C.O Style Radio Documentation

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This page is dedicated to the documentation & development of the C.O Style Radio

Initial Developments

SiOtter and Carcrashers first design for the radio can be seen in Kanal Town at the radio building (behind the FPKA headquarters). The design was also used in White Rock in the radio room inside the waterfall building.

The system uses 3 transmitters based off codes described in the guidebook written by SiOtter. System uses American morse code as its standard, but is compatible with any two note system.

current transmitter codes

  • ktr 1-3 (Kanal Town)
  • wrr 1-3 (White Rock)

Image coming soon.


Radio Design v1

getplayerhead.sh?Abamacus&16.png Abamacus recommends a design as shown here. The primary reason for this is to make it responsive (minimize ticks), since MCO is quite laggy.

  • The user will flip the Lever either up or down to send a signal. Note that the on/off status is not relevant, this is merely a quick change in the block state.
  • This updates the Redstone Dust on top of the Observer block, activating the Observer, and powering the Redstone Dust below the Observer.
    • The Observer emits power for 2 ticks, which is one of the shorter common pulses available. It is also long enough that it should never be "missed" by the craftbook processing which is not always perfectly in sync with standard redstone.
  • This activates the Transmitter (MC1110), sending the signal to all radio receivers globally.
  • The Receiver (MC0111) sets the second Lever to On, which both turns on the Redstone Lamp, and activates the Note block.

Design considerations:

  • Space: assuming 3 such layouts are used, with a block between each, this whole device will fit into a ~5x5 room -- user area as small as 2x5!
  • User Experience: the user will be within a few meters of all three Note blocks, for optimal full sound.
  • Usability: the Levers having two states, which are irrelevant, may confuse some users. Also, recommend a Sign placed above the Redstone Lamp to indicate Black is "dot", Gray is "dash", etc.
  • Other considerations: users have direct access to the Note blocks. This means they can change the pitch of each note block, independently, which may be undesirable.