Hourly gift
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The hourly gift in action, from an admin perspective.
The Hourly Gift system distributes an item to each player every hour. The item is randomly chosen from a selection that includes all types of tools and armor. The item shoots out of the player's face, often into unfortunately placed lava.
The plugin (originally a script) was coded by SlowRiot exclusively for Freedonia, almost certainly during one of his creative moods.
During events the usual gifts may replaced with ones that are themed to that event, such as Halloween or Christmas themed hourly gifts
Here are all of the items that can be given as an Hourly gift, data from May 2023.
- 5-in-340 for: potion (presumably 5 different types)
- 2-in-340 for: shulker_shell
- 1-in-340 for any of: acacia_boat, acacia_door, acacia_fence, acacia_fence, acacia_fence_gate, acacia_stairs, activator_rail, anvil, apple, armor_stand, arrow, baked_potato, bed, beef, beetroot, beetroot_seeds, beetroot_soup, birch_boat, birch_door, birch_fence, birch_fence, birch_fence_gate, birch_stairs, black_glazed_terracotta, blaze_powder, blaze_rod, blue_glazed_terracotta, boat, bone, bone_block, book, bookshelf, bow, bowl, bread, brewing_stand, brick, brick_block, brown_glazed_terracotta, brown_mushroom, brown_mushroom_block, bucket, cactus, cake, carpet, carrot, carrot_on_a_stick, cauldron, chainmail_boots, chainmail_chestplate, chainmail_helmet, chainmail_leggings, chest, chest_minecart, chicken, clay, clay_ball, clock, coal, coal_block, coal_ore, cobblestone_wall, comparator, compass, cooked_beef, cooked_chicken, cooked_fish, cooked_mutton, cooked_porkchop, cooked_rabbit, cookie, crafting_table, cyan_glazed_terracotta, dark_oak_boat, dark_oak_door, dark_oak_fence, dark_oak_fence, dark_oak_fence_gate, dark_oak_stairs, daylight_detector, detector_rail, diamond, diamond_axe, diamond_block, diamond_boots, diamond_chestplate, diamond_helmet, diamond_hoe, diamond_horse_armor, diamond_leggings, diamond_ore, diamond_pickaxe, diamond_shovel, diamond_sword, dirt, double_plant, dropper, dye, egg, emerald, emerald_block, emerald_ore, enchanting_table, end_stone, ender_chest, ender_eye, ender_pearl, feather, fence, fence_gate, fermented_spider_eye, filled_map, firework_charge, fireworks, fish, fishing_rod, flint, flower_pot, furnace, furnace_minecart, ghast_tear, glass, glass_bottle, glass_pane, glowstone, glowstone_dust, gold_block, gold_ingot, gold_nugget, gold_ore, golden_axe, golden_boots, golden_carrot, golden_chestplate, golden_helmet, golden_hoe, golden_horse_armor, golden_leggings, golden_pickaxe, golden_rail, golden_shovel, golden_sword, grass, gray_glazed_terracotta, green_glazed_terracotta, gunpowder, hardened_clay, hay_block, heavy_weighted_pressure_plate, hopper, hopper_minecart, ice, iron_axe, iron_bars, iron_block, iron_boots, iron_chestplate, iron_door, iron_helmet, iron_hoe, iron_horse_armor, iron_ingot, iron_leggings, iron_nugget, iron_ore, iron_pickaxe, iron_shovel, iron_sword, iron_trapdoor, item_frame, jukebox, jungle_boat, jungle_door, jungle_fence, jungle_fence, jungle_fence_gate, jungle_stairs, ladder, lapis_block, lapis_ore, lead, leather, leather_boots, leather_chestplate, leather_helmet, leather_leggings, lever, light_blue_glazed_terracotta, light_weighted_pressure_plate, lime_glazed_terracotta, lit_pumpkin, magenta_glazed_terracotta, magma, magma_cream, map, melon, melon_block, melon_seeds, milk_bucket, minecart, mob_spawner, mossy_cobblestone, mushroom_stew, mutton, mycelium, name_tag, nether_brick, nether_brick_fence, nether_wart, nether_wart_block, netherbrick, netherrack, noteblock, obsidian, orange_glazed_terracotta, packed_ice, painting, paper, pink_glazed_terracotta, piston, poisonous_potato, porkchop, potato, prismarine, prismarine_crystals, prismarine_shard, pumpkin, pumpkin_pie, pumpkin_seeds, purple_glazed_terracotta, quartz, quartz_block, quartz_ore, quartz_stairs, rabbit, rabbit_foot, rabbit_hide, rabbit_stew, rail, record_11, record_13, record_blocks, record_cat, record_chirp, record_far, record_mall, record_mellohi, record_stal, record_strad, record_wait, record_ward, red_flower, red_glazed_terracotta, red_mushroom, red_mushroom_block, red_nether_brick, red_sandstone, red_sandstone_stairs, redstone, redstone_block, redstone_lamp, redstone_ore, redstone_torch, reeds, repeater, rotten_flesh, saddle, sandstone, sandstone_stairs, sapling, sea_lantern, shears, shield, sign, silver_glazed_terracotta, skull, slime, slime_ball, snow, snowball, soul_sand, speckled_melon, spider_eye, sponge, spruce_boat, spruce_door, spruce_fence, spruce_fence_gate, spruce_stairs, stained_glass, stained_glass_pane, stained_hardened_clay, stick, sticky_piston, stone, stone_axe, stone_button, stone_hoe, stone_pickaxe, stone_pressure_plate, stone_shovel, stone_slab2, stone_sword, stonebrick, string, sugar, tipped_arrow, tnt, tnt_minecart, torch, trapdoor, trapped_chest, tripwire_hook, vine, water_bucket, waterlily, web, wheat, wheat_seeds, white_glazed_terracotta, wooden_axe, wooden_button, wooden_door, wooden_hoe, wooden_pickaxe, wooden_pressure_plate, wooden_shovel, wooden_slab, wooden_sword, wool, writable_book, yellow_flower, yellow_glazed_terracotta
- 60-in-596 for any of: diamond_axe, diamond_pickaxe, filled_map
- 20-in-596 for: diamond_block
- 10-in-596 for any of: Birthday Cake, banner, bed, carpet, concrete, concrete_powder, cookie, cyan_glazed_terracotta, diamond, diamond_boots, diamond_chestplate, diamond_helmet, diamond_hoe, diamond_leggings, diamond_shovel, diamond_sword, dye, fireworks, glowstone, jukebox, noteblock, record_11, record_13, record_blocks, record_cat, record_chirp, record_far, record_mall, record_mellohi, record_stal, record_strad, record_wait, record_ward, red_flower, stained_glass, stained_glass_pane, stained_hardened_clay, tipped_arrow, wool
- 5-in-596 for: diamond_horse_armor
- 1-in-596 for: cyan_shulker_box
- 8-in-97 for: Christmas Tree
- 4-in-97 for any of: potion, snow, snowball
- 3-in-97 for any of: cookie, filled_map, milk_bucket
- 2-in-97 for any of: cooked_rabbit, ice, nether_star, snow_layer
- 2-in-97 for any of these (presumably one Red one Green): carpet, concrete, concrete_powder, dye, leather_boots, leather_chestplate, leather_helmet, leather_leggings, stained_glass, stained_glass_pane, stained_hardened_clay, wool
- 1-in-97 for any of: baked_potato, brick, brick_block, cake, carrot, chest, chest_minecart, coal, coal_block, cooked_beef, cooked_chicken, cooked_fish, cooked_mutton, cooked_porkchop, diamond_axe, diamond_block, diamond_boots, diamond_chestplate, diamond_helmet, diamond_hoe, diamond_horse_armor, diamond_leggings, diamond_pickaxe, diamond_shovel, diamond_sword, fireworks, golden_apple, leaves, log, melon, mushroom_stew, noteblock, packed_ice, pumpkin_pie, stick, trapped_chest
- 5-in-105 for: Spooky Pumpkin, The Nethernomicon
- 4-in-105 for: skull
- 3-in-105 for: mob_spawner, pumpkin_pie, Spooky Pumpkin, stonebrick
- 2-in-105 for any of: carpet, concrete, concrete_powder, dye, nether_brick, stained_glass, stained_glass_pane, stained_hardened_clay, stone_slab
- 1-in-105 for any of: apple, blaze_powder, blaze_rod, bone, brewing_stand, cake, cauldron, coal, cookie, enchanting_table, end_stone, ender_chest, ender_eye, ender_pearl, fermented_spider_eye, ghast_tear, glowstone, gold_block, gold_ingot, gold_nugget, gold_ore, golden_apple, golden_axe, golden_boots, golden_carrot, golden_chestplate, golden_helmet, golden_hoe, golden_horse_armor, golden_leggings, golden_pickaxe, golden_shovel, golden_sword, iron_hoe, magma_cream, mossy_cobblestone, mushroom_stew, mycelium, nether_brick_fence, nether_brick_stairs, nether_wart, netherrack, noteblock, obsidian, planks, potion, pumpkin_seeds, quartz, quartz_ore, record_11, red_flower, redstone_torch, rotten_flesh, sand, sapling, slime_ball, soul_sand, speckled_melon, spider_eye, torch, wooden_slab
- 17-in-555 for any of: carpet, dye, stained_glass, stained_glass_pane, stained_hardened_clay
- 16-in-555 for any of: concrete, concrete_powder
- 11-in-555 for any of: red_flower
- 8-in-555 for any of: Pride Block (x), Pride Block (x), Pride Block (x), Pride Block (x), Pride Block (x), Pride Block (x)
- 6-in-555 for any of: Pride Flower
- 5-in-555 for any of: double_plant, potion
- 2-in-555 for any of: acacia_fence, birch_fence, brown_mushroom, brown_mushroom_block, cactus, chest, clay, coal_ore, crafting_table, dark_oak_fence, diamond_block, diamond_ore, enchanting_table, glass, glass_pane, gold_block, gold_ore, golden_rail, ice, iron_block, iron_ore, jukebox, jungle_fence, lapis_ore, lever, mob_spawner, mossy_cobblestone, obsidian, rail, red_mushroom, red_mushroom_block, redstone_ore, redstone_torch, sandstone, snow, stone_pressure_plate, torch, waterlily, wooden_pressure_plate, yellow_flower
- 1-in-555 for any of: Pride Block (pink), acacia_boat, acacia_door, acacia_fence_gate, acacia_stairs, activator_rail, anvil, apple, armor_stand, arrow, baked_potato, bed, beef, beetroot, beetroot_seeds, beetroot_soup, birch_boat, birch_door, birch_fence_gate, birch_stairs, black_glazed_terracotta, blaze_powder, blaze_rod, blue_glazed_terracotta, boat, bone, bone_block, book, bookshelf, bow, bowl, bread, brewing_stand, brick, brick_block, brown_glazed_terracotta, bucket, cake, carrot, carrot_on_a_stick, cauldron, chainmail_boots, chainmail_chestplate, chainmail_helmet, chainmail_leggings, chest_minecart, chicken, clay_ball, clock, coal, coal_block, cobblestone_wall, comparator, compass, cooked_beef, cooked_chicken, cooked_fish, cooked_mutton, cooked_porkchop, cooked_rabbit, cookie, cyan_glazed_terracotta, dark_oak_boat, dark_oak_door, dark_oak_fence_gate, dark_oak_stairs, daylight_detector, detector_rail, diamond, diamond_axe, diamond_boots, diamond_chestplate, diamond_helmet, diamond_hoe, diamond_horse_armor, diamond_leggings, diamond_pickaxe, diamond_shovel, diamond_sword, dirt, dropper, egg, emerald, emerald_block, emerald_ore, end_stone, ender_chest, ender_eye, ender_pearl, feather, fence, fence_gate, fermented_spider_eye, filled_map, firework_charge, fireworks, fish, fishing_rod, flint, flower_pot, furnace, furnace_minecart, ghast_tear, glass_bottle, glowstone, glowstone_dust, gold_ingot, gold_nugget, golden_axe, golden_boots, golden_carrot, golden_chestplate, golden_helmet, golden_hoe, golden_horse_armor, golden_leggings, golden_pickaxe, golden_shovel, golden_sword, grass, gray_glazed_terracotta, green_glazed_terracotta, gunpowder, hardened_clay, hay_block, heavy_weighted_pressure_plate, hopper, hopper_minecart, iron_axe, iron_bars, iron_boots, iron_chestplate, iron_door, iron_helmet, iron_hoe, iron_horse_armor, iron_ingot, iron_leggings, iron_nugget, iron_pickaxe, iron_shovel, iron_sword, iron_trapdoor, item_frame, jungle_boat, jungle_door, jungle_fence_gate, jungle_stairs, ladder, lapis_block, lead, leather, leather_boots, leather_chestplate, leather_helmet, leather_leggings, light_blue_glazed_terracotta, light_weighted_pressure_plate, lime_glazed_terracotta, lit_pumpkin, magenta_glazed_terracotta, magma, magma_cream, map, melon, melon_block, melon_seeds, milk_bucket, minecart, mushroom_stew, mutton, mycelium, name_tag, nether_brick, nether_brick_fence, nether_wart, nether_wart_block, netherbrick, netherrack, noteblock, orange_glazed_terracotta, packed_ice, painting, paper, pink_glazed_terracotta, piston, poisonous_potato, porkchop, potato, prismarine, prismarine_crystals, prismarine_shard, pumpkin, pumpkin_pie, pumpkin_seeds, purple_glazed_terracotta, quartz, quartz_block, quartz_ore, quartz_stairs, rabbit, rabbit_foot, rabbit_hide, rabbit_stew, record_11, record_13, record_blocks, record_cat, record_chirp, record_far, record_mall, record_mellohi, record_stal, record_strad, record_wait, record_ward, red_glazed_terracotta, red_nether_brick, red_sandstone, red_sandstone_stairs, redstone, redstone_block, redstone_lamp, reeds, repeater, rotten_flesh, saddle, sandstone_stairs, sapling, sea_lantern, shears, shield, sign, silver_glazed_terracotta, skull, slime, slime_ball, snowball, soul_sand, speckled_melon, spider_eye, sponge, spruce_boat, spruce_door, spruce_fence, spruce_fence_gate, spruce_stairs, stick, sticky_piston, stone, stone_axe, stone_button, stone_hoe, stone_pickaxe, stone_shovel, stone_slab2, stone_sword, stonebrick, string, sugar, tipped_arrow, tnt, tnt_minecart, trapdoor, trapped_chest, tripwire_hook, vine, water_bucket, web, wheat, wheat_seeds, white_glazed_terracotta, wooden_axe, wooden_button, wooden_door, wooden_hoe, wooden_pickaxe, wooden_shovel, wooden_slab, wooden_sword, wool, writable_book, yellow_glazed_terracotta
- 10-in-511 for any of: Compact Terrain, Nexus Fragment, Petrified Boots, Petrified Cap, Petrified Chestplate, Petrified Leggings, banner, bed, carpet, carrot, clay, coal_ore, cobblestone, cobblestone_wall, concrete, concrete_powder, diamond_ore, dirt, coarse dirt, podzol, dye, emerald_ore, gold_ore, grass, gravel, iron_ore, lapis_ore, mycelium, orange_glazed_terracotta, potato, red_flower, red_sandstone_stairs, redstone_ore, stained_glass, stained_glass_pane, stained_hardened_clay, stone, granite, diorite, andesite, stone_axe, stone_hoe, stone_pickaxe, stone_shovel, stone_slab, stone_slab2, stone_stairs, stone_sword, wool
- 5-in-511 for any of: red_sandstone, sandstone, sand, sand (red)
- 1-in-511 for any of: orange_shulker_box
- 12-in-85 for: tipped_arrow
- 6-in-85 for: double_plant
- 8-in-85 for: potion
- 4-in-85 for: Chocolates
- 2-in-85 for: banner, bed, bow, carpet, concrete, concrete_powder, dye, jungle_boat, jungle_door, jungle_fence, jungle_fence_gate, jungle_stairs, leather_boots, leather_chestplate, leather_helmet, leather_leggings, log, pink_glazed_terracotta, planks, red_flower, redstone, redstone_block, stained_glass, stained_glass_pane, stained_hardened_clay, wooden_slab, wool
- 1-in-85 for: arrow