World Regions

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Freedonia is divided into 43 declared geographical divisions, referred to as regions. Within these regions, smaller areas known as localities are also being subsequently declared.


Most importantly, neither level of division actually has any political importance: they are purely for navigational and informative purposes. They do not denote ownership, exclusion, or permission of any sort.

Some key reasons for geographically dividing Freedonia include:

  • Geographical understanding - maps can be made of regions; locations can be more easily described (e.g. one could say "Titan Town, San Freedonia Locality, Haven Region")
  • Navigation - for example, signs are placed at regional borders to give travelers a sense of location
  • Systematic organization - server-wide projects can proceed in a more organized fashion, progress can be tracked easily on a region-by-region basis

Historical region descriptors

More information: World Map

Although the terms are not officialised, there are a few different terms that have been used in Freedonia's history to help identify major regions of the world. These are not in use by the FRDS but are included here for their colloquial usage. The "Land Disc" refers to the original borders of Freedonia, which is easily recognizable by the circular terrain in the center of the map. The "Great Freedonian Ocean" generally refers to the large ring of ocean just beyond, comprised of the vast expanses of water and disconnected land of subsequent border expansions. Lastly, the "Borderlands" is commonly used to refer to the outer-most terrain introduced by the 1.12.2 update during the Tour of Terror in which the borderland hubs were created.

Division descriptors

Various descriptors for the two levels of division were suggested, with preliminary discussions referring to "regions" and "sub-regions". It was considered important that these descriptors remained neutral and did not connote any sort of ownership (e.g., "Territory" was not considered acceptable). In early 2024, it was decided that upper divisions would remain as being referred to as a "Region" whilst the descriptor for the lower division was suggested to be "Locality". (Note: descriptors may be changed in future, and this page will be updated to reflect these changes. We just have to write something and I don't like "sub-regions", so.)


Discussion surrounding the naming of regions and localities began as early as June 2023, but it took several months to compile a full list of names that would be allocated to the different regional divisions. This process included contribution from many players, with a particular focus on those who were actually stakeholders in the region being named. The names are intended reflect the location of the region by using either geographic terms (e.g. Inner West, North Borderlands), or borrowing names from places that are otherwise culturally important in that region (e.g. Winterthorn, Ganaz). Again, it was important that the names did not connote political control or ownership, although exceptions were made when all or most of the region was in fact controlled by a coalition of players (such as Navarro). These names were tentatively declared in January 2024 with an acknowledgement that geographic names may be change if a better name is suggested.

The goal of regional division is such that every part of Freedonia is covered under a Region.


The rationale for the existence of a Locality is to provide more granular geographical understanding: they are equivalent to describing a place as being "in the vicinity of" a larger and more well-known location.

The names of declared Localities within Regions are yet to be confirmed, but this list shows some of the declared localities, which are subject to change. Some Regions also do not currently have any declared localities.

Unlike Regions, not every part of Freedonia is covered under a Locality. (i.e. a place will always be within a Region but may not located within a Locality.)

List of regions

Follow the link to each region's page for more information about each region.

Region Name Abbreviation Name Origin Localities in Region
Agartha AG Named by George_Mann for the general region west of Veserva Cennas, Port Aida, Drasted
Anticosti AC Named by DaataFX for an existing (smaller) area near Canàlbrèagha, expanded for the purposes of regional division Ithania, New Market, Empire City, Canàlbrèagha, Snowdonia
Austania AU Historical settlement and warp EastAustania is located in east of this region; name is reverse-engineered EastAustania, Austania Nova, Shireford
Central CL Geographical centre of Freedonia Spawn, Forest Valley, South Spawn, Hellstar, Underworld, Greater Residaemian, Epicaria, Northeast Spawn
Central Northeast CNE Geographical descriptor none declared
Central Northwest CNW Geographical descriptor none declared
Central Southwest CSW Geographical descriptor Schreich Tundra
Crowns CR Named for the large settlement Crown's Landing Crown's Landing, Milva, Eagle Outpost, CliffCity, Sandy Bottom
Diplomat DP Named after the player darkdiplomat, who built major constructions including Green Acres and the Diplomat Highway Novum Culta, Green Acres, Mystria, Silver Lake, Freedonisk, South Diplomat
Emerald EM Named for Emerald Mall Emerald Mall, Arch-Warwick, Cakeville, and New Deadbush
Ganaz GZ Named after Lake Ganaz, in the centre of this region Lake Ganaz, East Ganaz, Verico, Vizima, West Lake
Gardmuur Ocean GM Named for the major construction, Gardmuur Gardmuur, Monkokoro
Great Vera GV Named after Great Vera Highway (Route 19), a major highway through this area, which is effectively the gateway to the city of Vera at the far south of Freedonia NHCity, Highlands, Verua, Alaska, Vera, South Bay Township, Dragon River Peak City, Neo Tokyo, Syre Highlands, Mount Yashima
Greater Ryslande GR Named after the Empire of Ryslande Ryslande (Empire of)
Haven HV Named for NewHaven, a major settlement in this region NewHaven, San Freedonia, Avalon, Forsaken Island, Ovis'at, North of Nowhere, Heaven On Sea
Horizon Ocean HZ Named for major construction in this area of the ocean, Horizon Peaks Horizon Peaks, Modos
Iceland IL Named for all the ice that exists in this region none declared
Inner East IE Geographical descriptor Forestberg, NewLands, Kurai Cho, Skyline, MonopleVille
Inner North IN Geographical descriptor HillValley, Georgetown, Mount Jackal, EpicVille
Inner West IW Geographical descriptor Grifftopia, Project Anubis, DiamondMall, New Venice, Forbidden Outpost, BenEm, Casa de Austria
Mappa Sea MP Named for the multitude of Map Arts that have been made in this area of the ocean none declared
Midwest MW Geographical descriptor, being the "middle" of Freedonia's west Noelle/Tenrou, Quarryton, EastCliff
Navarro NV Named by the United Texas Coalition (collective regional name for all areas under Coalition control) Navarro Bay, Dubina, Eloto, Primm, Marshall, New Hope, Pelican Bay, Garland Harbor, New Cairo, Agua Fria, Silverton, Alveum, Blackwater Springs, and Navarro Gate, more to be declared
New Cascadia NC Declared name of the area in which Newport sits Newport, Newport West, Anarchy, Stocean, Montegaux, Ternary
New East NE Geographical descriptor Chala Kii, Sandy Shades
North Borderlands NB Geographical descriptor None declared
North Heruvia NH General name coined by George_Mann for areas in Freedonia's Northwest; adopted in lieu of anything better none declared
North Sea NS Geographical descriptor Phoenix Isles and Maltapple
Northeast Borderlands NEB Geographical descriptor Luna Falls, Eastern Pass Outpost, Shackcity, Chatelguard
Northwest Borderlands NWB Geographical descriptor Snowland Gulf, Snowland, New Sweden, Rainbow Jungle, Lazychunks
Old Occidental OC Literally means "old west", referencing that this area used to be the West of Freedonia before the cardinal directions changed Glenfiddich, Mistral Valley, Xandronia, Autumnwood, South Anubis
Old Orient OR Literally means "old east", referencing that this area used to be the East of Freedonia before the cardinal directions changed Rutopia
Old South OS Named as this was the first expansion south out of the "Land Disk", hence it is Freedonia's "old" expansion to the south Acacia Roads, Pallet Town, Drocata Bay, New Eden, East Drocata, Acacia Glade, Golden Junction, United Industries of Switzerland, Automata
Opulencia OP Named after the Opulent Sea Jibtopia, Åssia (State of), Opulent Sea
Reino Z RZ Named after El Reino Z, one of the server's biggest settlements El Reino Z, Mar de Z, Ekialdea, Sartalde, Aenaria, Valladolid, Rainekozia, Castelia
Sea of Creation SC Part of a (formerly) larger area, named for its large number of manmade structures and settlements Oceeean, Snaketown, New Snak City, Chunky Waters, Socorro
Shypixel SP Named for the well-known player Shypixel, whose iconic and expansive builds (such as Lavatown) are the centrepieces of this region Lavatown, Xenotopia, Delta City
South Heruvia SH General name coined by George_Mann for areas in Freedonia's Southwest; adopted in lieu of anything better Rimini Bay
Southern Gateway SG All major and historical highways in Freedonia's south go through this region, making it the gateway to the south. "Gateway to the South" is also the motto of the major city of New Wood, located in this region. New Wood, Tin Town, Southgun, Westwood
Southern Seas SS Geographical descriptor Valeria, Inselstadt, Outherland
Southwest Borderlands SWB Geographical descriptor Lighthouse Coast
Tedster Sea TD Named for the only major construction in this part of the ocean, Tedster Island and the associated XT No.1246, founded by admin Ted1246 Tedster Island, Birdcity Peninsula
Tri-Cities TC Named for the three major cities that were built in this expansion: Hastings, Bronton, and Aurum City Bronton, Hastings, Aurum City, Diamond Town Peninsula
Veserva VS Named by Hirudo6 from early mapping by Martin19_12; etymological adaptation of name meaning "West Salvation" Golden Retreat, First Aeston Republic, Obernai Tundra, Lake Callian, Starlight Valley, Luna Bay, Claw Bay, Rural Callian, Sea of Saikyo, Altes Konigreich, Darkwood Forest, Northern Gulf, Trapdoor, West Veserva, Ladybug Loch, Veservan Heartlands, East Veserva, Oriporta, Hallowed Sands, Greenwood Basin, Greenwood Forests, Knolls of Ambitio, Southern Gulf, Speculo Tundra, Visitor's Gate, Spring Vale, Lavender Woods
Winterthorn WT Named for the major settlement Winterthorn in Freedonia's southwest Winterthorn, Mons Albus, Hope Bay, Summervale
Great Lakes GL Named by SiOtter due to the many large lakes in this region that support various settlements and bases. Kanal Town, Annaheim, Oak Town, Chilliwack, Klippby, Carls Town, Hill Valley, New Oak Town, Maple Ridge, Dernal, Island Town.