East Rio Military Alliance

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Organisations The East Rio Military Alliance
Leadership getplayerhead.sh?Fritzbros&16.png Fritzbros
Headquarters New Kansas
Founded June 6th, 2022
Public? No
Status Dissolved on December 31st, 2022

The East Rio Military Alliance was a defensive pact and organization of groups and independent towns that was established to bring peace among all members, and to bring every member together if a threat to one member emerged. It was in concept similar to NATO.

How ERMA Functioned

The Pact

The Pact was the backbone of what ERMA stood for. It basically meant that if any member was attacked, that every other member of ERMA would fight back with them. This was ultimately reduced to being a part of the Council's votes rather than a full certainty of everyone's backing, but was the center mutually assured destruction that made ERMA what it was.

The Council, and Voting

Although ultimately never used due to inactivity and a lack of a need for it, ERMA functioned under stress and peril with a Council. The council comprised of three members, usually the leaders of the three groups that were a part of ERMA, voting on any issues that would arise. For example, if a group member of ERMA was attacked by another group not associated with ERMA, the other two groups would decide whether or not they'd intervene and cause the pact to be followed. If successfully voted on, the other two groups would attack the assaulting group, standing on the side of the ERMA member who was attacked. This never ended up being needed, as no problems ended up facing ERMA.



Following emerging hostilities between the people of Baker's Edge and The Second Midwestern Empire over border disputes about the Rio River, on June 6th, 2022, getplayerhead.sh?Fritzbros&16.png Fritzbros decided to found the East Rio Military Alliance as a potential way to have aid in case of any problems.

Growing in Size

After hearing about the War Against 2b2tisFull, and getplayerhead.sh?2b2tisFull&16.png 2b2tisFull's overbearing presence against the Coefficiency and it's allies, getplayerhead.sh?Fritzbros&16.png Fritzbros continued work on trying to change the agenda of the East Rio Military Alliance from being a failsafe against border disputes turned potential conflicts, to a pact dedicated to stopping threats like getplayerhead.sh?2b2tisFull&16.png 2b2tisFull following an attack on an ERMA member or associate.

On June 6th, 2022, getplayerhead.sh?Anubis773&16.png Anubis773, the leader of Mount Pespla, joined the East Rio Military Alliance. By getplayerhead.sh?Anubis773&16.png Anubis773 joining ERMA, it marked the official inclusion of Mount Pespla and it's members into ERMA, although being only represented by getplayerhead.sh?Anubis773&16.png Anubis773. On that same day, getplayerhead.sh?RubberDuck116&16.png RubberDuck116, and another, now deleted user who was a member of The Second Midwestern Empire joined ERMA.

On June 10th, 2022, getplayerhead.sh?Fritzbros&16.png Fritzbros invited getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT and the Coefficiency to ERMA. After some consideration, getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT joined the East Rio Military Alliance.

On August 12th, 2022, getplayerhead.sh?ahri_29&16.png ahri_29 of Mount Pespla, joined the East Rio Military Alliance.

On August 15th, 2022, getplayerhead.sh?Rebel_mind&16.png Rebel_mind of Mount Pespla, joined the East Rio Military Alliance.

Inactivity, and Dissolution

From August 15th, 2022 onwards, nothing new really happened in ERMA. Most members were busy doing other things, or being inactive.

On August 12th, 2022, getplayerhead.sh?ZJTrayGamingYT&16.png ZJTrayGamingYT became inactive, and went back to MCO later in September of 2023, and then again later in July of 2024. This marked the end of the the Coefficiency's representation in ERMA.

From Late 2022 to January of 2023, getplayerhead.sh?Anubis773&16.png Anubis773 was dealing with the decline of Mount Pespla, where most members began to leave Mount Pespla, leave MCO, or get banned. getplayerhead.sh?Anubis773&16.png Anubis773's focus was elsewhere, and he eventually left MCO for personal reasons, before coming back in July of 2024.

Following the absence of the two other core groups invovled in ERMA, getplayerhead.sh?Fritzbros&16.png Fritzbros was left alone with ERMA, a shell of what was, and an even bigger shell of the super-alliance it was planned to be. When getplayerhead.sh?Fritzbros&16.png Fritzbros left MCO for good on December 31st, 2022, the East Rio Military Alliance dissolved with it.


