Gabriel, Judge of Hell
Gabriel, Judge of Hell
Grabiel, Judge of Hell
About Owner JesusMRS
Category Statues Underground? No Public? Yes Started 6/August/2024 Completed 7/August/2024 Size north to south 60m Size west to east 101m Height 233m Location Coordinates X=-15
Z=623Dimension Overworld Settlement Spawn Map Link "Oh Gabriel... now dawns thy reckoning" - Minos Prime
Gabriel, Judge of Hell is a monumental statue located in the Spawn of the server. This is one of the main characters of Ultrakill, a game created by Hakita. This building is near the height limit and have 175 blocks of height. This is an attempt to recreate the actual character in Minecraft Online with the most detailed possible. Finally, this statue has been built by JesusMRS and
Blacknightmon in 2 days.
To see the project in the map, use this link of here.
The materials were selected to visually represent it's Ultrakill counterpart.
This is the list of materials used in the construction:
Material | Quantity |
Packed Ice | 9582 blocks |
Light Blue Wool | 5435 blocks |
Black Concrete | 3652 blocks |
Crafting Table | 2720 blocks |
Black Wool | 2248 blocks |
Brown Concrete | 2054 blocks |
Spruce Wood Planks | 1731 blocks |
Gray Terracotta | 1489 blocks |
Bookshelf | 1425 blocks |
Black Terracotta | 1356 blocks |
Light Blue Concrete | 1354 blocks |
Brown Terracotta | 1306 blocks |
Gray Concrete | 1300 blocks |
Oak Wood Plank | 915 blocks |
Cyan Terracotta | 765 blocks |
Nether Brick | 683 blocks |
Gray Wool | 549 blocks |
Brown Wool | 522 blocks |
White Wool | 508 blocks |
Glowstone | 495 blocks |
Stone Slab | 494 blocks |
Yellow Terracotta | 473 blocks |
Birch Wood Planks | 462 blocks |
Cyan Concrete | 411 blocks |
Jungle Wood Planks | 361 blocks |
Clay | 329 blocks |
Yellow Concrete | 322 blocks |
Yellow Wool | 313 blocks |
Cyan Wool | 264 blocks |
Cracked Stone Bricks | 240 blocks |
Blue Terracotta | 212 blocks |
Light Blue Terracotta | 203 blocks |
Andesite | 196 blocks |
Dirt | 184 blocks |
Sponge | 166 blocks |
Sea Lantern | 163 blocks |
White Concrete | 138 blocks |
End Stone | 102 blocks |
Coarse Dirt | 102 blocks |
Blue Wool | 94 blocks |
Polished Andesite | 92 blocks |
Blue Concrete | 88 blocks |
Soul Sand | 71 blocks |
Red Nether Bricks | 65 blocks |
Sandstone | 53 blocks |
Cobblestone | 53 blocks |
Prismarine Bricks | 46 blocks |
Snow | 44 blocks |
Light Gray Wool | 41 blocks |
End Stone Bricks | 40 blocks |
Stone | 36 blocks |
Terracotta | 36 blocks |
Stone Bricks | 32 blocks |
Moss Stone | 25 blocks |
Chiseled Stone Bricks | 23 blocks |
Blocks of Quartz | 19 blocks |
Polished Diorite | 18 blocks |
Prismarine | 17 blocks |
Diorite | 16 blocks |
Light Gray Terracotta | 14 blocks |
Smooth Sandstone | 8 blocks |
Chiseled Sandstone | 8 blocks |
Granite | 5 blocks |
Magma Block | 4 blocks |
Acacia Wood Planks | 3 blocks |
Orange Terracotta | 3 blocks |
Wet Sponge | 2 blocks |
The statue have a height of 175 blocks, and have three main parts:The body, the wings, and the halo.
The first base has 124 blocks of height. The wings have 79 blocks of height and the halo has 49 blocks of height.
If we summarize to this dimensions the height of the body, the wings and the halo the building reaches the height 233, so is one of the highest and biggest builings of the spawn.
As we say before, the building have three parts, so we are going to start with the body: The body of Gabriel is like a normal human body, 2 legs, 2 arms, one torso and a head, Gabriel also had 2 notable shoulder plates and he has an armor that protects him.
The next part of the building are the wings,he has 2 big and large wings, that in the game, make Gabriel able to fly. Finally he has a halo over his head.
This Gabriel is based on the Ultrakill Gabriel, and this is based on the Archangel Gabriel of the Bible.
Comparison Ultrakill-MCO
Gabriel Process
Builder's message
We, JesusMRS and Blacknightmon, are fans of Ultrakill, it's one of our favourites videogames and we usually play it. Ultrakill it's a game that has it's own space in our hearts, so we wanted to put together Ultrakill and MCO, the server that we love. We want to thank the admin team for allowing us to build this statue inside the Spawn walls, it's an honor for us to be able to build in the oldest place of the oldest minecraft server, we love to make great things and MCO is best place to do it, so thanks to all the people that make this posible.