World Map

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Throughout the history of Freedonia, there has been a few attempts to map out it's expansive geography by various cartographers in the community. Each has focused on the goal of dividing up the world into different regions in order to help spread a better understanding of geolocation as the borders continue to expand over time. On the other hand, many have also attempted this feat because they also just find it fun!

The Definitive ( BillionPenny's) Map

Work In Progress as of January 2024

See also: World Regions.

Current Map Version (Jan 2025):


  • Not long after Scar released his map, what started as feedback blossomed into a project to create a definitive world map of Freedonia. Many people have been involved in it's creation, with heavy discussion taking place in a thread under the media-sharing channel of the MinecraftOnline Discord server.
  • This map introduced the Freedonia Regional Division Scheme (FRDS), which splits up Freedonia into two levels of geographical division. The current suggestion is that the higher division is referred to as a "Region" whilst the lower division is referred to as a "Locality". It is important to note that neither level of division actually has any political importance: they are purely for navigational and informative purposes. They do not denote ownership, exclusion, or permission of any sort.
  • In January 2024, the names of major regions were finalised. A map was created with the major region names, as well as preliminary localities to be included, shown below.

January 2024 map:

Click here for higher resolution version. (note that the background of the map, featuring the landmasses of Freedonia, is yet to be finalised)

Draft version of the above map, with highways overlaid. "Regions" are outlined in yellow whilst "Localities" are outlined in green.

WorldMapBillion.jpg Full res version here.

Previous mapping endeavors

The Classic ( Martin19_12's) Map

  • Released on March 19th, 2020
Uploaded on Reddit, this map is rough in design but proved the concept that as Freedonia grew, naming specific regions could make location discussion easier. Up to this point in time (and beyond), most players simply referred to places by which expansion they were included in. The terms "Land Disc" and "Great Ocean" were used to denote the original landmass and the water surrounding it. Given the awkward borders of expansions, their reliance on historical knowledge, and more- it was clear that a world map could be a welcome addition.


The Re-newed ( ScarClaw72's) Map

  • Released on January 10th, 2023
In an effort to modernize the world map after the 1.12.2 update and expansion, ScarClaw72 spent a couple days imagining a new world map for Freedonia. His goals were to regionalize major sections of the map while hoping to come up with more professional sounding names than the predecessor. The term "Chunky Waters" became infamous for it's silly reception and became an in-joke for a handful of players for several weeks after.
