Glowstone Mall

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green_commercial.png Glowstone Mall
2024-06-11 03.32.53.png

View of the Glowstone Mall

Owner CaptainIceman
Category Commercial
Underground? No
Public? Yes
Started 02/04/2024
Completed 06/11/2024
Coordinates X=1444
Dimension Overworld
Settlement Mistral Valley
Map Link

Glowstone Mall (or as its known locally, Mistral City Market) is a Mall in Mistral Valley that opened on Wednesday June 19th 2024 that focuses on rock bottom prices as well as specialty items so any player can find something they need. It has three floors and 30 available stalls for shops. It is loosely based on Ponce City Market in Atlanta Georgia.

The fastest way to reach the mall is by using the Yellow 2 - Mistral Valley Nexus Connection, leave the Mistral Valley Hub to the left, and following the directional signs, the mall is 50 blocks away.

If you are interested in creating a store in the Mall please contact CaptainIceman or hawkfan83. Stalls are free, but for 5 Diamond Blocks you can receive a stall and an apartment in the skyscraper across the street!

Updated 3/2/2025

Current Shops

Floor 1:

Floor 2:

Floor 3: