Flip33r: prezie4592 looks so hot
pretzie4592: why thank you darling
REDACTED: pretzie4592 is a cool dude
Flip33r: <3
Flip33r: wtf? DUDE?
pretzie4592: HA HA HA
pretzie4592: DID YOU THINK
Flip33r: okay, nobody seen anything
pretzie4592: OMFG LOL
ScarClaw72: hey lord
ScarClaw72: was literally investigating ur house
ScarClaw72: so far 2/3 disco balls, hope to see it grow and become ever more funk
StardustSparkler: scar i literally thought you were talking to god for a second
dunechan: LMAO
Clomik: lol
AviNyx: god has disco balls in his house
Crafter_Keegan: heaven needs more disco balls clearly
StardustSparkler: but it's [communism] gay
rorhl: wow gay communist detected
StardustSparkler: yes, i am indeed a communist. maybe. i don't really care much tbh.
StardustSparkler: it's like, whatever, dude.
rorhl: wow get this communist banned
StardustSparkler: communism sounds like a breakfast cereal brand