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green_towns.png Hyperborea
Hyperborea (Night) - 11-09-2023.png
Founder getplayerhead.sh?Histy_Histamine&16.png Histy_Histamine
Contributors getplayerhead.sh?Adora_The_Witch&16.png Adora_The_Witch
getplayerhead.sh?Albert_Faust&16.png Albert_Faust
getplayerhead.sh?frisout&16.png frisout
getplayerhead.sh?VillaWolf09&16.png VillaWolf09
Category Towns
Underground? No
Fortified? No
Public access? Yes
Public build? No
Road link? No
Nexus link? No
Rail link? Yes
Boat link? Yes
Portal? No
Coordinates X=-4748
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

Hyperborea is a remote jungle settlement founded by getplayerhead.sh?Histy_Histamine&16.png Histy_Histamine, alongside getplayerhead.sh?Adora_The_Witch&16.png Adora_The_Witch, on 4 November 2022. The settlement is known for its brick roads running through the entire jungle, serving as a connection between its four jungle temples. The southwestern district is by far the most popular and densely built area of the settlement, but is despite that still relatively thinly built, due to Histy being hellbent on maintaining the natural looks of the jungle, and minimizing the amount of trees that have to be cut. It should come to no surprise then that finding an empty, flat spot large enough for any structures to be built on is not an easy feat. The rest of Hyperborea mostly consists of brick roads, with a handful of structures connected to them.

Throughout the settlement are large statues of Touhou characters, all of which are facing the ocean. Currently, the character statues that have been built so far, in the order that they were built, are as follows:

  1. Flandre Scarlet
  2. Remilia Scarlet
  3. Yukari Yakumo
  4. Sakuya Izayoi
  5. Suika Ibuki
