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User bastetfurry

The Architect

Known as Bastet
Gender Female
Location Germany, Ruhrpott
Nationality German
DOB 1982-07-2
Occupation Taken :)
In Freedonia
First joined 4 September 2010
First building Underwater Bar
Staff member Admin
Donor level **** Donor IV
Kit level ***** Nether
Legacy donor level ***** Nether
View profile and statistics


Vintage 1982 computer nerd with a hearth for old computers, mainly the Commodore 64 and old games or games that feel old. Plays pen and paper RPGs, mainly World of Darkness. Part of the name is from the oWoD. Bastet, the werecats from Werewolf: The Apocalypse, are her favorite were creatures.

Owns a blog.


Helpful if not abused or bullshitted, you don't want her as your enemy. Swift hammer against people ruining the game for legit players. Helpful to projects she finds cool.
