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nexus_towns.png Emberrest
Emberrest flag.png

Flag of Emberrest

Founder getplayerhead.sh?Link03&16.png Link03
Category Towns
Underground? No
Fortified? No
Public access? Not everywhere
Public build? No
Road link? Yes
Nexus link? Yes
Rail link? No
Boat link? Yes
Portal? Yes
Coordinates X=-4758
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

Emberrest is a town founded by getplayerhead.sh?Link03&16.png Link03. It is located in South-Western Freedonia.


Emberrest was founded on December 29th, 2020. Its first resident, excluding getplayerhead.sh?Link03&16.png Link03, was getplayerhead.sh?Itsjustcactus&16.png Itsjustcactus. Other old members of the town include getplayerhead.sh?StormTrackerDude&16.png StormTrackerDude, getplayerhead.sh?BlueBlaziken&16.png BlueBlaziken, and getplayerhead.sh?SlaggyP&16.png SlaggyP. The town received a Nexus link on February 5th, 2021, with a ceremony to commemorate. On February 11th, a flag design was officially chosen for the town.

The town is still under construction and is inviting more and more members over the coming days. Once the town has a lot of residents the town aims to work on big projects. Here is a video detailing the history of Emberrest: https://youtu.be/c5MLInwk52s

At the end of 2024, Link03 started working on the town again. It is still active as of now.


Emberrest has 4 transportation routes, those being the nexus link, boat canal, nether link and road. The fastest way to get to Emberrest is via the nexus link. If you want to come with the nexus link you need to follow the following path:

Nexus Light Blue -> Light Blue 2 -> Emberrest pad

There's also a road that goes to the nearby town Mons Albus.


Emberrest has, at the time of writing, 3 districts. The districts are as follows:

Town Center

This is the oldest district, and is the original core of the town. This district also houses the town hall and a nether portal for people to reach the town. The town center also houses a tree farm and two vaults.

Medieval District

This is the second district ever built. It is near the Emberrest nexus link. Many impressive builds reside in this district and it's the only district (as of writing) that has a specific theme which builders must build their homes with. Some notable builds of this district are the church and the Ceremony Hall (used for special occasions).

Green Meadows

This district contains a lot of plain areas with some beautiful flowers in some areas. The plain area is ideal for building plots on, thus a lot of people have their houses in this district. Some notable builds include the Emberrest mansion.

Permissions system

You can find the permission system down below beneath Emberrest's nexus (click the free cobblestone/other auto farms lift down sign and then follow the hallway right behind you). The permission system consists of two rooms. A large circular room that makes up most of the space. This is where all the permissions signs are put. Then there's a small rules room near the entrance and this is where the whole permission system of Emberrest is explained. There are two permission rule versions people can choose from, a simple one and an alternative one (more explanation down below).

After agreeing to one of the versions, the player heads back to the circular room and places his permission sign on the walls of the room. The permission sign must include the following things: Player Name, Which version of the permission rules the player agrees to and the date. Additional info could be added on more signs but is not mandatory.

The terms of the two permissions systems
Simple Permission Alternative Permission
All permissions are given to the town owner of Emberrest (Link03) and town staff appointed by Link03 without conditions Builds can only be removed/edited if:
If the player is active then Emberrest staff will always talk with the player first before making potential changes to that person's build Obscene, disruptive or grievous
They're low effort, low quality
Shannanigans, trollish, tricks, mischief, grief or traps
Not having been active for the last 3 months and all other forms of communication have failed
In agreement with the builder
Upgrading or moving it is absolutely neccesary for the development of the town (town staff will always try to contact the builder first except if they're inactive)


Governors are people that maintain and develop a specific district. They can still help with other parts of the town but their district is their speciality. Governors do NOT have any extra powers or permission and are still subordinate to the town owner Link03. They also cannot give plots to other people.

Link is in charge of appointing people as governor. It's a way to give those people some more recognition and to help Link better manage Emberrest's districts.

Current governors:

Governor Charter

Before Link can appoint someone to governor, they must first agree to the governor charter. The governor charter is a set of terms the other player has to agree to, to become a governor.

The governor charter and the names of the players who have agreed to them can be found in the permission chamber underneath Emberrest's nexus.

  • 1: Only the owner Link03 can give plots and not governors.
  • 2: Being a governor does NOT give you any extra powers or permissions. They're still subordinate to Link3 and Link still holds all final authority.
  • 3: Governors can maintain their district and improve on it however governors have to ask permission from Link03 to edit already existing builds.
  • 4: A governor's title can always be revoked by Link03 when deemed neccesary. Of course Link03 will first try to talk with that person (except when inactive).

It's important to note that these terms are separate from the permission terms as being a governor does not give you any extra powers or permissions.


Resident list (62 in total)

getplayerhead.sh?Link03&16.png Link03

getplayerhead.sh?StormTrackerDude&16.png StormTrackerDude

getplayerhead.sh?SkyJackie&16.png SkyJackie

getplayerhead.sh?SlaggyP&16.png SlaggyP

getplayerhead.sh?Bumblebot245&16.png Bumblebot245

getplayerhead.sh?Itsjustcactus&16.png Itsjustcactus

getplayerhead.sh?Jriver_15&16.png Jriver_15

getplayerhead.sh?BlueBlaziken&16.png BlueBlaziken

getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72

getplayerhead.sh?KingAurora_&16.png KingAurora_

getplayerhead.sh?ChivalricCode&16.png ChivalricCode

getplayerhead.sh?runarlogi&16.png runarlogi

getplayerhead.sh?reis2977&16.png reis2977

getplayerhead.sh?ruwharigepanda&16.png ruwharigepanda

getplayerhead.sh?The_Jackal_249&16.png The_Jackal_249

getplayerhead.sh?Darkerfly&16.png Darkerfly (Not resident, only builder)

getplayerhead.sh?quickarm&16.png quickarm

getplayerhead.sh?Ted1246&16.png Ted1246

getplayerhead.sh?skybirdthing&16.png skybirdthing

getplayerhead.sh?BlakeM27&16.png BlakeM27

getplayerhead.sh?Hirudo6&16.png Hirudo6

getplayerhead.sh?Duplizieren&16.png Duplizieren (formerly known as getplayerhead.sh?Ulyssa&16.png Ulyssa)

getplayerhead.sh?Selimbits&16.png Selimbits

getplayerhead.sh?melonheadkid&16.png melonheadkid

getplayerhead.sh?br0c&16.png br0c

getplayerhead.sh?bucketsofwasps&16.png bucketsofwasps

getplayerhead.sh?galaxyparrot&16.png galaxyparrot

getplayerhead.sh?freskooo&16.png freskooo

getplayerhead.sh?lukasjensen6&16.png lukasjensen6

getplayerhead.sh?Spektra_&16.png Spektra_

getplayerhead.sh?saddle&16.png saddle

getplayerhead.sh?timdoeswhatever&16.png timdoeswhatever

getplayerhead.sh?Ertum_&16.png Ertum_

getplayerhead.sh?VlaGom&16.png VlaGom

getplayerhead.sh?feb1980&16.png feb1980

getplayerhead.sh?mtrani&16.png mtrani

getplayerhead.sh?plexaryked&16.png plexaryked

getplayerhead.sh?Naaaaaaaaaaaaate&16.png Naaaaaaaaaaaaate

getplayerhead.sh?Aziroeth&16.png Aziroeth

getplayerhead.sh?Eclypto18&16.png Eclypto18

getplayerhead.sh?thesprazzzler&16.png thesprazzzler

getplayerhead.sh?Labis&16.png Labis

getplayerhead.sh?cmb1100&16.png cmb1100

getplayerhead.sh?nikta_&16.png nikta_

getplayerhead.sh?RobotReaction&16.png RobotReaction

getplayerhead.sh?purplestar2038&16.png purplestar2038

getplayerhead.sh?ipodagent&16.png ipodagent

getplayerhead.sh?matunuckbeach&16.png matunuckbeach

getplayerhead.sh?hunterforsberg&16.png hunterforsberg

getplayerhead.sh?keybix&16.png keybix

getplayerhead.sh?netrom5&16.png netrom5

getplayerhead.sh?RainBd&16.png RainBd

getplayerhead.sh?Filip0706&16.png Filip0706

getplayerhead.sh?AdoreKitten&16.png AdoreKitten

getplayerhead.sh?Txkeykeeper&16.png Txkeykeeper

getplayerhead.sh?Purple_Pete&16.png Purple_Pete

getplayerhead.sh?EpicBaby&16.png EpicBaby

getplayerhead.sh?SenatorApple&16.png SenatorApple

getplayerhead.sh?LeBonPaxou&16.png LeBonPaxou

getplayerhead.sh?Cinnamonci&16.png Cinnamonci

getplayerhead.sh?Justin_Tirrell&16.png Justin_Tirrell

getplayerhead.sh?SennTheMan&16.png SennTheMan

getplayerhead.sh?JimyHendricks&16.png JimyHendricks

getplayerhead.sh?MrPixelized&16.png MrPixelized

getplayerhead.sh?Mutantwo1f&16.png Mutantwo1f

getplayerhead.sh?SadieSadie&16.png SadieSadie

getplayerhead.sh?Leo_Belgicus&16.png Leo_Belgicus

getplayerhead.sh?_SkyFalls&16.png _SkyFalls

getplayerhead.sh?Cookiegamer500&16.png Cookiegamer500

Diplomatic missions

Embassies are an important way of making contact with other towns and also shows the good ties between Emberrest and the other towns.

All the towns/organizations Emberrest has an embassy at:

- Mons Albus

- Dubina











getplayerhead.sh?ScarClaw72&16.png ScarClaw72 featured the town in his 61st episode of Exploring Freedonia, as part of the fourth season. (Starts at 5:05)

He later revisited the town in the 64th episode.

See Also