Spleef Rome

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Events Spleef Rome

A picture of getplayerhead.sh?crogpot&16.png crogpot, getplayerhead.sh?ItchyLlama&16.png ItchyLlama and getplayerhead.sh?dreambullenjoyer&16.png dreambullenjoyer, standing atop structures in Spleef Rome.

Creator getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT
Participants getplayerhead.sh?CaptainIceman&16.png CaptainIceman getplayerhead.sh?crogpot&16.png crogpot getplayerhead.sh?dreambullenjoyer&16.png dreambullenjoyer getplayerhead.sh?ItchyLlama&16.png ItchyLlama getplayerhead.sh?sporb&16.png sporb
Start Date August 2nd, 2024, 4:09 AM (EST)
End Date August 2nd, 2024, 5:38 AM (EST)
Location Mistral Arena
Public? Yes

Spleef Rome was a public event at Mistral Arena between 4:09 AM (EST) and 5:38 AM (EST) on August 2nd, 2024, where games of Spleef turned into building a town made out of the abundant snow blocks. It was short lived, but was a very fun community event for all involved. The name comes from a random comment made by getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT, where he said, "this is our Rome, this is like Spleef Rome right here." Everyone agreed with the name, thinking it was pretty cool.


A picture of getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT announcing the start of a Spleef game at Mistral Arena, with getplayerhead.sh?CaptainIceman&16.png CaptainIceman, getplayerhead.sh?crogpot&16.png crogpot, getplayerhead.sh?dreambullenjoyer&16.png dreambullenjoyer, getplayerhead.sh?ItchyLlama&16.png ItchyLlama, and getplayerhead.sh?sporb&16.png sporb participating.

During a visit to the Glowstone Mall, getplayerhead.sh?CaptainIceman&16.png CaptainIceman, getplayerhead.sh?crogpot&16.png crogpot, getplayerhead.sh?ItchyLlama&16.png ItchyLlama, getplayerhead.sh?dreambullenjoyer&16.png dreambullenjoyer, getplayerhead.sh?sporb&16.png sporb were all hanging around the AMinecraftCasino, when getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT showed up. He asked what was going on, and everyone was kind of just hanging. getplayerhead.sh?CaptainIceman&16.png CaptainIceman suggested the idea of a Spleef match at the Mistral Arena, and everyone was on board.

Multiple Spleef matches were played at the Mistral Arena, before chaos started to emerge, when everyone wanted to make little structures and mess around.

Eventually getplayerhead.sh?sporb&16.png sporb just started randomly building structures, and so getplayerhead.sh?crogpot&16.png crogpot, getplayerhead.sh?dreambullenjoyer&16.png dreambullenjoyer, getplayerhead.sh?ItchyLlama&16.png ItchyLlama, and getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT joined in on the fun. getplayerhead.sh?CaptainIceman&16.png CaptainIceman started shooting his bow at them to make them stop building (and actually killed getplayerhead.sh?crogpot&16.png crogpot in one shot), but eventually decided to go on a lunch break and let everyone build.

The group started creating random structures, and kept building, speaking in Voice Chat the whole time and laughing.

Eventually, getplayerhead.sh?sporb&16.png sporb, getplayerhead.sh?CaptainIceman&16.png CaptainIceman, getplayerhead.sh?dreambullenjoyer&16.png dreambullenjoyer, and had to leave, and eventually it was just getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT, getplayerhead.sh?crogpot&16.png crogpot, and getplayerhead.sh?ItchyLlama&16.png ItchyLlama. They started running around, but eventually getplayerhead.sh?ItchyLlama&16.png ItchyLlama started tearing it down to maintain the original arena. And so, Spleef Rome fell.

After Spleef Rome fell, getplayerhead.sh?ItchyLlama&16.png ItchyLlama logged off, marking the end of the short lived Spleef Rome event.
