's is cat.

List of Holy Yan Churches