The Sacred Tree

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< galaxykidM5> "the primordial, immortal, omni-present tree"
green_nature+reserves.png The Sacred Tree
Owner George_Mann
Category Nature Reserves
Underground? No
Public? No
Started -
Completed -
Size north to south 5m
Size west to east 5m
Height 5m
Coordinates X=-2492
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

Why Tree?

This same tree is present on multiple servers, being a default naturally generated tree that serves as George_Mann's first base on every server that he plays on. However, he claims that he does not create the tree, and instead that he finds the tree in that state and he decides to inhabit it. Its nature of being simultaneously present on multiple servers at the same time gives it the capability to pull resources through time, space, and servers through the chests located on it, although no instances of this have ever happened, or been documented. Due to this, Vecxzin had previously tried to ban the tree for exploiting glitches and hacking to no avail, making it one of the few known entities in Freedonia to be invulnerable to the Banhammer.