User:Histy Histamine

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User Histy_Histamine
Known as Alessia
Gender Female
Location Belgium
Nationality Belgian-Italian
DOB 2001-01-15
Occupation Maid
In Freedonia
First joined 20 April 2021
Donor level * Donor
Kit level ***** Aether
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"Adora, stop fucking embarrassing me." - Histy_Histamine Histy_Histamine, real name Alessia, is a Hyperborean super soldier and a certified girlboss suffering from severe anger issues. She lives in the jungles of Hyperborea alongside Adora_The_Witch, where neither of them really get anything done because of their perpetual indecisiveness. She is also the official owner of the Oldport visitor center and has Aryan psychic powers.

She's usually seen playing alone because none of her friends want to play with her.


  • Gaming
  • Touhou
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Jungle biomes


  • Adora's nagging
  • Super Mario
  • Mojang
  • When the Live Map doesn't update
  • When her friends don't want to play with her
  • When moderators barge into her house asking if she has permission to break her own blocks


  • The founding and expansion of Hyperborea.
  • Singlehandedly connected the four jungle temples in the Hyperborean jungle with each other via several kilometers of brick road.
  • Mapped out the entirety of the Hyperborean peninsula and its surrounding islands, and then made a large wall map, for a total of 132 filled maps.
  • Dug a canal (with some help) through an entire continent near Nexus Borderlands Hub - North (Pink) 3 because she needed some sand.
  • Expanded the western road of Nexus Borderlands Hub - North (Pink) 1 by about half a kilometer.
  • Discovered the coordinates of the now-ruined Heese Megabase.