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User dunechan

Big Sister is watching you

Known as dune, dunechan, or my irl name, Jude.
Gender Female
Location Chicago
Nationality American
DOB 2004-08-5
Occupation Gonna be a mom soon, yay!
In Freedonia
First joined September 14th, 2021
First building Base outside spawn walls
Kit level **** Gold
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About me

This is the new name for MrInternet09's account, and her old page is outdated.

Things i've done:

-Founded Aether City

-Pennsylvania Station

-Founded the Republic of Freedonia

-Founded the Freedonian Ice Highway project

-Republic City staff

-Member of Kanal Town

-Helped demolish the Cakeville airport

-Fought in the Cat Town vs. Newport Empire war (me and snaky are chill now)

I go on many online forums frequently; 4Chan, Reddit, etc.

If you ever need help building something just ask me in game, or through discord. My username is dunechan.

If you’re looking to find me ingame, have fun walking to the west border lmfao

Organizations I’m a part of:

-Protectors of the Southeast

-United Republics of Freedonia


-Freedonian Ice Highway Co.

-United Freedonia

I’ve been involved with a few others, while not officially being a member

Oh and please don’t harass me in DMs, also don’t send NSFW/illegal content as I will block you if you do. If I haven’t responded to any dms in over a month, assume that I’m either on a trip, or in the hospital.


-Being nice to new players





-Dystopian novels: 1984, “We”, Brave new world, Man in the high castle, etc.

-Edgy but still funny humor


-Art-deco architecture

Friends Sanixdrill (One of the chillest players I’ve ever met) Cozmicdudes22 (Just a really nice person) moncinna (She says out of pocket stuff, and is generally a funny player) Clomik (He is a silly rep cookie hoarder and headhunter) NightSteak9 (He’s pretty nice to me, and I respect him, despite what people say) Kendon Txkeykeeper meowingcat50 (silly) retrorandom (silly) goofy_man_lol Ervoss thedittogirl Psychovis FishRei RebelCommander7 fivechan_ Eleanorsilly OutboardBag Jesev Ghostis_ SoulCoyote ThankGod4Words HeyHoli (chill noviy yorik guy)

Banned players I'll miss: Internetuser10 (He was always a nice player, whether that be in discord or ingame) Game_Geekz0 (He always was up to talk about things, and I was always willing to give him advice)


-Cheaters (Excluding Internetuser10)



-People who say Newport sucks (I used to be one of them sadly)


-People who say racial slurs in chat, and expect to be praised as a comedic genius. Hetza_: Called me a man multiple times, saying I’m a trans woman (which I’m not) Milanesa: Joked about r*ping me in chat (including many others) and when that shit happens I feel like I want to fucking cry. Ownagecat: bad Bunsenbaker: made a city with the same name as mine, just to fuck with me