15:05 <Mrcrazysalad> what is SPAMMING 15:05 <Mrcrazysalad> SLOWRIOT: what is spamming 15:06 <Mrcrazysalad> what is spamming 15:07 <@slowriot> mrcrazysalad: spamming is repeating the same thing, or repeatedly typing nonsense into the chat 15:07 <Mrcrazysalad> gtg 15:07 (MCS) Mrcrazysalad left the game (disconnect.quitting)
Dans le contexte de MinecraftOnline, le spam est défini comme de l'obstruction intentionelle de la communication ou de l'abus des commandes dans le chat, et est une offense bannable. Cela inclus envoyer du contenu illégal ou des liens malicieux.
Ce qui compte comme du spam est laissé à la discrétion du modérateur. Généralement un joueur ne respectant pas cette règle sera prévenu d'arrêter avant qu'un ban soit fait. Mais il faut savoir que si il y a une situation sans ambiguité de spam et que la communication dans le chat est affectée, un modérateur ou administrateur bannira sans poser de questions. As a guideline, repeating the same line or random asdf type nonsense text more than three times in chat is considered unambiguiously spamming.
What is NOT Spam:
- Copypastas or pastes which are not repeated multiple times
- Anything repeated less than 3 times
- Bullying through chat
What is spam:
- Spamming through /mail, /msg or /staff commands
- Anything repeated more than 3 times
- Sending malicious links
- Spamming other commands
- Leaving and rejoining at excessive rate
<Merdril> THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!! <Merdril> THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!! <Merdril> THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!! <Merdril> THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!! <Merdril> THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!! <Merdril> THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!! <Merdril> THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!! Merdril was hit with the banhammer! (2808 bans) <runechan> woo! <KingOfCheeseLand> ok thts fine then <broncoskip> ok <BadSyntax> WHOA <Charlesbaechler> spamban <Quizlibet> bantime <Matt314> shit shit shit <BadSyntax> OWNED <runechan> ok bad :) <StanDudek> OH MAN <Charlesbaechler> BWAHAHAHA <Jmancino2> lol <Charlesbaechler> is his stuff up for grabs rune?
<@McObot> (MCS) <trogvik> Guys I love your ideas but PLEASE for the love of god get more anti-hack plugins you noobs <@McObot> (MCS) <trogvik> Guys I love your ideas but PLEASE for the love of god get more anti-hack plugins you noobs <@McObot> (MCS) <trogvik> Guys I love your ideas but PLEASE for the love of god get more anti-hack plugins you noobs <@McObot> (MCS) <trogvik> Guys I love your ideas but PLEASE for the love of god get more anti-hack plugins you noobs <@McObot> (MCS) <trogvik> Guys I love your ideas but PLEASE for the love of god get more anti-hack plugins you noobs <@McObot> (MCS) <trogvik> Guys I love your ideas but PLEASE for the love of god get more anti-hack plugins you noobs <@McObot> (MCS) <trogvik> Guys I love your ideas but PLEASE for the love of god get more anti-hack plugins you noobs <@McObot> (MCS) trogvik was hit with the banhammer! (6144 bans)