Swag City

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Swag City is a city with the idea based around swag made by crogpot and cozmicdudes22. The city is also a district of Republic City and will be public after Republic City get's a Nexus. It's also known as the city of swag. And bases it's society off of swag. And has it's own terminology, and has more meaning than brainrot does.

NOTE FOR FUTURE: There WILL be more stuff added!

green_cities.png Swag City
Founder cozmicdudes22, crogpot
Category Cities
Underground? No
Fortified? No
Public access? Not yet.
Public build? No
Road link? Yes
Nexus link? No. When Republic City get's a Nexus, Swag City will use that as a route to reach there.
Rail link? No
Boat link? Yes
Portal? No
Coordinates X=7525
Dimension Overworld
Map Link