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Joined the server in April 2021 after hearing about McO from a friend. The user's original used account named "Dupliz" has since been abandoned due to massive security issues regarding its associated E-Mail. Shortly after joining he became a member of the towns Emberrest and Heaven On Sea. KeepYourHairOn is mostly known for being a camper at DirtMall, harassing it's workers and causing the marketing system behind DirtMall to collapse. He was also known for frequently raiding EnderTown, killing its inhabitants and causing overall trouble, eventually leading to the abandonement of the town and him completely taking control over the town itself.

Currently living in Emberrest and building at Heaven on Sea.

User KeepYourHairOn

The Conqueror of EnderTown

Known as Uriah
Gender Male
Occupation Conqueror of EnderTown, Businessman of DirtMall
In Freedonia
First joined April 2021
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