Freedonia Railway System

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green_infrastructure.png Freedonia Railway System
2022-08-20 10.13.01.png

Grand Freedonia Railway Station

Owner shypixel
Contributors chivalrousWeasel, Krenath, Blobehh, Jmancino2, Lothendal, healthyuncle, AJStratton, SlowRiot, thesprazzzler, theschlozmeister, 14mRh4X0r, gricer1326, Alkarius_Endgame, LewisD95 and Many More!
Category Infrastructure
Underground? Yes
Public? Yes (Conditionally)
Started June 2011
Completed Constantly being expanded
Size north to south 38384m
Size west to east 38474m
Coordinates X=-189
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

"I'll try to look excited." - lacrosse1991

Freedonia Railway System is a collection of rail lines intended to provide reliable, standardized, and easy to use rail transportation service across the far reaches of the map.


Centered at the Grand Freedonia Railway Station overlooking Spawn, the Freedonia Railway System is a minecart rail transportation alternative to Warps and Project Anubis Nexus Transporters. The system was constructed from a combination of Craftbook magic and in-game redstone powered rail mechanics. Players purchase tickets for a nominal fee (5 cobble at the time of writing), select a station or stop from along one of four main rail lines, then board a self-launching minecart and are powered along their way. Carts will leave the main line towards the desired station automatically, so players can relax and enjoy the scenery.

Warning to Users

Since the Freedonia Railway System extends over the whole server map, it cannot be guarenteed that you will be entirely safe upon your travels. We all know that griefers are hunted down, but this does not take away the risk of the railways being griefed. When this grief is not fixed, it is possible that the traveller falls down a few tens of blocks, towards a certain death. Due to inconsistencies in systems used for switches and stations, it is also possible that the traveller gets stuck at certain points. Notice that you can leave a grief report (/greport), after which you can go /home again. In all cases, it is forbidden to edit the system, without written permission of the owner of the part or staff members. Some lines and critical infrastructure are no longer maintained, which means it is not always possible to go to and from certain locations. In that case, it is adviced to let staff know, so connections could be fixed.

If, upon your travels across Freedonian land, you find missing blocks or problematic situations, please do not hesitate to contact the staff team, so inconsistencies can finally be fixed.


The FRS stands proud as the most Multiplayer Survival compatible transportation alternative. Powered primarily by in-game mechanics, the main lines were originally built completely by hand with self-harvested material. The four main lines serve not only as transportation along the four cardinal directions, but also as targets for other player built rail lines for connection/transfer. This will make easy to follow transportation to many smaller and/or remote player communities and homes a much more attainable goal. Any player with enough ambition, resources, time and redstone know-how can connect their personal line(s) to one of the main lines and have front door rail service from Spawn.


The FRS main lines are composed of several parts: hub and spur stations, branches, stops and tons and tons of rails.

Hub Stations

Hub Stations, such as the Grand Freedonia Railway Station, are the heart of the system. They have multiple inbound and outbound lines, station/stop information, full ticket service, and cart dispensing, collecting and launching facilities. Main lines all begin and end in a Hub Station, which often lends its name to the adjoining rail line. All rail lines connected to a Hub Station are required to conform to a strict standardized layout to ensure compatibility.

Spur Stations

Spur Stations are similar to Hub Stations, but are optional lines that depart from the main lines. Spur stations only have service to and from the main line they are attached to. Spur Stations will have essential services like ticket dispensing, cart launching and basic station/stop directions. They may or may not have cart collection and dispensing. All rail lines connected to a Spur Station are required to conform to a loose set of minimal standards to qualify for connection to the main lines.


Branches are simple rail lines departing from the main or spur lines. These optional lines may or may not have any return service or ticket/cart services. They may even end suddenly or be unmaintained. Use at your own risk. All Branches connected to main lines must have at least return service and return ticket service. Owners/Managers of Spur Stations and lines may set their own criteria for connection.


Stops are simply that: stops. Your minecart will either move onto a short branch or simply stop moving and eject you. Stops along main lines will all have return ticket and cart launching services, but those along Spur or Branch lines are really a crapshoot. They are primarily a way to get you off the rails to follow a road or enter a nearby building. All stops are optional.

Tons and tons of Rails

As players speed along the rail line, they will be treated to a variety of stunning scenery and vistas unavailable in any other fashion. While substantially more time-consuming than travel by nexus or warps, they are far more organic to the Minecraft world, and allow more democratic and open access to rapid transportation.


Using the rails is a four stage process:

Choosing Line/Destination

Depending on where you wish to go, you must select the appropriate line and station/branch/stop. If your destination is the terminal station of a line, you can move to the next step. If you wish to use a spur, branch or stop, you simply type /st name, where name is the name of the desired station, branch or stop. You may type this command at any time, and it will persist until you disconnect or repeat the command.

Buying Tickets

Standard ticket price is five cobble blocks. In exchange, you will receive a common item, such as a string or feather. Tickets must be held in your hand to properly guide you along your route. Tickets help the rail system determine the correct direction of your travel. The /st command decides where you will stop, but your ticket tells the rails how to get you there. Tickets are required for return service on the main lines, and you will go different directions depending on which ticket you hold. Some stations, like Spawn Station, have a ticket associated with them, in this case, paper. Paper will always take you back to spawn.

Boarding Carts

How you board your cart will depend on where you are entering the system. In remote areas, it may be as primitive as placing a cart on the rails, nudging it, and hopping in before it rolls away. All stations will have Launcher Blocks, lime green wool blocks along the line. Placing a cart in these blocks will cause it to remain stationary until entered, when it will start automatically. Hub and major Spur Stations have cart dispensers that allow you to press a button to summon a cart to a launcher block. It is wise to hold your ticket in hand during all stages of boarding.

Exiting Carts

How you exit will depend on where you exit. If your destination is major station, you will be automatically ejected from your cart, which will be collected into a system chest. Smaller stations may merely stop your cart, requiring you to exit and destroy your cart manually. Branches and Stops may simply end. In places where a cart return is not provided, please return your cart to the nearest station at your convenience.

Main Lines

Originally there were 4 main lines going to all 4 cardinal directions. Later their large branches were turned into separate lines and new ones were built in the expanded world. Total length of the line listed below in double-track terms is 350788 blocks.

Great Northern Line

The Great Northern Line goes West. This is because when the line was created the direction this line went in was North, until one Minecraft update changed which direction north was. So now it goes West. This railway line uses white wool. You can take this line from the spawn station by holding sugar. Total length of the line with branches in double-track terms is 43991 blocks.

The Great Northern Line with all stations and interchanges

Here is a list of all GN Line stations accessible from Spawn in order of their branch appearance:

Name Command Distance Coordinates Notes
Main Line
Grand Freedonia Railway Station (Spawn) /st Spawn 0 -190; 358 Change here for LT, OC and OR lines.
North-East Nexus - 317 -364; 225 Station was removed.
Drum City /st DrumCity 1907 -361; 1098 Change here for OC Line.
Underworld /st Underworld 988 -830; 650 Arrivals only.
Stone Burrow /st StoneBurrow 1417 -1192; 663
Central Nexus /st CentralNexus 2995 -1842; 1645 Created as the first example of Krenath's redesigned stations and skyroads for 2021 and beyond.
Casa de Austria /st CasaAustria 3036 -1928; -184 Change here for local railways.
Artville /st Artville 3761 -2698; 1503
Shoretown /st Shoretown 3176 -2913; 679
Melonopolis /st Melonopolis 4213 -3344; 1243
Logdon /st Logdon 3865 -3691; 638
Diamond Mall /st DiamondMall 4891 -3814; 1569
Joppa /st JoppaLine 4444 -4018; 884
Sky City /st SkyCity 4701 -4322; 823
Forbidden Outpost /st ForbiddenOutpost 4642 -4454; 680 Change here for local railways to New Venice, Port Dome, North Nexus, Greenville and North-West Nexus.
Craftbook Museum /st CbookMuseum 5236 -4510; 140
Amp City /st AmpCity 5987 -4524; -589
Dragon's Hold /st DragonsHold 7530 -5359; -1273
Quarryton /st Quarryton 8516 -7098; -530
Nexus North-West 1 /st NexusNW1 9254 -7126; -1262 Change here for Las Vereno Line.
Floatania /st Floatania 10240 -8549; -825
Rasuka /st Rasuka 11721 -8621; -1930 Change here for local railway to Palacio del Orb.
CoffeeTowne /st CoffeeTowne 14557 -12011; -598
Old West Border /st OldWestBorder 17485 -15181; 4 Connection with Nether Highway System.
Bordertown /st Bordertown ? -19259; 1355 Station and branch are under construction
Goosebury /st Goosebury 22634 -19904; 422
Maurerheim /st Maurerheim 25444 -22200; -936 Station wasn't constructed
West Border /st WestBorder 25044 -22736; 0
Obernai Branch
Rasuka /st Rasuka 11801 -8621; -1930 Short way from northern part of the branch; change here for local railway to Palacio del Orb.
Deckland /st Deckland 13132 -8809; -3457
Concrete Grinder /st ConcreteFarm 14787 -9546; -3969 Not accessible from the main line.
(South Church)
/st Strasbourg 15250 -9646; -4532 Change here for Obernai metro.
Obernai /st Obernai 15570 -9751; -4953 Change here for Obernai Line, local metro and Las Vereno Line.

Feeder Lines

Lava Town Line

The Lava Town line is the oldest mass transit railway line. It goes towards the east side of the Map. Like many other Lava Town related builds, this line uses the colour orange. You can take this line from spawn station by holding string. Total length of the line with branches in double-track terms is 55231 blocks.

The Lava Town Line with all stations and interchanges

Here is a list of all LT Line stations accessible from Spawn in order of their branch appearance:

Name Command Distance Coordinates Notes
Main Line
Grand Freedonia Railway Station (Spawn) /st Spawn 0 -190; 358 Change here for GN, OC and OR lines.
Steampunk House /st SteampunkHouse 642 342; 328 Dead end loop, station wasn't constructed.
Batugus Labs Tube 2 /st BatugusLabs 1192 251; -117
Spur Station /st Spur 1312 798; 194 Test spur station.
New Atlanta /st NewAtlanta 1622 923; 353
Gotham City /st Gotham 3037 923; 1768
Xenotopia /st Xenotopia 1653 1143; 82
Sand Island /st SandIsland 3345 1817; 1148
Half-Moon Vale /st HalfMoonVale 4662 1659; 2085
Kurai Cho /st KuraiCho 5362 2854; 2128
Nazca /st Nazca 3181 1890; -535
Fellowship of Cake United /st FoCU 4740 2711; -1281
HellFireForge /st HellFireForge 4267 1566; -1260
Sigma Castle /st SigmaCastle 4933 1916; -2270 Dead end loop, station wasn't constructed.
Rtkwe Island /st RtkweIsland 2643 2068; 171
Zelda Map /st ZeldaMap 3520 2485; 369
Emucraft /st EmucraftCity 5435 3394; 1634
Castle City /st CastleCity 5868 3601; 1887 Change here for railway to NewLands.
Lava Town /st Lavatown 3924 3427; 186 Change here for the Ravines Loop.
Nexus East 1 /st NexusE1 4650 4065; 144
Delta City /st DeltaCity 6968 4264; -1975 Station is broken as a part of city design.
Arroyo /st Arroyo 6987 4539; -1719
Jimmyville /st Jimmyville 6841 5250; -804
Statue City /st StatueCity 6183 5604; 176
New Arcton /st NewArcton 8604 5714; -1975
Jannerville /st Jannerville 7404 6783; 218 Change here for local monorail.
ex-Borderlands /st Borderlands 7597 7002; 192
Monkokoro /st Monkokoro 11031 8115; -2183
Newcuntington /st Newcuntington 12152 11586; 163 Connection with Nether Highway System.
Watchtown /st Watchtown 20041 15922; -3382
Albourg /st Albourg 24766 15548; -8489 Change here for Alliance Line.
Chunk City /st ChunkCity 25670 15555; -9020
Shackcity /st Shackcity 25929 15738; -9462 Change here for Alliance Line.
Novum Branch
Mycelia /st Mycelia 12499 9649; 2447
Oceanville /st Oceanville 14119 8782; 3200 Station wasn't constructed, only rail switch was made.
Aeginus Island /st aegIsland 14323 8578; 3200 Station wasn't constructed, only rail switch was made.
Novum Culta /st Novum 18023 7305; 5627
Little America /st LittleAmerica 18494 7396; 6189 Change here for OC Line.

Feeder Lines

Occidental Line

The Occidental Line, originally heading west ("Occidental" means "West"; until the directions in Minecraft were switched around) goes to the south of the map and uses green wool. Holding wheat seeds in your hand will take you away from spawn on this line. Total length of the line with branches in double-track terms is 70618 blocks, including 14626 blocks long Green Acres Branch.

The Occidental Line with all stations and interchanges

Here is a list of all OC Line stations accessible from Spawn in order of their branch appearance:

Name Command Distance Coordinates Notes
Main Line
Grand Freedonia Railway Station (Spawn) /st Spawn 0 -190; 358 Change here for GN, LT and OR lines.
Catville /st Catville 928 188; 842
Drum City /st DrumCity 1125 -361; 1098 Change here for the GN Line.
Dial Republic /st DialRepublic 960 -155; 1153
Cobjobopolis /st Cobjob 1642 489; 1279
Rig City /st RigCity 3243 1214; 2007
Box of Cake Castle /st BoxAlpha 3031 -887; 2492
Glenfiddich /st Glenfiddich 2862 145; 2741 Change here for the local metro and railway to East Nexus and Glitch80's home.
Ravenstown /st Ravenstown 3698 -146; 3647
Cosmic City /st CosmicCity 5295 -1266; 4051
Autumnwood /st Autumnwood 5893 -1762; 4123
Mistral Valley /st Mistral 8954 1514; 4116
Okina Hashi /st Kurai 10549 2697; 2566 Service through a part of New Lands Yellow Line.
New Lands /st NewLands 10123 3180; 3429 Change here for New Lands Yellow Line, expresses to Castle City and Skyline.
Forestberg /st Forestberg 7431 2246; 5210 Change here for the local metro.
Skyline /st Skyline 9739 3239; 5966 Change here for Green Acres Branch and express to New Lands.
Monopleville /st Monople 9317 3903; 4959
Xandronia /st Xandronia 5645 231; 5438
New Wood /st NewWood 6731 -258; 6455 Station and railway branch weren't finished.
Tesla Town /st TeslaTown 7200 -670; 6681
Jordan Station /st Jordan 8224 -1348; 7050
Nexus South Hub 1 /st NexusS1 7723 -246; 7651
Westwood /st Westwood 8847 -610; 8411
Mushieville /st Mushieville 8976 -90; 9060 Change here for the railway to Gardopolis.
Kryptopia /st Kryptopia 11115 800; 9922
Golden Junction /st GoldenJunction 10367 -75; 10466 Change here for the Acacia Line.
Anna's Forest /st AnnasForest 11017 231; 10810
Switzerland /st Switzerland 11204 83; 11019 Change here for local metro.
Frostagon /st Frostagon 11798 -49; 11481
Automata /st Automata 13002 921; 12083
Explorer's Island /st ExpIsland 15851 -1586; 13011 Change here for the railway to Mount Nyan and Acacia Glade.
Neo Tokyo /st NeoTokyo 14424 268; 14000
Gran Syre /st GranSyre 16593 2332; 14105 Station wasn't finished.
Little Train Station /st LittleTrain 15142 -5; 14872
South Hub /st FRSSouth 21692 -3445; 17979 Change here for the Acacia Line; connection with Nether Highway System.
Bowby's Island /st Bowby 19836 -58; 19510
Vera /st Vera 20713 12; 20223
Lagville /st Lagville ? 102; 21152 Station is on the line continuation under construction.
South Border - ? -259; 22651 Dead end of the line continuation under construction.
Green Acres Branch
Nexus South-East Hub 2 /st NexusSE2 9592 2599; 6027
Three Biomes Divide /st ThreeBiomes 9779 2794; 6037
Skyline /st Skyline 10237 3215; 5956 Not accessible from the main line. Change here for line to Forestberg, Monopleville and express to New Lands.
Little America /st LittleAmerica 14377 7396; 6189 Change here for LT Line.
Green Acres /st GreenAcres 15537 8648; 6093
Silver Lake /st SilverLake 1795 8276; 7987
Mystria /st Mystria 19135 7995; 9782
Dragon River Branch
Dragon River Peak City /st DragonRiver 18039 864; 16907 Change here for Dragon River Line and railway to Emerald Mall.
Arrma /st Arrma 24779 5665; 15064
Leninsk /st Leninsk 24506 7062; 16680
Cakeville /st Cakeville 24329 6699; 17154
Port Dovendyr /st Dovendyr 25562 5942; 17630

Feeder Lines

Oriental Line

The Oriental line uses blue wool and goes north. Holding a feather in your hand will take you on this line from spawn station. Total length of the line with branches in double-track terms is 64958 blocks, including 21084 blocks long Phoenix Branch.

The Oriental Line with all stations and interchanges

Here is a list of all OR Line stations accessible from Spawn in order of their branch appearance:

Name Command Distance Coordinates Notes
Main Line
Grand Freedonia Railway Station (Spawn) /st Spawn 0 -190; 358 Change here for GN, LT and OC lines.
Tower /st TowerStation 677 -178; -307
Residaemian /st Residaemian 915 -323; -400
Batugus /st Batugus 1214 255; -411
Batugus Labs Tube 1 /st BatugusLabs 1426 373; -317 Change here for railway to Batugus Labs Tube 2 station.
Soulvale /st Soulvale 1435 126; -745
Pokethedral /st Pokethedral 1649 323; -756
Epicaria /st Epicaria 1653 -217; -1244 Change here for Epicaria Line.
Georgetown /st Georgetown 5357 -2377; -2779
Plummet /st Plummet 3593 -232; -3159
Game City /st GameCity 4056 -231; -3633 Change here for the railway to Mount Jackal.
Eiremall /st Eiremall 5110 684; -3746 Change here for Hippywood Line.
Nexus North 3 /st NexusN3 4898 -170; -4206
East Austania /st EastAustania 4898 -2930; -5448 Change here for the railway to Assassin's Fort.
Wiexbaux /st Wiexbaux 6242 -164; -5764
Statue Park /st StatuePark 7927 1629; -5994
Twin Lakes /st TwinLakes 7247 441; -6351
Oriental Gateway /st Gateway 7349 328; -7026
Pandaville /st Pandaville 8833 525, -8313
Baby's Epic Settlement /st BabyTower 7448 -353; -6787
Emrys /st Emrys 8614 -497; -8247 Change here for Marqange Railway.
Waterboy0048 Mining Co. /st WBMCo 11192 -457; -10785
New Haven /st NewHaven 11896 -307; -11339 Change here for local railways to Horse Races, Gabilzaharan, San Freedonia, Underwater City and Untertal
North Of Nowhere /st NoNwhere 17352 888; -15600
Babylonia /st Babylonia 26807 10632; -14659
Strom Isle Branch
Stromtech /st Stromtech 2966 465; -1745
Strom Isle /st StromIsle 3113 636; -1778
Ocean City /st Ocean 3412 701; -2000
Lumen /st Lumen 3637 1111; -1783
Temple of Supreme Fishiness /st Nosefish 4062 1282; -1529
Batugus Labs Tube 2 /st BatugusLabs 6670 251; -117 Not accessible from the spawn. Change here for railway to Batugus Labs Tube 1 station.
Hellview Castle /st Hellview 6790 190; 32 Walking from spawn is a faster way to get there.
Phoenix Branch
Townbuildthing /st Tbt 13546 -4451; -8861 Change here for Obernai and Sky Bird lines.
Townbuildthing Layover /st TbtLayover 13724 -4460; -9018
Townbuildthing Desert /st TbtDesert 14246 -4643; -9357 Change here for Obernai Line.
Phoenix Isles /st PhoenixIsles 15736 -4470; -11020
M&A Company /st MAcoPark 16009 -4518; -11245
Angard /st Angard 16110 -4518; -11346 Change here for Marqange Railway.
Glasturm /st Glasturm 16883 -5097; -11541
Maltapple /st Maltapple 19216 -4320; -14254
Hyperborea /st Hyperborea 21237 -4755; -16236
Edgeton /st Edgeton 22637 -3032; -16387
Bronton /st Bronton 24171 -1503; -16392
Hastings /st Hastings 25421 -2196; -17250
Aurum City /st Aurum 25545 -1656; -17919

Feeder Lines

Marqange Railway

Rail lines are under ongoing construction and reconstruction by Inspector_Foix.

Acacia Line

Acacia Line, originally Acacia Roads Branch of Occidental Line, is a separate line heading through south regions of Freedonia. It connects Acacia Roads, New Eden, Ellandria and some other places to OC Line Golden Junction and FRS South Hub interchange stations. Uses seed as a ticket. Total length of the line with branches in double-track terms is 47207 blocks.

The Acacia Line with all stations and interchanges

Here is a list of all Acacia Line stations accessible from Golden Junction in order of their branch appearance:

Name Command Distance Coordinates Notes
Main Line
Dubina /st Dubina 17152 15499; 11580
Crown's Landing /st CrownsLanding 8229 5907; 10683 Railway branch isn't finished.
Golden Junction /st GoldenJunction 0 (10367) -83; 10468 Change here for the OC Line.
Mini Avalon /st MiniAvalon 177 -233; 10491
New Dublin /st NewDublin 1020 -450; 10957
Freedonia Witch Farm /st WitchFarm 3015 -2050; 11516
Acacia Roads /st AcaciaRoads 5218 -4545; 11210 Change here for local railway.
Takadokia /st LoleStation 7861 -4502; 8903 No direct way towards/from Golden Junction.
Nexus Temple /st AcaciaNexus 6028 -5113; 11432
Al Sanara /st AlSanara 5802 -4545; 11794
Silver Bullet /st DesertTown 6057 -4545; 12049
Al Sanara South /st DesertSpace 6260 -4665; 12132 Arrivals only, no entrance.
Sunrise Hotel /st Sunrise 7006 -5402; 12137
New Eden /st NewEden 8714 -6056; 13155
Acacia Glade /st AcaciaGlade 7688 -3641; 12760 Change here for local railways.
Pallet Town /st PalletTown 8990 -3432; 11714
Acacia South /st AcaciaSouth 8014 -3428; 12874
Fourth Bay /st FourthBay 9081 -3425; 13938
Intermaria /st Intermaria 13274 -4715; 16401
Verua /st Verua 12122 -3157; 16711
New Louisville /st NewLouisville 12255 -3442; 17101
City Square /st Nlvcs 12579 -3483; 17310
South Hub /st FRSSouth 13139 (21690) -3445; 17968 Change here for the OC Line, connection with Nether Highway System.
Ellandria Highway /st EllandriaHwy 14060 -3427; 18915 Change here for Newport Line.
South Oustasia /st SouthOustasia 15295 -4004; 19579
South ex-Border - 15605 -3428; 20465

Feeder Lines

Obernai Line

Obernai Line is a continuation of GN Line Obernai Branch. Stations here aren't directly accessible from spawn - you have to change line at Obernai (or any other station on the branch). Total length of the line with branches in double-track terms is 31676 blocks.

The Obernai Line with all stations and interchanges

Here is a list of all Obernai Line stations accessible from Golden Junction in order of their branch appearance:

Name Command Distance Coordinates Notes
Main Line
Obernai /st Obernai 0 (15582) -9750; -4965 Change here for GN Line, local metro and Las Vereno Line.
Tedster Island /st XTNo.1246 2782 -10648; -6786 Change here for Tedster Rail System.
North-West Hub /st NorthWestHub 5617 -9749; -10580 Change here for railway to Colllumns.
Snowland /st Snowland 13078 -12322; -15468
Tsukiyama /st Tsukiyama 11029 -12733; -12962 Change here for Maid Express.
Lithlad /st Lithlad 12940 -13117; -11435
Forrrest /st Forrrest 9365 -8804; -13383
North Noob Island /st NorthNoob 11134 -8285; -14633
Mendington /st Mendington 14261 -8995; -17050
Rainbow Valley Park /st RVPark 15619 -9765; -17638
Townbuildthing Branch
Remote Outpost /st RemoteOutpost 5153 -8740; -9013
Dunwich /st Dunwich 5681 -8596; -8629
New Snak City /st NewSnakCity 7866 -7256; -7784
Townbuildthing Desert /st tbtDesert 9445 (14246) -4648; -9357 Change here for OR Line.
Townbuildthing /st Townbuildthing 9030 (13546) -4566; -8862 Change here for OR and Sky Bird lines.

Feeder Lines

Sky Bird Line

Sky Bird Line is a feeder line for OR and Obernai lines, goes underground except stations. Total length of the line with branches in double-track terms is 13860 blocks. Stations here aren't directly accessible from spawn - you have to change at Townbuildthing.

The Sky Bird Line with all stations and interchanges

Here is a list of all Sky Bird Line stations accessible from Townbuildthing in order of their branch appearance:

Name Command Distance Coordinates Notes
Main Line
Townbuildthing /st Townbuildthing 0 (13546) -4451; -8861 Change here for OR and Obernai lines.
Townbuildthing North /st tbtNorth 719 -4092; -9221
Sky Village /st SkyVillage 6392 1775; -9027
New Krona /st NewKrona 8049 2800; -9357
Modos /st Modos 8820 2943; -10271
Rube Goldberg Contest Grounds /st RubeGoldberg 9833 2833; -11116
Samerator's Isle /st samerator1 13028 4787; -12651

Las Vereno Line

Las Vereno Line is a feeder line for GN and Obernai lines. Total length of the line with branches in double-track terms is 15828 blocks. Stations here aren't directly accessible from spawn - you have to change at Nexus North-West 1 or Obernai.

The Las Vereno Line with all stations and interchanges

Here is a list of all Las Vereno Line stations accessible from Nexus North-West 1 in order of their branch appearance:

Name Command Distance Coordinates Notes
Main Line
Nexus North-West 1 /st NexusNW1 0 (9257) -7126; -1265 Change here for GN Line.
Noelle /st Noelle 167 -7126; -1432
Nexus North-West 2 /st NexusNW2 2362 -6306; -2807
Eastcliff /st Eastcliff 3439 -6682; -3458
Shireford /st Shireford 5444 -7426; -4717
Feudlandia /st Feudlandia 7426 -9266; -4859
Marshalling Yard /st Marshalling 7799 -9698; -4800 Change here for local metro.
Obernai /st Obernai 7997 (15582) -9740; -4953 Change here for GN and Obernai lines and local metro.
Obernai West Port /st WestPort 8543 -10054; -4796 Change here for Obernai metro.
Agarsted /st Agarsted 11560 -13265; -4990
Hunter's Pyramid /st HuntersPyramid 14210 -14813; -5960
Port Beerian /st SkyLineCity 13566 -14809; -4810
Lake Callian /st Callian 13614 -14768; -4441
Las Vereno /st VerenoSouth 14017 -14748; -4018
Las Vereno Airport - 14152 -14805; -3940 Station wasn't constructed.

Newport Line

Newport Line is a feeder line for Acacia Line, goes underground except some stations. Total length of the line with branches in double-track terms is 8121 blocks. Stations here aren't directly accessible from spawn or Golden Junction - you have to change at Ellandria Highway.

The Newport Line with all stations and interchanges

Here is a list of all Newport Line stations accessible from Ellandria Highway in order of their branch appearance:

Name Command Distance Coordinates Notes
Main Line
Ellandria Highway /st EllandriaHwy 0 (14060) -3439; 18915 Change here for Acacia Line.
Ellandria /st Ellandria 342 -3760; 18905
Highlands /st Highlands 1362 -4795; 18908
Cat Town /st CatTown 6093 -8737; 19469
Newport /st Newport 7532 -10737; 18908


Since 10 May 2022 online MCO map has railways and stations layers, made by Microcosms and Crimson_Aught.

FRS and feeder lines, March 2023

Other maps


Kurai Cho railway station
The original end of the Oriental Line at the edge of the original border, before the 1.0.1 expansion

A brief overview of the genesis of the Freedonia Railway System.

Along Came a Muu

Shortly after learning about Craftbook rail blocks, shypixel found himself itching to build some rail lines. Unfortunately his home, Lava Town, was deep in the unsettled wilds at the time. Then AgentMuu showed up in the region and began to mark off what was to become the Isle of Muu, and Shy approached him with a plan. They would build a railway linking their two territories, deep beneath the ocean floor. After many hours of laborious mod-sticking, Shypixel emerged beneath the ice on Muu Island, placing rail as he went. This first line was primitive, with gold ore boosters and simple cart chests. You even had to nudge the cart to get it moving before boarding. But it was long, and it was proof that rail travel was viable over long distances.

Enter Lothendal

During the time that the initial rail tunnel was under construction, Lavatown got a new neighbor in the Caverns region, a little known architect named Lothendal. Shypixel didn't know it at the time, but Lothendal was a master builder with an eye for detail and a penchant for perfection. It wasn't long before Lothendal happened upon the rail tunnel, and his curiosity was sparked. Working furiously, Lothendal quickly built a spur line to his Manor, followed by another to the sleepy coastal settlement of Port Dhal. Having multiple destinations required a more sophisticated system than Shy's simple dispenser, and Lothendal was more than up to the challenge. Lavatown station soon boasted auto-launching cart dispensers and ticket based track sorting, allowing visitors to shuttle between Shypixel's, AgentMuu's and Lothendal's new stations with ease and speed.

A Far Away Land

And so things sat for some time, Shypixel, Lothendal, and AgentMuu content with their stations. With the nearby Caverns warp, players could easily be directed into the rails, and get to where they needed to go. But unbeknownst to them, the three had another neighbor, far to the north, one who was not content with the long walks needed to visit his Island. rtkwe decided that a spur line out of the Lavatown station was what he wanted, and he approached Shypixel with his plan. The two worked from opposite directions, Shy building ground rail from Lavatown, and Rtkwe building a raised rails along the skyroad from his island. A few days later, they met near the Lavatown coast, and the new line was complete. Dwarfing the length of those that came before it, the Island Spur with its raised rails would become the model for future lines. The attractive new sky-rails generated a lot of interest with their stunning vistas and lack of obstacles. Many players expressed doubt that such a system would work on a large scale, that it would be susceptible to grief and decay, and even that it could be built without item spawning.

The Lavatown Line

Blinded by pride in the nascent rail system, Shypixel insisted that not only that it could work, but that it would. After retiring to his hidden vault, Shypixel fired up his furnaces and began crafting the mountains of materials that would be needed for such a large scale project. A few days later a conversation was sparked in chat about the rail system, and how close it had come to the Twin Towers. After Shypixel expressed a plan to extend the lines as far as New Atlanta, ChivalrousWeasel pointed out how close that was to spawn. Shypixel took it as a challenge, and vowed that Friday afternoon that come Monday, there would be unbroken rail service from spawn to the Isle of Muu.

Again, Shypixel retreated to his vault, this time to gather his supplies. Driven by madness, he began to build. Following the sky-road, he labored away with half-blocks and rails for countless hours. The hours melted in to days as he worked up to the point of delirium. Assisted in his mad frenzy by AJStratton and Blobehh, he drove the rails towards spawn, block by painstaking block. Finally, late on Sunday night, the rails turned the corner and came to rest at their temporary station behind Flippeh. Wiping a tear from his large googly eyes, Shypixel boarded a minecart and took the inaugural trip on the Lavatown Line. Covering eight kilometers in around ten minutes, Shypixel rolled into Muu's Station just before midnight, having made good on his braggadocio.

I, Krenath

The jubilation of having completed the line could not mask the fact that it suffered from some serious defects under heavy usage. The one-lane design resulted in numerous collisions and bounce-backs. Darker areas were haunted by zombies and skeletons. Discarded items, hourly gifts, and abandoned minecarts clogged the lines. Perhaps most of all, the temporary spawn station was hard to find and primitive. Shypixel's flurry of activity had attracted the attention of God Donor and Admin Krenath. Inspired by the successes of the Lavatown Line, Krenath decided to rectify its deficiencies. First, he found an abandoned structure at spawn, and handed the deed to Shypixel. Next, he used his godly powers to will into being a new style of rail, the double line slung under a skyroad with lightstone. Working as only he can, he followed the original line, building the now familiar skyrails in its place. As he toiled, Shypixel went Bob Vila on the old house at spawn. That evening, the symbolic Golden Spike was driven, completing the Existing Lavatown Line and commemorating the Grand Opening of the Grand Freedonia Railway Station.


In November 2021 Krenath decided to redesign and raise to Y=130 the first four main lines starting from Spawn excluding branches. New design shall use blocks from 1.12.2 update: concrete, polished andesite and sea lanterns instead of easy griefable torches; and new Craftbook mechanic - cartlifts with sorting keys. However, this project was doomed to fail due to its size. Only OC Line and part of OR Line to Golden Junction were raised beyond the spawn walls. Most of the branches remained cut from the lines for 1,5 years. Some of them were fixed by station owners, the rest were added or repaired by Crimson_Aught in March 2023 during FRS check.



A video posted by the user ScarClaw72 that shows a speedup of a minecart ride from spawn to Mycelia Click Here

See also