Slavic Highway A1

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Highway beetween Prylisia and Sprucedale


green_infrastructure.png Slavic Highway A1
Owner Pelpikx, _Daata
Category Infrastructure
Underground? No
Public? yes
Started 19 May 2024
Completed 29 Jully 2024
Coordinates X=12000
Dimension Overworld
Map Link


The road begins in Prylisia after merge of two one way streets

Prylisia - Highway crossroad

This part of road is owned and maintained by Pelpikx also alongway there are 2 crossroads giving access to village, which is allegedly owned by SkyJackie. Also this part of road was originally built in Jully 2023 as small dirt road giving access to Prylisia, It was rebuilt in May 2024 and rhen in Jully 2024 after which it was turned into a highway which it is today

Highway crossroad

Crossroad beetween Slavic Highway A1, road built by _Daata and a access to GSR halt. Originally built in Jully 2023 when a small dirt road to Prylisia was built and access to the station, it was upgraded in May 2024, and then after perms for part of road were received from _Daata by Pelpikx in Jully 2024 when the current junction was built

Highway Crossroad - Deforestation roundabout

This is the oldest part of the highway, originally built _Daata "a long time ago" - _Daata; after receiving perms, part of this road was upgraded by Pelpikx and now this road is maintained by Pelpikx.

Deforestation roundabout

A roundabout were Slavic Highway A1 diverges from the old road, the old road continues in almost orginal state since its construction, this road is numbered as B2 and it continues all the way to Newcuntington

Deforestation roundabout - Grand bridge

This part of road is owned and maintained by Pelpikx The road then goes through two crossroads, one for the dirt road to Dusty Junction and GSR Dusty motel station

another one is for access to village of Dusty motel, then the road goes around the village then it goes on overpass above the pathway leading to the village and then it goes all the way to Grand Bridge

Grand Bridge & Tunnel

Also see Grand Bridge

Then the road shares the Grand Bridge with unfinished part of GSR railway, special rules apply here, then after bridge is over, the road shares tunnel with the mentioned earlier railway, another set of special rules applies here