Sunset City

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green_cities.png Sunset City
Sunset City.png
Founder blokeris, Redstoner64
Category Cities
Underground? No
Fortified? No
Public access? Yes
Public build? No
Road link? No
Nexus link? No
Rail link? No
Boat link? Yes
Portal? No
Coordinates X=-19190
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

Welcome to Sunset City! Home of palm trees and colorful builds. This city was founded by blokeris (now bloke_r) and Redstoner64 in January 2025. The city of Miami was the inspiration for this project. With many plans ahead Sunset City never stops growing with help of new members.

The origin of the city began when blokeris noticed there was an empty land on the shore not too far from his first base. Initially, he had a plan to build the megabase there but it didn't come to fruition. Luckily there was another player Redstoner64 who was motivated to start a new town since all the towns he have been in before went unactive. First blokeris built some roads and made general plans for the city. The first major build for the city was Oceanview hotel. After that new players joined the city and built their homes in residential area. Not long after, the city had major update with the first skyscraper being built. With arrival of player krichik city began to grow exponentially with more and more skyscrapers coming to life. So far the city has lot of space for improvement but with dedication and motivation the end for this project is not in sight.

Come and see for yourself how fast Sunset City is expanding and feel free to make yourself a nice home there while you at it!

Active city builders:

City contributors: