Coming o' The Cryllics
Coming o' the Cryllics
"What hath thou brought upon thy lands?." - PlagueDoc1600
Am I the only one that has a bad feeling about all these new players joining suddenly?." - Joshlong56
So many Russians that I be like "SlowRiot is gonna become FastRiot if players keep Russian to join MCO. It has become the Russianpocolypse"
- ScarClaw72
(Yes that was a rushing pun)
At around 5:00 AM Friday, BST there was a sudden influx of Russian players on the server. This seems to be due to a popular Russian Youtuber that goes by the name of Mauzer. The video can be found here: [1]
As the player amount grew to around 43 quickly, the staff and players of MCO were overwhelmed with players who knew no English.
Only players who were Russians and knew English were older players as Distase,
IvanLeshev and
Freeman77. They helped at explaining the rules of the server, and settling on new players
The massive influx of players led to the creation of some russian settlements like Freedoninsk, a city in the southeastern part of the map that was founded by CrazyLep. The city is indeed truly russian: you can only become a citizen by speaking fluent russian and its own wiki page is written in both english and russian. These little communities formed some kind of russian ecosystem that still remains alive within the server (as of January 2019).